lizmcreations Posted December 4, 2008 Share Posted December 4, 2008 Hi I am really desperate to figure this issue out -so I hope that someone can help me here. I have a file cron.pop3.php -- that is supposed to check e-mails for bounced messages and then delete all the messages in the inbox -- but it isn't working and I can't seem to figure it out. I know enough about php to "fumble" through- but not enough to proficiently debug this issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Here is the code in question: <?php require_once('commoninclude.php'); require_once("class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $pop_setings=Pop_Account_Settings(); $counter=count($pop_setings); if($counter!==0) { for($x=0;$x<count($pop_setings);$x++) { $mbox = @imap_open($pop_setings[$x][20],$pop_setings[$x][21],$pop_setings[$x][22]); if($mbox !== false) { $check = imap_check($mbox); $totalmessages = $check->Nmsgs; for($y=1;$y<=$totalmessages;$y++) { $header = imap_header($mbox,$y); if($header !== false) { $subject_email = $header->Subject; $body_email = imap_body($mbox,$y); $body_length = strlen($body); $array_header=object_to_array($header); $to_email=$array_header['to']['0']['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header['to']['0']['host']; if($pop_setings[$x][23]=="Y") { if(($subject_email == $pop_setings[$x][25]) && ($to_email==$pop_setings[$x][24])) { $full_name = $header->fromaddress; $name_array=explode(" ",trim($full_name)); if($name_array[0]!="" && $name_array[1]!="" && $name_array[0]!=" " && $name_array[1]!=" ") { $from_name=$name_array[0]; $last_name=$name_array[1]; } else { $from_name=$full_name; $last_name=""; } $from_email=$array_header['from']['0']['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header['from']['0']['host']; $check1=Check_Email_Existing($pop_setings[$x][1],$from_email); $row_setting=View_Setting($pop_setings[$x][1]); $tracking_links=GetAllTracking_links($pop_setings[$x][1]); $cnt=count($tracking_links); $All_group=GetAllGroupName($pop_setings[$x][1]); $campaign_list=Show_Selected_Campaign($pop_setings[$x][1]); /////////////////////////////////////////// if($check1==0) { if($row_setting[10]=="Single") { $subs_type="Email"; $ip_address=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $sign_up_url=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $data1="insert into ".SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE." (campid,name,email,date_of_join,status,subs_type,ip_address,sign_url) values(".$pop_setings[$x][1].",'".$from_name."','".$from_email."','".offset_date()."',1,'".$subs_type."','".$ip_address."','".$sign_up_url."')"; $result1=db_query($data1); $getid="select max(id) from ".SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE .""; $q=db_query($getid); $rsgetid=db_fetch_row($q); $subs_id=$rsgetid[0]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==coding for remove same mail id if exist in other campaign $existing_camp_id=Check_Email_Existing_In_All_Subscribers($from_email); for($z=0;$z<count($existing_camp_id);$z++) { $rowsetting_new_camp=View_Setting($existing_camp_id[$z][1]); if($rowsetting_new_camp[18]!="") { $camp_name_list=$rowsetting_new_camp[18]; $camp_array=explode(",",$camp_name_list); for($y=0;$y<count($camp_array);$y++) { $new_campid=Show_Campaign_Id($camp_array[$y]); if($new_campid==$pop_setings[$x][1]) { $new_status=0; $query="update ".SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE." set status=".$new_status." where id = ".$existing_camp_id[$z][0]; $q =db_query($query)or die (db_error()); } } } } //=====================from here code for zero delay mail to these subscribers $content=Show_Confirm_Message_Campain_Queue($pop_setings[$x][1]); if(($content!="") && ($row_setting[14]!