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Help with chained select menu and cookies.


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I'm using a chained select menu I found on dynamic drive.


It works great and Im very happy with it. One of the nifty features is that it uses cookies to remember a selection. So that the form is set  on each page load.


Its a three tiered menu for state/region/city. I use it in two ways on my site(A business directory).


In the members area. Businesses create their listing and use the chained menu to select their location.The location is then stored in my database.


On the user end of things. The user uses the menu to search my database for businesses in their selected location. This is where the cookies come in handy.The user can perform searches across multiple categories without having to reselect their location.


The problem is in the members area when customer returns to edit their listing.If the cookie is still on their computer, no problem.The form displays the last details they selected(presumably the one stored in the database.


But if the cookie has been deleted or expired.It shows the default selections. And once the form is submitted, these defaults are installed in the database.


Basically I want to ensure that if the cookie exists or not, the right values are displayed. I don't want my users to have to reselect their location or not notice that the selections have changed each time they update their listing.


As far as I can tell. Each time the form is submitted. A cookie is created called "saveit'. Each time the form is reloaded. The cookie details are used to populate the form with the previously selected values.


I'm only very new at ajax, so modifying the script to use details from the database rather than cookies is very difficult for me.


Is there a way to rewrite a cookie using values retrieved from a database?  Or is there another way around this?





This is the form

<script language="javascript" src="chainedmenu.js">

* Chained Select Menu- By Xin Yang (http://www.yxscripts.com/) & Dynamic Drive (http://dynamicdrive.com)
* Script featured on/available at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/
* Visit Dynamic Drive at http://www.dynamicdrive.com/ for full source code
* This notice must stay intact for legal use!

<script language="javascript" src="config.js"></script>

<body onLoad="initListGroup('chainedmenu', document.listmenu0.firstlevel, document.listmenu0.secondlevel, document.listmenu0.thirdlevel, 'saveit')">

<form name="listmenu0">
<table align="center"><tr>
<td><select name="firstlevel" style="width:180px;"></select></td>
<td><select name="secondlevel" style="width:160px;"></select></td>
<td><select name="thirdlevel" style="width:160px;"></select></td>
<td><input type="button" value="Go" onClick="goListGroup(document.listmenu0.firstlevel, document.listmenu0.secondlevel, document.listmenu0.thirdlevel)">
<input type="button" value="Reset" onClick="resetListGroup('chainedmenu')">


And this is the AJAX

// Chained Menu

// Copyright Xin Yang 2004
// Web Site: www.yxScripts.com
// EMail: m_yangxin@hotmail.com
// Last Updated: 2004-08-23

// This script is free as long as the copyright notice remains intact.

var _disable_empty_list=false;
var _hide_empty_list=false;

// ------

///// DynamicDrive.com added function/////////////

var onclickaction="alert"

function goListGroup(){
for (i=arguments.length-1;i>=0; i--){
if (arguments[i].selectedIndex!=-1){
var selectedOptionvalue=arguments[i].options[arguments[i].selectedIndex].value
if (selectedOptionvalue!=""){
if (onclickaction=="alert")
else if (newwindow==1)

///// END DynamicDrive.com added function//////

if (typeof(disable_empty_list)=="undefined") { disable_empty_list=_disable_empty_list; }
if (typeof(hide_empty_list)=="undefined") { hide_empty_list=_hide_empty_list; }

var cs_goodContent=true, cs_M="M", cs_L="L", cs_curTop=null, cs_curSub=null;

function cs_findOBJ(obj,n) {
  for (var i=0; i<obj.length; i++) {
    if (obj[i].name==n) { return obj[i]; }
  return null;
function cs_findContent(n) { return cs_findOBJ(cs_content,n); }

function cs_findM(m,n) {
  if (m.name==n) { return m; }

  var sm=null;
  for (var i=0; i<m.items.length; i++) {
    if (m.items[i].type==cs_M) {
      if (sm!=null) { break; }
  return sm;
function cs_findMenu(n) { return (cs_curSub!=null && cs_curSub.name==n)?cs_curSub:cs_findM(cs_curTop,n); }

function cs_contentOBJ(n,obj){ this.name=n; this.menu=obj; this.lists=new Array(); this.cookie=""; }; cs_content=new Array();
function cs_topmenuOBJ(tm) { this.name=tm; this.items=new Array(); this.df=0; this.addM=cs_addM; this.addL=cs_addL; }
function cs_submenuOBJ(dis,link,sub) {
  this.type=cs_M; this.dis=dis; this.link=link; this.df=0;

