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I am using a piece of software called Cartweaver which integrates directly with Dreamweaver, and throughout development countless problems have arisen that I have managed to solve, until now.  The Cartweaver shopping cart application works fine until the user clicks "place order", and at this point several things occur:


1.)  The funds from the credit card are processed to the payment gateway and merchant account without an issue.

2.)  No confirmation page is returned to the user in the browser window.  Instead a blank page is displayed.

3.)  No unique cart id ($cartId) is generated unless the user chooses "clear private data" from the browser menu and clears cookies.  I believe this is the crux of the matter.



function setCartId($cartId) {
	/* Check to see if a CartId exists, if it dosen't create one */
	if(!isset($cartId)) {
		$cartId = rand(1000000,5000000);
	$this->CartId = $cartId;
	setcookie("CartId", $cartId, mktime(12,0,0,1, 1, 2020));


4.)  The order summary does not post to the Admin area controlled by the merchant, thus they are ignorant of any new orders.


Now, a very important point to note is that I successfully executed the entire process the very first time.  The confirmation page was returned in Firefox thanking the customer for their order, the order summary (shipping address, customer name, etc) posted to the store's Admin area, and Cartweaver generated a unique cart Id for that particular checkout session.  The first time worked like a charm.  What should that tell me?  When I repeated the procedure to verify that everything was sound, I get the problems listed above.  I have tried executing the process from several different machines, and each time it appears the same cartId is displayed:


https://www.greenspiritgardens.com/showcart.php?cartid=2394495 .


Here is the code for the showcart.php file:


<?php include("application_showcart.php"); ?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head><LINK REL="SHORTCUT ICON" HREF="favicon.ico">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<title>Green Spirit Hydrogardens ::  Indoor Gardening Supplies</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="text.css">

<style type="text/css">

h3 {width: 161px;
height: 84px;
margin : 0;
text-indent: -9999px; }



<body><!-- --> 

<div id="divWrapper">

<div id="subheader">
	<div id="divLogo">

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			<ul style= "display:inline; margin:  10 30px 20px 10px; background-image:url(images/horizontal_menu_03.png);
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				<a href="about.php" style=" font-variant:small-caps; font-style:normal; font-size:16px; list-style-image:none; font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif">About</a>
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				<a href="retail.php" style=" font-variant:small-caps; font-style:normal; font-size:16px; list-style-image:none; font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif"  >Retail Store</a>
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<div id="contentWrapper">
<div id="divRightnav">    
<img src="search.png" />
$cwSearchObj = new CW3Search($cartweaver);

<img src="cart_text.png"/>

<p style="padding-top:0px; line-height:25px; padding-right:1px; background-position:left; text-align:right; border-color:#CCCCCC; border:solid 1px #CCCCCC; background-color:#FFFFFF;"><?php echo($cartweaver->cw3CartLinks());?></p>



<div id="divNavigation"><h3>Shop Green Spirit Products</h3>

$cwSearchObj = new CW3Search($cartweaver);
$cwSearchObj->setSeparator("<br />");


  <div id="divContent">

Application Info: 
Cartweaver© 2002 - 2007, All Rights Reserved.
Developer Info: 
Application Dynamics Inc.
1560 NE 10th
East Wenatchee, WA 98802
Support Info: http://www.cartweaver.com/go/phphelp

Cartweaver Version: 3.0.6  -  Date: 12/2/2007

Name: CWIncShowCart.php
This page shows the user their shopping cart contents. If the
user is checking out, it also collects their credit card
information and submits the data to your payment gateway or
payment processor. If the order is processed successfully the
customer is sent to the confirmation page.
$showShipping = (!isset($_SESSION["ShowShippingInfo"]) || $_SESSION["ShowShippingInfo"] == 'True') ? true : false;