="on")) { $msgid=$content[0]; $subject=$content[2]; $body=$content[3]; //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////==modified code for links personalisation==//////// $read_online=explode("#OnlineReadLink(",$body); $read_online=explode(")#",$read_online[1]); $online_text=$read_online[0]; $link_unsub=explode("#UnsubscribeLink[",$body); $link_unsub=explode("]#",$link_unsub[1]); $unsub_text=$link_unsub[0]; //////================end here================// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// $date=offset_date(); $current_date=offset_date(); $subject=str_replace("#Name#",$from_name,$subject); $subject=str_replace("#LastName#",$last_name,$subject); $subject=str_replace("#EmailId#",$from_email,$subject); $subject=str_replace("#IPAddress#",$ip_address,$subject); $subject=str_replace("#JoinDate#",$date,$subject); $subject=str_replace("#SignupUrl#",$sign_up_url,$subject); $body=str_replace("#Name#",$from_name,$body); $body=str_replace("#LastName#",$last_name,$body); $body=str_replace("#EmailId#",$from_email,$body); $body=str_replace("#IPAddress#",$ip_address ,$body); $body=str_replace("#JoinDate#",$date,$body); $body=str_replace("#SignupUrl#",$sign_up_url,$body); $body=str_replace("#CurrentDate#",$current_date,$body); for($i=0;$i<=$cnt-1;$i++) { $var = $basepath."getcode.php?id={$tracking_links[$i][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $var_new=str_replace("#EmailId#",urlencode($from_email),$var); $var_link="<a href='$var_new'>$var_new</a>"; $body=str_replace("#".$tracking_links[$i][5]."#",$var_link,$body); } for($m=0;$m<count($All_group);$m++)//this loop is for group { $random_link_in_group=Select_Random_Link($All_group[$m][0]); $total_link=count($random_link_in_group); $random_link=rand(1,$total_link); $new_random_link=($random_link-1); $variable = $basepath."getcode.php?id={$random_link_in_group[$new_random_link][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $variable_new=str_replace("#EmailId#",urlencode($from_email),$variable); $variable_link="<a href='$variable_new'>$variable_new</a>"; $body=str_replace("#".$All_group[$m][2]."#",$variable_link,$body); } for($p=0;$p<count($campaign_list);$p++) { $upgrade=$basepath."upgrade.php?id=".$subs_id."&cid=".$campaign_list[$p][0]."&em=".urlencode($from_email); $upgrade_new="<a href='$upgrade'>$upgrade</a>"; $body=str_replace("#".$campaign_list[$p][1]."#",$upgrade_new,$body); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==This code is for message display according to type==// $contenttype=$content[7]; $total_msg_read = $basepath."total_message_read.php?id=".$msgid."&msg_methode=queue&email_id=".$from_email."&campid=".$pop_setings[$x][1]; $total_read="<img src='$total_msg_read' width'0' height='0'>"; $line_break="<br>"; if ($contenttype=="text") { $unsubscribe_url=$unsub_text."::".$basepath."unsubscribe.php?id=".$subs_id."&cid=".md5($from_email.$pop_setings[$x][1]); $server_message=$online_text."::".$basepath."server.php?id=".$subs_id."&campid=".$pop_setings[$x][1]."&msgmtd=queue&msgid=".$msgid; $body=str_replace("#UnsubscribeLink[".$unsub_text."]#",$unsubscribe_url,$body); $body=str_replace("#OnlineReadLink(".$online_text.")#",$server_message,$body); $confirm_message=url2link($body)." ".$line_break." ".$total_read; } elseif($contenttype=="html") { $var = $basepath."unsubscribe.php?id=".$subs_id."&cid=".md5($from_email.$pop_setings[$x][1]); $var_msg=$basepath."server.php?id=".$subs_id."&campid=".$pop_setings[$x][1]."&msgmtd=queue&msgid=".$msgid; $unsubscribe_url="<a href='$var' title='Click Here To unsubscribe us'>".$unsub_text."</a>"; $server_message="<a href='$var_msg' title='If You are not able to read this email properly then click here to read this email online'>".$online_text."</a>"; $body=str_replace("#UnsubscribeLink[".$unsub_text."]#",$unsubscribe_url,$body); $body=str_replace("#OnlineReadLink(".$online_text.")#",$server_message,$body); $confirm_message=$body." ".$line_break." ".$total_read; } /////////===End code==////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////===============================Code for email delievery============================= //======================================================================================= $mail_type_settings=View_Priority_Settings(); $mail->Priority=$mail_type_settings[0]; $setMailSendType=$mail_type_settings[1]; $mail->CharSet=$mail_type_settings[5]; if(isset($setMailSendType) && ($setMailSendType=="smtp")) { $smtp_row=View_Setting_Smtp(); $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->Host=$smtp_row[0]; $mail->Port=$smtp_row[1]; if ($smtp_row[4]=="true") { $mail->SMTPAuth=true; $mail->Username=$smtp_row[2]; $mail->Password=$smtp_row[3]; } else { $mail->SMTPAuth=false; $mail->Username=""; $mail->Password=""; } }//sendmail settings elseif(isset($setMailSendType) && ($setMailSendType=="sendmail")) { $mail->Mailer = "sendmail"; $path=View_SendMail_Path(); $mail->Sendmail = $path[0]; } $dir="uploadedimages/"; $attfile=$dir.