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loop help


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hello i have a little script which has 2 loops in it , i post some value to the script page and it works for me but someone used this script tells me that it doesnt go to the script page after post but goes when the loop finishes in the page. sorry for bad english i hope someone can understand what i mean. i mean


 foreach($fall[1] as $val)
		echo $val;

it doesnt load the page and echos the val , when click submit form page doesnt go to script page until the loop finishes and after that it goes and echos all content, does anyone have any idea why this happens

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ok i have 2 page , one of them is form.php and other one is script.php


when i go to form.php and click submit button (form action is script.php) it sends me to script.php and in script.php i get new line for every loop values, normally it works like this. but in this situation when i go to form.php and click submit button it doesnt send me to script.php until all loops finishes in script.php after that scripts.php opens and shows me the values.

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From what I am reading you want the script.php page to write out the value and post it to the page each time, versus display the final results after the code is executed. 


I do not believe that PHP works like this.  All PHP code is executed on the server first then the document is generated.  I am thinking that you would need to use JavaScript and AJAX to perform the loop so that at each response you can update the page. 

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no i want to see the results on script.php but i want to see them immediately after posting, now it waits in form.php until all the script runs then sends me to script.php and show the content, normally it should send me to script.php and add values to content each time loop works.

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