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Ad system


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im making an add system for my CMS but I cant get it to work at all i know it has something to do with the "elseif" but i cant find anything to help me another thing on line 38 i changed it from "extract()" to "compact()" will that do anything cus it took some errors away. The php manual didn't really help with any of this.

Heres my errors:


Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ELSEIF in /home/www/twilightfor.freehostia.com/admin/adver.php on line 64


Heres the code. Im not asking anyone to correct it for me but if someone could give me a resource or something that would be appertained:(If theres other things wrong with my script point it out to me.)

echo "<link href=\"style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">"; 
echo "<form id=\"FormName\" action=\"adver.php?page=added\" method=\"post\" name=\"FormName\">\n"; 
echo "<table width=\"448\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"; 
echo "<tr><td width = \"150\"><div align=\"right\"><label for=\"image\">image</label></div></td>\n"; 
echo "<td><input id=\"image\" name=\"image\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"255\"></td></tr><tr><td width = \"150\"><div align=\"right\"><label for=\"url\">url</label></div></td>\n"; 
echo "<td><input id=\"url\" name=\"url\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"http://\" maxlength=\"255\"></td></tr><tr><td width = \"150\"><div align=\"right\"><label for=\"name_website\">name_website</label></div></td>\n"; 
echo "<td><input id=\"name_website\" name=\"name_website\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"255\"></td></tr><tr><td width=\"150\"></td><td>\n"; 
echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submitButtonName\" value=\"Add\"></td>\n"; 
echo "</tr></table></form>\n";
$image = $_POST['image'];
$url = $_POST['url'];
$name_website = $_POST['name_website'];
$query = "INSERT INTO ad (id, image, url, name_website)
VALUES ('', '$image', '$url', '$name_website')";
$results = mysql_query($query) or die 
("Could not execute query : $query." . mysql_error());
if ($results)
echo "Details added.";

$id = $_GET['id']; 
$qProfile = "SELECT * FROM ad WHERE id='$id'  ";
$rsProfile = mysql_query($qProfile);
$row = mysql_fetch_array($rsProfile);
$image = stripslashes($image);
$url = stripslashes($url);
$name_website = stripslashes($name_website);

echo "<form id=\"FormName\" action=\"adver.php?page=updated\" method=\"post\" name=\"FormName\">\n"; 
echo "<table width=\"448\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"; 
echo "<tr><td width=\"150\"><div align=\"right\">\n"; 
echo "<label for=\"image\">image</label></div>\n"; 
echo "</td><td>\n"; 
echo "<input id=\"image\" name=\"image\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"<?php echo $image ?>\" maxlength=\"255\"></td>\n"; 
echo "</tr><tr><td width=\"150\"><div align=\"right\">\n"; 
echo "<label for=\"url\">url</label></div>\n"; 
echo "</td><td>\n"; 
echo "<input id=\"url\" name=\"url\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"<?php echo $url ?>\" maxlength=\"255\"></td>\n"; 
echo "</tr><tr><td width=\"150\"><div align=\"right\">\n"; 
echo "<label for=\"name_website\">name_website</label></div>\n"; 
echo "</td><td>\n"; 
echo "<input id=\"name_website\" name=\"name_website\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"<?php echo $name_website ?>\" maxlength=\"255\"></td>\n"; 
echo "</tr><tr>\n"; 
echo "<td width=\"150\"></td>\n"; 
echo "<td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submitButtonName\" value=\"Update\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"<?php echo $id ?>\"></td>\n"; 
echo "</tr></table>\n"; 
echo "</form>\n";
$id = $_POST['id'];	 
$image = $_POST['image'];
$url = $_POST['url'];
$name_website = $_POST['name_website'];
$update = "UPDATE ad SET image = '$image', url = '$url', name_website = '$name_website' WHERE id='$id' ";
$rsUpdate = mysql_query($update);
if ($rsUpdate)
echo "Update successful.";
$id = $_GET['id'];
$delete = "DELETE FROM ad WHERE id='$id' ";
echo "Entry deleted";
} mysql_close();

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first always always always use <?php never use <?

i would suggest using require_once instead on include, because if the page failes to include then the page will keep going and give a warning a require would be like a die() statement if the file couldnt be found


if you could point out which line is 64, that would be awesome but ill look some more

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Thank you now there are no PHP errors but all the stuff is clashing together like the update, add, delete are all on the same page thats not wat I wanted I wanted like adver.php?page=add only the add part shows up?