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
var allOn = true;
function selectAllPhp(myForm,myBox){
	var countBoxes = eval("document."+myForm+"['"+myBox+"[]'].length");
	eval("document."+myForm+"['"+myBox+"[]'].checked =  allOn");
	for (var i=0; i<countBoxes ;i++){
		eval("document."+myForm+"['"+myBox+"[]'][" + i + "].checked =  allOn");
allOn = !allOn;

function cleanField(obj){
obj.value = obj.value.replace(/[^\d]/g,"");
/*  [ START ] ==	ERROR ALERTS and CONFIRMATION NOTICE =========================  */
if($cartweaver->getCWError()) {
/* If fields were left blank or incorrect data entered, show error messages */
echo("<p class=\"errorMessage\">");
foreach ($cartweaver->cwError as $error) {
	printf("%s<br />",$error);
} else {
if($cartweaver->getQtyAdded() != 0) {/* If something was added, show success message */
	echo("<p><strong>Your shopping cart has been successfully updated.</strong></p> ");

if($hasCart != true){ ?>
<p>There is nothing in your Cart at this time.</p>
if($_SESSION["checkingOut"] == "YES"){
/* Error Outputting */ 

if(isset($_SESSION["transactionMessage"]) && $_SESSION["transactionMessage"] != "" && $_SESSION["transactionMessage"] != "Approved"){
	echo("<p class=\"errorMessage\">Your credit card transaction has failed.<br />");
	echo("Gateway Message: <span class=\"errorMessage\">" . $_SESSION["transactionMessage"] . "</span></p>");

printf("<p class=\"smallprint\"> <a href=\"%s?logout=savecart\"> Not %s ? Click Here. </a> </p>",

<table class="tabularData">
<?php if($showShipping) { ?>
    <th align="right"> </th>
<?php } /* if(!isset($_SESSION["ShowShippingInfo"]) || $_SESSION["ShowShippingInfo"] == 'True') { */ ?>
    <th align="right">Name</th>
    <td><?php echo($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_FirstName"]); ?> <?php echo($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_LastName"]); ?></td>
<?php if($showShipping) { ?>
    <td valign="top"><?php echo($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_ShpName"]);?></td>
<?php } /* END if($showShipping) */ ?>
  <tr valign="top">
    <th align="right">Address:</th>
    <td><?php /* Formatting to keep DW happy */
	echo($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_Address1"]); ?><br />
	<?php if($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_Address2"] != "") { 
		echo($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_Address2"] . "<br />");
	} ?>
	<?php echo($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_City"]);  
	if(strtolower($row_rsCWGetBillTo["stprv_Name"]) != "none") { ?>, 
	<?php echo($row_rsCWGetBillTo["stprv_Name"]); ?>
	<?php } ?> <?php echo($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_Zip"]); ?><br />
	<?php echo($row_rsCWGetBillTo["country_Name"]); ?></td>
	<?php if($showShipping) { ?>
    <td><?php echo($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_ShpAddress1"]); ?><br />
	if($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_ShpAddress2"] != "") {
		echo($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_ShpAddress2"] . "<br />");
	} ?>
	<?php echo($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_ShpCity"]);  
	if(strtolower($row_rsCWGetShipTo["stprv_Name"]) != "none") { ?>, 
	<?php echo($row_rsCWGetShipTo["stprv_Name"]); ?>
	<?php } ?> <?php echo($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_ShpZip"]); ?><br />
	<?php echo($row_rsCWGetShipTo["country_Name"]); ?></td>
<?php } /* END if($showShipping) */ ?>
    <th align="right">Phone</th>
    <td><?php echo($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_Phone"]);?></td>
    <?php if($showShipping) { ?><td> </td><?php } /* END if($showShipping) */ ?>
    <th align="right">Email:</th>
<td><?php echo($row_rsCWGetCustData["cst_Email"]);?></td>
    <?php if( $showShipping ) { ?>
    <td> </td>
<?php } /* END if($showShipping) */ ?>
<p>If address is incorrect - <a href="<?php echo($cartweaver->settings->targetCheckout);?>"><>Return to Order Form<></a></p>
<?php } /* End if($_SESSION["checkingOut"] == "YES"){ */ ?>
<form name="updatecart" action="<?php echo($cartweaver->thisPageQS);?>" method="post">
  <table class="tabularData">
      <th align="center">Price</th>
      <th align="center">Qty.</th>
if($displayLineItemDiscount) {
echo('<th align="center">Discount</th>');
if($displayLineItemTaxes) {
echo('<th align="center">Subtotal</th>
<th align="center">Tax</th>');
} ?>

