RyanW Posted November 30, 2008 Share Posted November 30, 2008 Im sorry if this is kinda long winded but im really struggling. Ive been dealing with php/mysql for years but only editing tiny little bits so im still basically a novice. Ive bene left a task to convert an old site from asp to php and for the most part its gone well apart from this file. Ive tried for 4 days in vein to convert it however im really struggling with some of it. I was hoping somone here who may know both languages could see any glaring mistakes ive made. Some of the results are not as i expected especially in the later parts. I really hope someone can lend some insight and correct some of my mistakes Original ASP <!-- #include file ="db.asp" --> <html> <head> <title>Avatars of Hate</title> <LINK REL=StyleSheet HREF="AoH.css" TYPE="text/css" MEDIA=screen> </head> <body> <center> <% Set MyConn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") MyConn.OPEN db Set RS = MyConn.Execute ("SELECT Name, Class From Members WHERE Status = 'Active' ORDER BY Name ASC") MySQL = "SELECT * FROM Raids ORDER BY RaidDate DESC" Set RS1 = MyConn.Execute (MySQL) TotalPossiblePoints = 0 RaidCount = 0 BonusRaids = 0 TotalPossibleBonusPoints = 0 WHILE NOT RS1.EOF IF RS1("RaidDate") < Date()-42 THEN RS1.MoveNext ELSE IF RS1("Bonus")=True THEN BonusRaids = BonusRaids + 1 TotalPossibleBonusPoints = TotalPossibleBonusPoints + RS1("RaidLength") + 2 ELSE RaidCount = RaidCount + 1 TotalPossiblePoints = TotalPossiblePoints + RS1("RaidLength") + 2 END IF RS1.Movenext END IF WEND %> <TABLE> <tr> <TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=5>Total Possible Attendance Points: <%=TotalPossiblePoints%></TD> </tr> <tr> <td align=center colspan=5>over <%=RaidCount%> raids.</td> </tr> <tr> <TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=5>Total Possible Bonus Points: <%=TotalPossibleBonusPoints%></TD> </tr> <tr> <td align=center colspan=5>over <%=BonusRaids%> bonus raids.</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=5></td> </tr> <TR> <TD width=125>Name</TD><TD width=75>Attendance</TD><TD ALIGN=CENTER width=50>%</TD><TD width=50 align=center>Loots</TD><TD width=50 align=center>LAR</TD> </TR> <% While not RS.EOF Attendance = 0 Loots = 0 BonusPoints = 0 Set RS3 = MyConn.Execute ("SELECT * FROM Raids ORDER BY RaidDate DESC") WHILE NOT RS3.EOF IF RS3("RaidDate") < Date()-42 THEN RS3.MoveNext ELSE IF RS3("Bonus") = true THEN Set RS2 = MyConn.Execute ("SELECT " & RS3("RaidNum") & " FROM Attendance WHERE Name = '" & RS(0) & "'") BonusPoints = BonusPoints + RS2(0) RS2.CLOSE IF RS3("Loot1Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot2Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot3Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot4Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot5Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot6Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot7Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot8Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot9Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot10Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot11Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot12Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot13Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot14Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot15Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot16Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot17Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot18Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot19Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot20Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF ELSE Set RS2 = MyConn.Execute ("SELECT " & RS3("RaidNum") & " FROM Attendance WHERE Name = '" & RS(0) & "'") Attendance = Attendance + RS2(0) RS2.CLOSE IF RS3("Loot1Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot2Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot3Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot4Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot5Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot6Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot7Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot8Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot9Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot10Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot11Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot12Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot13Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot14Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot15Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot16Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot17Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot18Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot19Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF IF RS3("Loot20Winner") = RS(0) THEN Loots = Loots + 1 END IF END IF RS3.MoveNext END IF WEND RS3.CLOSE IF Attendance = 0 THEN AttendancePercent = 0 LAR = 0 ELSE Attendance = Attendance + BonusPoints TotalPointsWithBonus = TotalPossiblePoints + BonusPoints AttendancePercent = (Attendance / TotalPointsWithBonus) * 100 IF Loots = 0 THEN LAR = formatnumber(AttendancePercent * 1.5, 0) ELSE LAR = formatnumber(AttendancePercent / Loots, 0 ) END IF END IF IF Attendance = 0 THEN RS.MoveNext ELSE Response.Write "<TR><TD><A HREF=Memberdetail.asp?Name=" & RS(0) & ">" & RS(0) & "</A></TD>" Response.Write "<TD align=center>" Response.Write Attendance & "</TD>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<TD align=center>" & formatnumber(AttendancePercent, 2) & "</TD>" Response.Write "<TD align=center>" & Loots & "</TD>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "<TD align=center><b>" & LAR & "</b></TD>" & vbcrlf Response.Write "</TR>" RS.Movenext END IF WEND %> <tr> <td colspan=5 align=center><a href=menu.asp>Main Menu</a></td> </tR> </TABLE> </div> </body> </html> And this is my attempt at conversion <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Avatars