This is currrent

1.  	<?php
2.  	require_once("ad_auth.php");
3.  	require_once("./dbfunctions.php");
4.  	echo "<link href=\"style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">"; 
5.  	{
6.  	if($_GET['page']=="add")
7.  	 {
8.  	echo "<form id=\"FormName\" action=\"adver.php?page=added\" method=\"post\" name=\"FormName\">\n"; 
9.  	echo "<table width=\"448\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"; 
10.  	echo "<tr><td width = \"150\"><div align=\"right\"><label for=\"image\">image</label></div></td>\n"; 
11.  	echo "<td><input id=\"image\" name=\"image\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"255\"></td></tr><tr><td width = \"150\"><div align=\"right\"><label for=\"url\">url</label></div></td>\n"; 
12.  	echo "<td><input id=\"url\" name=\"url\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"http://\" maxlength=\"255\"></td></tr><tr><td width = \"150\"><div align=\"right\"><label for=\"name_website\">name_website</label></div></td>\n"; 
13.  	echo "<td><input id=\"name_website\" name=\"name_website\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"255\"></td></tr><tr><td width=\"150\"></td><td>\n"; 
14.  	echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submitButtonName\" value=\"Add\"></td>\n"; 
15.  	echo "</tr></table></form>\n";
16.  	}
17.  	if($_GET['page']=="added")
18.  	 {
19.  	$image = $_POST['image'];
20.  	$url = $_POST['url'];
21.  	$name_website = $_POST['name_website'];
22.  	$query = "INSERT INTO ad (id, image, url, name_website)
23.  	VALUES ('', '$image', '$url', '$name_website')";
24.  	$results = mysql_query($query) or die 
25.  	("Could not execute query : $query." . mysql_error());
26.  	if ($results)
27.  	{
28.  	echo "Details added.";
29.  	}
30.  	}
31.  	elseif($_GET['update']=="$id")
32.  	$id = $_GET['id']; 
33.  	{
34.  	$qProfile = "SELECT * FROM ad WHERE id='$id'  ";
35.  	$rsProfile = mysql_query($qProfile);
36.  	$row = mysql_fetch_array($rsProfile);
37.  	compact($row);
38.  	$image = stripslashes($image);
39.  	$url = stripslashes($url);
40.  	$name_website = stripslashes($name_website);
43.  	echo "<form id=\"FormName\" action=\"adver.php?page=updated\" method=\"post\" name=\"FormName\">\n"; 
44.  	echo "<table width=\"448\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"; 
45.  	echo "<tr><td width=\"150\"><div align=\"right\">\n"; 
46.  	echo "<label for=\"image\">image</label></div>\n"; 
47.  	echo "</td><td>\n"; 
48.  	echo "<input id=\"image\" name=\"image\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"$image\" maxlength=\"255\"></td>\n"; 
49.  	echo "</tr><tr><td width=\"150\"><div align=\"right\">\n"; 
50.  	echo "<label for=\"url\">url</label></div>\n"; 
51.  	echo "</td><td>\n"; 
52.  	echo "<input id=\"url\" name=\"url\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"$url\" maxlength=\"255\"></td>\n"; 
53.  	echo "</tr><tr><td width=\"150\"><div align=\"right\">\n"; 
54.  	echo "<label for=\"name_website\">name_website</label></div>\n"; 
55.  	echo "</td><td>\n"; 
56.  	echo "<input id=\"name_website\" name=\"name_website\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"$name_website\" maxlength=\"255\"></td>\n"; 
57.  	echo "</tr><tr>\n"; 
58.  	echo "<td width=\"150\"></td>\n"; 
59.  	echo "<td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submitButtonName\" value=\"Update\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\"></td>\n"; 
60.  	echo "</tr></table>\n"; 
61.  	echo "</form>\n";
62.  	}
63.  	if($_GET['page']=="updated")
64.  	$id = $_POST['id'];  
65.  	{
66.  	$image = $_POST['image'];
67.  	$url = $_POST['url'];
68.  	$name_website = $_POST['name_website'];
69.  	$update = "UPDATE ad SET image = '$image', url = '$url', name_website = '$name_website' WHERE id='$id' ";
70.  	$rsUpdate = mysql_query($update);
71.  	if ($rsUpdate)
72.  	{
73.  	echo "Update successful.";
74.  	}
75.  	}
76.  	if($_GET['delete']=="$id")
77.  	$id = $_GET['id'];
78.  	{
79.  	$delete = "DELETE FROM ad WHERE id='$id' ";
80.  	mysql_query($delete);
81.  	echo "Entry deleted";
82.  	}
83.  	} mysql_close();
84.  	?>