      <th align="center">Total</th>
      <th align="center">Remove</th>
<?php cwDebugger($cart);

for($i=0; $i < count($cart["Products"]); $i++) {
	/* Set the current product to a variable for easier reference */
	$product = $cart["Products"][$i] ;?>
	<tr valign="top" class="<?php cwAltRow($i+1);?>"> 
		<td><?php if($_SESSION["ShowImageInCart"]) {					
			$imageTag = cwDisplayImage($product["ID"], 4, $product["Name"], "");
			if($imageTag != "") {
				echo('<div style="float: left; margin-right: 1em; border: 1px solid #000;">' . $imageTag . '</div>');
		}?><input name="skuid[]" type="hidden" value="<?php echo($product["SKUID"]);?>"> 
		<?php echo($product["Name"] . ' (' . $product["MerchSKUID"] . ")");
		/* Output sku options */ 
		for($optionNumber = 0; $optionNumber < count($product["Options"]); $optionNumber++) {
			echo('<br /> 
			<strong style="margin-left: 10px;">' . $product["Options"][$optionNumber]["Name"] . ':</strong> ' . $product["Options"][$optionNumber]["Value"]);
		<?php if($product["DiscountAmount"] != 0) {
		echo('<td align="right">');
		if($displayLineItemDiscount) {
			cwDisplayOldPrice(cartweaverMoney($product["Price"]), $product["Discount"]["discountID"]) . 
		<td align="right"><?php echo(cartweaverMoney($product["Price"]));?></td> 
		<?php } /* END if */?>
		<td align="center"><input name="qty[]" type="text" value="<?php echo($product["Quantity"]);?>" size="3" onblur="cleanField(this)"> 
		<input name="qty_now[]" type="hidden" value="<?php echo($product["Quantity"]);?>"></td>
		if($displayLineItemDiscount) {
			echo('<td align="right">');
			if($product["DiscountAmount"] != 0) {
				cwDisplayDiscountAmount(cartweaverMoney($product["DiscountAmount"] * $product["Quantity"]),$product["Discount"]["discountID"]);
		if($displayLineItemTaxes) {
			echo('<td align="right">' . cartweaverMoney($product["SubTotal"]) . '</td>');
			echo('<td align="right">' . cartweaverMoney($product["Tax"]) . '</td>');
			echo('<td align="right">' . cartweaverMoney($product["Total"]) . '</td>');
		}else{ ?>
			<td align="right"><?php echo(cartweaverMoney($product["SubTotal"]));?></td>
		<?php } /* END if */ ?>
		<td align="center"> <input name="remove[]" type="checkbox" class="formCheckbox" value="<?php echo($product["SKUID"]);?>"> </td> 
<?php } /* END for */?>
			 <td colspan="<?php echo($cartColumnCount+4);?>" align="center"> </td>
			 <td align="center"> <input name="update" type="submit" class="formButton" id="update" value="Update" /> 
				<input name="action" type="hidden" id="action" value="update"> </td> 
			<th colspan="3" align="right">Subtotal: </th>
			if($displayLineItemDiscount) {
				echo('<td align="right">');
				if($cart["CartTotals"]["Discounts"] != 0) {
			if($displayLineItemTaxes) {
				echo('<td align="right">' . cartweaverMoney($cart["CartTotals"]["Sub"]) . '</td>');
				echo('<td align="right">' . cartweaverMoney($cart["CartTotals"]["Tax"]) . '</td>');
				echo('<td align="right">' . cartweaverMoney($cart["CartTotals"]["ProductTotal"]) . '</td>');
			}else{ ?>
				<td align="right"><?php echo(cartweaverMoney($cart["CartTotals"]["Sub"]));?></td>
			<?php } /* END if */ ?>
			<td> </td> 
		/* If Checking out show Tax, Shipping and Total */ 

