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[SOLVED] Formatting a value retirved from database


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I have stored a paragraph in mysql database and when i try to retrive it and sisplay i want to format the paragrapg...

The paragraph is like this


1.some text 2.again some text 3.again some text 4.again some text


I want my output to be like this


1.some text

2.again some text

3.again some text

4.again some text


and so on


i am able to retrive the praragrapg in a variable like the variable is $paragraph

now i dont no how to cut the line after a number and point(fullstop)


Please Help me guys...its urgent



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the text are a sequence of step to be followed so the number comes in to effect,

the test input field is a text area,I dont no how to add line break(</br>) while the user write in the text area,I cant ask user to use an html code while writting in a text area,as user are not tech savy.can you please help me out

Can you please give me an example of nl2br(). function

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you dont need to use any html tag....

suppose you have saved the value of textarea in a database with column name as paragraph..while writting the paragraph in textarea you have pressed the enter key then whiel displaying the paragraph from database you just need to use the nl2br function like this

echo nl2br($row['paragraph']);


//i am assuming that you need to display the paragraphy as it is written in text area..each line in a new line

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if ($_POST['action'] == 'Go Go Go') {
    $text = nl2br($_POST['foo']);
    // now do whatever you want with text, insert it into a database or display it to the user
    <form method="post" action="">
        <textarea name="foo"></textarea>
        <input type="submit" name="action" value="Go Go Go" />


related link : http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,225590.msg1039786.html#msg1039786

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