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i got it, its because your $id=$_POST['id']; is after the if statement

change the script to this and try it out

	echo "<link href=\"style.css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">"; 
	echo "<form id=\"FormName\" action=\"adver.php?page=added\" method=\"post\" name=\"FormName\">\n"; 
	echo "<table width=\"448\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"; 
  	echo "<tr><td width = \"150\"><div align=\"right\"><label for=\"image\">image</label></div></td>\n"; 
  	echo "<td><input id=\"image\" name=\"image\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"255\"></td></tr><tr><td width = \"150\"><div align=\"right\"><label for=\"url\">url</label></div></td>\n"; 
  	echo "<td><input id=\"url\" name=\"url\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"http://\" maxlength=\"255\"></td></tr><tr><td width = \"150\"><div align=\"right\"><label for=\"name_website\">name_website</label></div></td>\n"; 
	echo "<td><input id=\"name_website\" name=\"name_website\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"\" maxlength=\"255\"></td></tr><tr><td width=\"150\"></td><td>\n"; 
  	echo "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"submitButtonName\" value=\"Add\"></td>\n"; 
  	echo "</tr></table></form>\n";
  	$image = $_POST['image'];
  	$url = $_POST['url'];
  	$name_website = $_POST['name_website'];
  	$query = "INSERT INTO ad (id, image, url, name_website)
  	VALUES ('', '$image', '$url', '$name_website')";
  	$results = mysql_query($query) or die 
  	("Could not execute query : $query." . mysql_error());
  	if ($results)
  	echo "Details added.";
    $id = $_GET['id']; 
  	$qProfile = "SELECT * FROM ad WHERE id='$id'  ";
  	$rsProfile = mysql_query($qProfile);
  	$row = mysql_fetch_array($rsProfile);
  	$image = stripslashes($image);
  	$url = stripslashes($url);
  	$name_website = stripslashes($name_website);
  	echo "<form id=\"FormName\" action=\"adver.php?page=updated\" method=\"post\" name=\"FormName\">\n"; 
  	echo "<table width=\"448\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n"; 
  	echo "<tr><td width=\"150\"><div align=\"right\">\n"; 
  	echo "<label for=\"image\">image</label></div>\n"; 
  	echo "</td><td>\n"; 
  	echo "<input id=\"image\" name=\"image\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"$image\" maxlength=\"255\"></td>\n"; 
  	echo "</tr><tr><td width=\"150\"><div align=\"right\">\n"; 
  	echo "<label for=\"url\">url</label></div>\n"; 
  	echo "</td><td>\n"; 
  	echo "<input id=\"url\" name=\"url\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"$url\" maxlength=\"255\"></td>\n"; 
  	echo "</tr><tr><td width=\"150\"><div align=\"right\">\n"; 
  	echo "<label for=\"name_website\">name_website</label></div>\n"; 
  	echo "</td><td>\n"; 
  	echo "<input id=\"name_website\" name=\"name_website\" type=\"text\" size=\"25\" value=\"$name_website\" maxlength=\"255\"></td>\n"; 
  	echo "</tr><tr>\n"; 
	echo "<td width=\"150\"></td>\n"; 
  	echo "<td><input type=\"submit\" name=\"submitButtonName\" value=\"Update\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"id\" value=\"$id\"></td>\n"; 
	echo "</tr></table>\n"; 
	echo "</form>\n";
    $id = $_POST['id'];  
  	$image = $_POST['image'];
	$url = $_POST['url'];
	$name_website = $_POST['name_website'];
	$update = "UPDATE ad SET image = '$image', url = '$url', name_website = '$name_website' WHERE id='$id' ";
	$rsUpdate = mysql_query($update);
	if ($rsUpdate)
	echo "Update successful.";
    $id = $_GET['id'];
  	$delete = "DELETE FROM ad WHERE id='$id' ";
  	echo "Entry deleted";
} mysql_close();


you nede to bput the get get id after the if(){ not inbetween the ) and {

try it and get back to me

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ok i see that part but I got this:


Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/twilightfor.freehostia.com/admin/adver.php:1) in /home/www/twilightfor.freehostia.com/admin/ad_auth.php on line 2

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/www/twilightfor.freehostia.com/admin/adver.php:1) in /home/www/twilightfor.freehostia.com/admin/ad_auth.php on line 2

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