		if ($_SESSION["checkingOut"] == "YES") {
			if (!$displayLineItemTaxes) {
			 /* Display Tax ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ ?>
				<th colspan="3" align="right">Tax: </th> 
				<td align="right"<?php if($displayLineItemDiscount) echo('colspan="2"');?>><?php echo(cartweaverMoney($cart["CartTotals"]["Tax"]))?></td> 
				<td> </td> 
		<?php } /* END if (!$displayLineItemTaxes) { */ 
			/* Display Shipping ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ 
			if ($_SESSION["EnableShipping"] == "True") { ?>
				<th colspan="3" align="right" valign="top"> Ship By: 
				/* If more than one shipping option is available, allow user to select a method */
				if($rsCWGetShipMethods) { ?>
				<select name="pickShipPref">
				  <option value="0" selected="selected">Shipping Method</option>
				  <?php $cartweaver->db->db_data_seek($rsCWGetShipMethods,0);
				  //$row_rsCWGetShipMethods = $cartweaver->db->db_fetch_assoc($rsCWGetShipMethods);
				  while ($row_rsCWGetShipMethods = $cartweaver->db->db_fetch_assoc($rsCWGetShipMethods)) { /* CW Repeat rsCWGetShipMethods */ ?>
				  <option value="<?php echo($row_rsCWGetShipMethods["shipmeth_ID"]);?>"<?php if($_SESSION["shipPref"] == $row_rsCWGetShipMethods["shipmeth_ID"]) {echo('selected="selected"');}?>><?php echo($row_rsCWGetShipMethods["shipmeth_Name"]);?></option>
				  <?php }  
					/* End CW Repeat rsCWGetShipMethods */ ?>
				<br />
				<input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Calculate Shipping" style="margin-top: 3px;" class="formButton">
				<?php }else{
				} /* End if $rsCWGetShipMethods_recordCount > 1*/ ?></th>
				<?php /* If showing line item discounts, show shipping discount in cell */
				if($displayLineItemDiscount) {
					echo('<td align="right" valign="top"> ');
					if($cart["CartTotals"]["ShippingDiscounts"] != 0) {
				} /* END if($displayLineItemDiscount)*/
				/* If showing line item discounts, show shipping taxes and subtotals in cells */
				if($displayLineItemTaxes) { 
					echo('<td align="right" valign="top">');
					if($displayLineItemDiscount) {
						if($cart["CartTotals"]["ShippingDiscounts"] != 0) {
							echo(cwDisplayOldPrice(cartweaverMoney($cart["CartTotals"]["Shipping"]), $_REQUEST["shippingDiscount"]) . 
								cartweaverMoney($cart["CartTotals"]["Shipping"] - $cart["CartTotals"]["ShippingDiscounts"]));
					} /* END if($displayLineItemDiscount) */
				echo('<td align="right" valign="top"> ');
				if($cart["CartTotals"]["ShippingTax"] != 0) {
				<td align="right" valign="top"><?php echo(cartweaverMoney($cart["CartTotals"]["ShippingTax"] + $cart["CartTotals"]["Shipping"]));?></td>
				}else{ /* ELSE if($displayLineItemTaxes) */
					echo('<td align="right" valign="top">');
					if($cart["CartTotals"]["ShippingDiscounts"] != 0) {
						echo(cwDisplayOldPrice(cartweaverMoney($cart["CartTotals"]["Shipping"]), $_REQUEST["shippingDiscount"]));
					}  /* END if($cart["CartTotals"]["ShippingDiscounts"] != 0) */
				} /* END if($displayLineItemTaxes) */ ?>
				<td> </td> 
			/* Line item taxes not shown, so display shipping tax if necessary on separate line */
			if($cart["CartTotals"]["ShippingTax"] != 0 && !$displayLineItemTaxes) { ?>
				<th colspan="3" align="right" valign="top">Shipping Tax:</th>
				<td align="right" valign="top" colspan="<?php echo($cartColumnCount+1);?>"><?php echo(cartweaverMoney($cart["CartTotals"]["ShippingTax"]));?></td>
				<td> </td>
			<?php } /* END if($cart["CartTotals"]["ShippingTax"] != 0 && !$displayLineItemTaxes) */ 
		} /* END if */
			 /* Display ORDER TOTAL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ ?>
				<th colspan="3" align="right">Order Total: </th> 
				<td align="right" colspan="<?php echo($cartColumnCount+1);?>"><?php echo(cartweaverMoney($cart["CartTotals"]["Total"]));?></td> 
				<td align="center"> </td> 
		 <?php } /* END if */
		/* END IF - CheckingOut EQ "YES" */  ?>
/* End of presentation table */ 
/* show discount information */
if($_SESSION["EnableDiscounts"] == "True") { ?>
	<form name="discounts" action="<?php echo($cartweaver->thisPageQS);?>" method="post">
	<p>If you have a promotional code, enter it now: </p>
	<input type="text" name="promocode" value="" /><input type="submit" name="submitpromo" value="Apply code" class="formButton"/>
	if (isset($_SESSION["promotionalcode"]) && $_SESSION["promotionalcode"] != "") {
		echo("<p>Applying promo code " . $_SESSION["promotionalcode"] . "</p>");
			echo("<p>Promo code " . $_POST["promocode"] . " not found.</p>");
	} /* END if (isset($_SESSION["promotionalcode"]) && $_SESSION["promotionalcode"] != "") */
	if ($cart["CartTotals"]["Discounts"] != 0) {
		echo("<p>Savings of " . cartweaverMoney($cart["CartTotals"]["Discounts"] + $cart["CartTotals"]["ShippingDiscounts"]) . "</p>");
	} /* END if ($cart["CartTotals"]["Discounts"] != 0) */ ?>
<?php } /* END if($_SESSION["EnableDiscounts"]) */ 
if ($_SESSION["checkingOut"] != "YES") { ?>
<form action="<?php echo($cartweaver->settings->targetCheckout. "?cartid=" . $cartweaver->getCartId());?>" method="post">
