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In order to get PHP & MySQL to work correctly togethere, there's a good amount that has to happen first, you have to have a web server (apache) set up.  Then you have to install PHP.  Then you have to install MySQL.  Then you have to know how to tie all of them together.

Might I recommend picking up a book on the subject if you're really interested in learning this stuff.  You could try 'PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites' by Larry Ullman.  Amazon.com.
In my opinion there are thousands of books that teach you php apache mysql but as i have noticed that most books even out like yesterday are not upto date.

I do recomend useing the offical website program links to learn how to program and install verious applications.

I my self have lots of books stating verious codes and inpletmations of programs that differ from the offical sites.

The whole idear for gpl is free so the online information is the most inportant.
This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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