of Hate</title> </head> <body> <center> <? include 'config.php'; include 'opendb.php'; mysql_select_db($dbname); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM raids ORDER BY RaidDate ASC"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); $TotalPossiblePoints=0; $RaidCount=0; $BonusRaids=0; $TotalPossibleBonusPoints=0; while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { $var1 = strtotime($row['RaidDate']); $dateofraid = date("Y-m-d", $var1); $var2 = strtotime('6 weeks ago'); $datesixweeksasgo = date('Y-m-d', $var2); if ( $dateofraid > $datesixweeksasgo ) { if ($row["Bonus"] == 1) { $BonusRaids = $BonusRaids + 1; $TotalPossibleBonusPoints = $TotalPossibleBonusPoints + $row["RaidLength"]+2; } else if($row["Bonus"] == 0) { $RaidCount=$RaidCount +1; $TotalPossiblePoints = $TotalPossiblePoints + $row["RaidLength"] + 2; } else { $TotalPossiblePoints=0; $RaidCount=0; $BonusRaids=0; $TotalPossibleBonusPoints=0; } // $RS1=mysql_fetch_array($RS1_query); } } include 'closedb.php'; ?> <TABLE> <tr> <TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=5>Total Possible Attendance Points: <? echo $TotalPossiblePoints;?></TD> </tr> <tr> <td align=center colspan=5>over <? echo $RaidCount;?> raids.</td> </tr> <tr> <tr> <TD ALIGN=CENTER COLSPAN=5>Total Possible Bonus Points: <? echo $TotalPossibleBonusPoints;?></TD> </tr> <td align=center colspan=5>over <? echo $BonusRaids;?> bonus raids.</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan=5></td> </tr> <TR> <TD width=125>Name</TD><TD width=75>Attendance</TD><TD ALIGN=CENTER width=50>%</TD><TD width=50 align=center>Loots</TD><TD width=50 align=center>LAR</TD> </TR> </TABLE> <? include 'config.php'; include 'opendb.php'; $result2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM members ORDER BY Name ASC"); $row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2); while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result2)) { $Attendance=0; $Loots=0; $BonusPoints=0; $result3 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM raids ORDER BY RaidDate ASC"); $row3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3); while ($row3 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result3)) { $var1 = strtotime($row3['RaidDate']); $dateofraid = date("Y-m-d", $var1); $var2 = strtotime('6 weeks ago'); $datesixweeksasgo = date('Y-m-d', $var2); if ( $dateofraid > $datesixweeksasgo ) { if ($row3["Bonus"] == true) { $result4 = mysql_query("SELECT ".$row3["RaidNum"]." FROM attendance WHERE Name = '".$row5["Name"]."'"); $row4 = mysql_fetch_array($result4, MYSQL_BOTH); $BonusPoints = $BonusPoints + $row4[0]; if ($row3["Loot1Winner"] == $row2["Name"]) { $Loots = $Loots + 1; } } else if ($row3["Bonus"] == false) { $result6 = mysql_query("SELECT ".$row3["RaidNum"]." FROM attendance WHERE Name = '".$row5["Name"]."'"); $row6 = mysql_fetch_array($result6, MYSQL_BOTH); $Attendance= $Attendance + $row6[0]; if ($row3["Loot1Winner"] == $row2["Name"]) { $Loots = $Loots + 1; } } else { echo "UHOHHHHH"; } } } } include 'closedb.php'; ?> </div> </body> </html> Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/134898-asp-to-php-conversion-woes/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mchl Posted November 30, 2008 Share Posted November 30, 2008 What are the problems you're experiencing? "Some of the results are not as i expected" does not tell much, especially when we don't know what you expect. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/134898-asp-to-php-conversion-woes/#findComment-702473 Share on other sites More sharing options...
RyanW Posted November 30, 2008 Author Share Posted November 30, 2008 Ok where to start, The following line $BonusPoints = $BonusPoints + $row4[0]; i caat seem to get this to calcualte and when i do an echo on $row4[0] i get no result. i include the structures for the database if its useful to you raids table members table attendance table Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/134898-asp-to-php-conversion-woes/#findComment-702477 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mchl Posted November 30, 2008 Share Posted November 30, 2008 $result4 = mysql_query("SELECT ".$row3["RaidNum"]." FROM attendance WHERE Name = '".$row5["Name"]."'"); $row5 is nowhere to be seen in your script... So it is likely it is empty and this query fails. Here's a tip for you. Do queries like this: $query = "SELECT...." //put your qyery here $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error()." :$query"); this will show error message if query fails alongside with the query, so that you can easily heck if the query has been created correctly. Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/134898-asp-to-php-conversion-woes/#findComment-702481 Share on other sites More sharing options...
RyanW Posted November 30, 2008 Author Share Posted November 30, 2008 That sort of fixed one issue. It did use to calcualte and your right now i get a string of values however it doesnt seem to be cyling through all of the values more it seems to be listing the first one and repeating it over and over. Because although u cant see it in the image all the way over near the r73 r74 r75 etc the values arent 0.00000 they are 7.00000 yet the page only outputs 0.00000 And by the way i readded this $result5 = mysql_query("SELECT Name, Class From members WHERE Status = 'Active' ORDER BY Name ASC"); $row5 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result5); the page can be viewed here http://www.avatarsofhate.com/rawr/index.php sorry for the horrific looking output i did mention im a noob! Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/134898-asp-to-php-conversion-woes/#findComment-702490 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mchl Posted November 30, 2008 Share Posted November 30, 2008 If you want to loop through several results from one query, you need to use while loop like in the example #2 here Quote Link to comment https://forums.phpfreaks.com/topic/134898-asp-to-php-conversion-woes/#findComment-702499 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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