  <input name="checkout" type="submit" id="checkout" value="Checkout" class="formButton">
if (isset($_GET["returnurl"])) { // If returnurl is set ?>
	<p><a href="<?php echo($_GET["returnurl"]); ?>">Continue Shopping</a></p>
}else{  /* If Checking out, show credit card input form or Processor information*/?>
<form action="<?php echo($cartweaver->thisPageQS);?>" method="post" name="PlaceOrder">
    if($_SESSION["shipPref"] == 0 && $_SESSION["EnableShipping"] == "1") { ?>
	<p>You must choose a shipping method to complete your order</p>
	if(strtolower($cartweaver->settings->paymentAuthType) == "gateway") {
		/* get Credit Cards for form field */
		$query_rsCWGetCCards = "SELECT ccard_Name, ccard_Code 
		FROM tbl_list_ccards 
		WHERE ccard_Archive = 0 
		ORDER BY ccard_Name";
		$rsCWGetCCards = $cartweaver->db->executeQuery($query_rsCWGetCCards, "rsCWGetCCards");
		$rsCWGetCCards_recordCount = $cartweaver->db->recordCount;
		$row_rsCWGetCCards = $cartweaver->db->db_fetch_assoc($rsCWGetCCards);
   <p>Enter your credit card details to complete your order.</p>
  <table class="tabularData">
      <th colspan="2">Credit Card Data</th>
    <tr class="altRowOdd" >
      <td align="right"><?php
	if($cartweaver->getCWError("cwErrorCHN")) {
		echo("<span class=\"errorMessage\">Card Holder Name</span>");
		echo("Card Holder Name");
      <td><input name="cstCCardHolderName" type="text" value="<?php echo(stripslashes($_POST["cstCCardHolderName"]));?>">
        * </td>
    <tr class="altRowEven" >
      <td align="right"><?php
	if($cartweaver->getCWError("cwErrorCT")) {
		echo("<span class=\"errorMessage\">Card Type</span>");
		echo("Card Type");
      <td><select name="cstCCardType">
          <option value="forgot" selected="selected">Choose Credit Card</option>
          <?php do { /* CW Repeat rsCWGetCCCards */ ?>
          <option value="<?php echo($row_rsCWGetCCards["ccard_Code"]);?>"<?php if($_POST["cstCCardType"] == $row_rsCWGetCCards["ccard_Code"]) {echo("SELECTED");}?>><?php echo($row_rsCWGetCCards["ccard_Name"]);?></option>
          <?php }  while ($row_rsCWGetCCards = $cartweaver->db->db_fetch_assoc($rsCWGetCCards)); /* End CW Repeat rsCWGetCCCards */ ?>
        * </td>
    <tr class="altRowOdd" >
      <td align="right"><?php
	if($cartweaver->getCWError("cwErrorCN")) {
		echo("<span class=\"errorMessage\">Card Number</span>");
		echo("Card Number");
        <br /></td>
      <td><input type="text" name="cstCCNumber" value="<?php echo(stripslashes($_POST["cstCCNumber"]));?>">
    <tr class="altRowEven">
      <td align="right"><?php
	if($cartweaver->getCWError("cwErrorCY") || $cartweaver->getCWError("cwErrorCM")) {
		echo("<span class=\"errorMessage\">Expiration Date</span>");
		echo("Expiration Date");
      <td><select name="cstExprMonth" id="cst_ExprMonth">
          <option value="forgot">--</option>
          <?php for($monthValue = 1; $monthValue <= 12; $monthValue++) { ?>
          <option<?php if(isset($_POST["cstExprMonth"]) &&  $_POST["cstExprMonth"]== $monthValue) {?> selected<?php }?>><?php echo(($monthValue < 10) ? "0" . $monthValue : $monthValue); ?></option>
          <?php } ?>
        <select name="cstExprYr" id="cst_ExprYr">
          <option value="0">--</option>
          <?php for($yearValue = date("Y"); $yearValue <= date("Y") + 7; $yearValue++) { ?>
          <option<?php if(isset($_POST["cstExprYr"]) &&  $_POST["cstExprYr"]== $yearValue) {?> selected<?php }?> value="<?php echo($yearValue);?>"><?php echo($yearValue);?></option>
          <?php }?>
        * </td>
    <tr class="altRowEven" >
      <td align="right" valign="top"><?php
	if($cartweaver->getCWError("cwErrorCCV")) {
		echo("<span class=\"errorMessage\">CCV Code</span>");
		echo("CCV Code");
          <input name="cstCCV" type="text" value="<?php echo(stripslashes($_POST["cstCCV"]));?>" size="4" maxlength="4">
          <br />
          <span class="smallprint">This is the 3 digit number<br />
          that appears on the reverse side of your <br />
          credit card (where your signature appears).<br />
          Amex cards only - the 4 digit number on <br />
          the front of your card.</span><br />
          <br />
          <img src="cw3/assets/cards/ccv.gif" width="135" height="86" alt=""></p></td>
  <?php } elseif(strtolower($cartweaver->settings->paymentAuthType) == "processor") { ?>
  <p>Once you click Place Order below you will receive an order number. On the next page you will need to process your payment through our third party payment processor before your order will be shipped. </p>
  <?php } /* end if(strtolower($cartweaver->settings-paymentAuthType) == "gateway")*/ ?>
  <input name="placeorder" type="submit" class="formButton" value="Place Order">
  <input name="action" type="hidden" value="placeorder">
  <input type="hidden" name="pickShipPref" value="<?php echo($_SESSION["shipPref"]);?>">  
} /* END  if($_SESSION["shipPref"] ==Q 0 && $_SESSION["EnableShipping"] == "1") {*/?>
<?php } /* end if($_SESSION["checkingOut"] != "YES"){ */
}/* END if($hasCart != true) */
<div id="footer" align="right" >

