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MAMP Pro hosts not aliasing directories in Parallels


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I had everything working pre Leopard update - now its kaput. I'll try asking again for help here.


MAMP Pro is set up with multiple hosts.

In Mac OS (10.5.4) all sites/hosts I have setup work perfectly i.e. via http://foo:8888/index.php or http://moo:8888/index.php

In Parallels Win XP I access to hosts via ( is MacPro IP)

except nowadays links set to/from root in the host are not resolved properly.

So example "images/pop.gif" renders in Windows browser but images called from root like "/images/pop.gif" or "../images/pop.gif" do not.

Same for clicking on links i.e. "" also in the host root folder of my site/host gets directed to the MAMP localhost root, instead to


Originally I had the win hosts file configured but stuffed this up by making too many changes tying to get things working again.

So for the time being I got what I think was set up originally:      localhost      .psf foo #MAMP Testing server poo #MAMP Testing server


Have been trying to find an answer for a few weeks now polwing through the net without success and getting more confused.

Every time I find a post the setup is a bit different or confusing.

How can I get the Windows browsers to stay in the right folder/directory rather than reverting to MAMP localhost folder (/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/)

How hard can this be!?!?

Please somebody help me.

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