  var x=cs_findMenu(sub);
  this.items=x==null?new Array():x.items;

  this.addM=cs_addM; this.addL=cs_addL;
function cs_linkOBJ(dis,link) { this.type=cs_L; this.dis=dis; this.link=link; }

function cs_addM(dis,link,sub) { this.items[this.items.length]=new cs_submenuOBJ(dis,link,sub); }
function cs_addL(dis,link) { this.items[this.items.length]=new cs_linkOBJ(dis,link); }

function cs_showMsg(msg) { window.status=msg; }
function cs_badContent(n) { cs_goodContent=false; cs_showMsg("["+n+"] Not Found."); }

function cs_optionOBJ(text,value) { this.text=text; this.value=value; }
function cs_emptyList(list) { for (var i=list.options.length-1; i>=0; i--) { list.options[i]=null; } }
function cs_refreshList(list,opt,df) {

  for (var i=0; i<opt.length; i++) {
    list.options[i]=new Option(opt[i].text, opt[i].value);

  if (opt.length>0) {
function cs_getOptions(menu) {
  var opt=new Array();
  for (var i=0; i<menu.items.length; i++) {
    opt[i]=new cs_optionOBJ(menu.items[i].dis, menu.items[i].link);
  return opt;
function cs_updateListGroup(content,idx,sidx,mode) {
  var i=0, curItem=null, menu=content.menu;

  while (i<idx) {

  if (menu.items[sidx].type==cs_M && idx<content.lists.length-1) {
    var df=cs_getIdx(mode,content.cookie,idx+1,menu.items[sidx].df);

    cs_refreshList(content.lists[idx+1], cs_getOptions(menu.items[sidx]), df);
    if (content.cookie) {

    if (idx+1<content.lists.length) {
      if (disable_empty_list) {
      if (hide_empty_list) {

  else {
    for (var s=idx+1; s<content.lists.length; s++) {

      if (disable_empty_list) {
      if (hide_empty_list) {

      if (content.cookie) {
function cs_initListGroup(content,mode) {
  var df=cs_getIdx(mode,content.cookie,0,content.menu.df);

  cs_refreshList(content.lists[0], cs_getOptions(content.menu), df);
  if (content.cookie) {


function cs_updateList() {
  var content=this.content;
  for (var i=0; i<content.lists.length; i++) {
    if (content.lists[i]==this) {
      if (content.cookie) {

      if (i<content.lists.length-1) {

function cs_getIdx(mode,name,idx,df) {
  if (mode) {
    var cs_idx=cs_getCookie(name+"_"+idx);
    if (cs_idx!="") {
  return df;

function _setCookie(name, value) {
function cs_setCookie(name, value) {

function cs_getCookie(name) {
  var cookieRE=new RegExp(name+"=([^;]+)");
  if (document.cookie.search(cookieRE)!=-1) {
    return RegExp.$1;
  else {
    return "";

// ----
function addListGroup(n,tm) {
  if (cs_goodContent) {
    cs_curTop=new cs_topmenuOBJ(tm); cs_curSub=null;

    var c=cs_findContent(n);
    if (c==null) {
      cs_content[cs_content.length]=new cs_contentOBJ(n,cs_curTop);
    else {
      delete(c.menu); c.menu=cs_curTop;

function addList(n,dis,link,sub,df) {
  if (cs_goodContent) {

    if (cs_curSub!=null) {
      if (typeof(df)!="undefined") { cs_curSub.df=cs_curSub.items.length-1; }
    else {

function addOption(n,dis,link,df) {
  if (cs_goodContent) {

    if (cs_curSub!=null) {
      if (typeof(df)!="undefined") { cs_curSub.df=cs_curSub.items.length-1; }
    else {

function initListGroup(n) {
  var _content=cs_findContent(n), count=0;
  if (_content!=null) {
    content=new cs_contentOBJ("cs_"+n,_content.menu);

    for (var i=1; i<initListGroup.arguments.length; i++) {
      if (typeof(arguments[i])=="object" && arguments[i].tagName && arguments[i].tagName=="SELECT") {

        arguments[i].content=content; arguments[i].idx=count++;
      else if (typeof(arguments[i])=="string" && /^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$/.test(arguments[i])) {

    if (content.lists.length>0) {

function resetListGroup(n) {
  var content=cs_findContent("cs_"+n);
  if (content!=null && content.lists.length>0) {
// ------



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