© GreenSpirit Hydrogardens | All Rights reserved  


<form id="contact" method="post" action="file:///Macintosh HD A/Users/jamesmoody/Pro Work/Current Projects/Green Spirit Hydro/form.html">
  <!--follwing code is for the form, it is disabled right now


<label for="company"><span>Company name</span>
<input type="text" name="company" id="company"/></label>

<label for="name"><span>Your name</span>
<input type="text" name="name" id="name"/></label>


<label for="house"><span>House name</span>
<input type="text" name="house" id="house"/></label>

<label for="street"><span>Street Address</span>
<input type="text" name="street" id="street"/></label>

<label for="address"><span>Address</span>
<input type="text" name="address" id="address"/></label>

<label for="town"><span>Town or City</span>
<input type="text" name="town" id="town"/></label>

<label for="county"><span>County</span>
<input type="text" name="county" id="county"/></label>

<label for="street"><span>Postcode</span>
<input type="text" name="postcode" id="postcode"/></label>


<div><input type="submit" value="submit"/></div>







I set all the debug flags on and now I am getting some clue as to what may

be happening. It looks like the Customer_ID $SESSION variable is getting

lost after the order is placed. Following is the error message:


Undefined index:  customerID in


Order.php on line 152 at 2008-11-25 09:41:53


The Customer_ID is available when the header row is written to tbl_orders

but is gone by the time the order details are to be written to



Does anyone know why this could be happening? Any help will be greatly


Now I'm getting a new error:


ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors',1);

Warning: session_start() [function.session-start]: Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/content/l/l/o/lloydchristmas/html/showcart.php:5) in /home/content/l/l/o/lloydchristmas/html/cw3/CWLibrary/CWIncSetup.php on line 26


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/content/l/l/o/lloydchristmas/html/showcart.php:5) in /home/content/l/l/o/lloydchristmas/html/cw3/CWLibrary/CWCart.php on line 204


ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors',1);

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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