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I work on a high traffic website.  As a php developer, I have little say as to how the client side code is written, but our website is suffering huge performance problems. 


Here are some stats for what happens when you browse our site on an empty cache:


  • 26.8K 2 HTML/Texts
  • 10.3K 2 IFrames
  • 290.5K 4 Flash Objects
  • 82.9K 12 JavaScript Files
  • 50.5K 5 Stylesheet Files
  • 76.8K 12 CSS Images
  • 238.6K 17 Images


776.6K Total size

54 HTTP requests


I'm a developer not a designer (but I know that making 54 http requests is not a good idea).  And unfortunately the original html author is no longer with us, so there is no one here we can task with tidying it up. 


Would anyone care to share their thoughts?



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The iframes are going to slow you down definitely. Cut them if possible.


The CSS images can be combined into as few as one, using the CSS sprites method.


The javascript files can be combined into one. Just make sure that the document runs in the same order as the original combined javscript pages.


The stylesheets can also be combined into one, also making sure that you maintain the same order as the separate files.


Im curious about the two html files though - that seems a little strange to me.


Here is a link that can probably help you some: http://developer.yahoo.com/performance/rules.html


Some of those things are going to require a designer who knows what they are doing (the css sprites method). Others you can probably do as a programmer. Good luck!



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