$content[4]; $mail->From=$row_setting[3]; $mail->FromName = $row_setting[2]; //fromname means sender Email Id $mail->ContentType ="text/html"; $mail->AddAddress($from_email); // Reciepients Id $mail->Subject= stripslashes($subject); $mail->Body = stripslashes($confirm_message); $mail->AddAttachment($attfile); if($mail->Send()) { $sending_way= "queue"; Save_Sent_Message($pop_setings[$x][1],$subs_id,$msgid,$from_email,$sending_way); $mail->ClearAddresses(); } //=====================Admin report======================= if($row_setting[7]=="on") { Confirmation_Mail_to_Admin($pop_setings[$x][1],$from_name,$last_name,$from_email,$ip_address,$sign_up_url,$row_setting[3],$row_setting[2],$row_setting[8]); } } } //end of if of single opt_in if loop else //start of double opt in type { $subs_type="Email"; $ip_address=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $sign_up_url=$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; $data1="insert into ".SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE." (campid,name,email,date_of_join,status,subs_type,ip_address,sign_url,last_name) values(".$pop_setings[$x][1].",'".$from_name."','".$from_email."','".offset_date()."',0,'".$subs_type."','".$ip_address."','".$sign_up_url."','".$last_name."')"; $result1=db_query($data1); $subs_id= db_insert_id(); $date = offset_date(); // $subs_details=View_Subscribers_details_By_mail_campid($from_email,$pop_setings[$x][1]); // $subs_id=$subs_details[0][0]; // $date=$subs_details[0][4]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==coding for remove same mail id if exist in other campaign $existing_camp_id=Check_Email_Existing_In_All_Subscribers($from_email); for($z=0;$z<count($existing_camp_id);$z++) { $rowsetting_new_camp=View_Setting($existing_camp_id[$z][1]); if($rowsetting_new_camp[18]!="") { $camp_name_list=$rowsetting_new_camp[18]; $camp_array=explode(",",$camp_name_list); for($y=0;$y<count($camp_array);$y++) { $new_campid=Show_Campaign_Id($camp_array[$y]); if($new_campid==$pop_setings[$x][1]) { $new_status=0; $query="update ".SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE." set status=".$new_status." where id = ".$existing_camp_id[$z][0]; $q =db_query($query)or die (db_error()); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if($row_setting[14]!="on") { $verify_lk=$basepath."confirm.php?id=".$subs_id."&cid=".$pop_setings[$x][1]."&em=".urlencode($from_email); $verifylink="<a href='$verify_lk'>$verify_lk</a>"; $subject=$row_setting[12]; $body=$row_setting[13]; $subject=str_replace("#Name#",$from_name,$subject); $subject=str_replace("#LastName#",$last_name,$subject); $subject=str_replace("#EmailId#",$from_email,$subject); $subject=str_replace("#IPAddress#",$ip_address,$subject); $subject=str_replace("#JoinDate#",$date,$subject); $subject=str_replace("#SignupUrl#",$sign_up_url,$subject); $subject=str_replace("#VerifyLink#",$verifylink,$subject); $body=str_replace("#Name#",$from_email,$body); $body=str_replace("#LastName#",$last_name,$body); $body=str_replace("#EmailId#",$from_email,$body); $body=str_replace("#IPAddress#",$ip_address,$body); $body=str_replace("#JoinDate#",$date,$body); $body=str_replace("#SignupUrl#",$sign_up_url,$body); $body=str_replace("#VerifyLink#",$verifylink,$body); for($i=0;$i<=$cnt-1;$i++) { $var = $basepath."getcode.php?id={$tracking_links[$i][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $var_new=str_replace("#EmailId#",urlencode($from_email),$var); $var_link="<a href='$var_new'>$var_new</a>"; $body=str_replace("#".$tracking_links[$i][5]."#",$var_link,$body); } for($m=0;$m<count($All_group);$m++)//this loop is for group { $random_link_in_group=Select_Random_Link($All_group[$m][0]); $total_link=count($random_link_in_group); $random_link=rand(1,$total_link); $new_random_link=($random_link-1); $variable = $basepath."getcode.php?id={$random_link_in_group[$new_random_link][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $variable_new=str_replace("#EmailId#",urlencode($from_email),$variable); $variable_link="<a href='$variable_new'>$variable_new</a>"; $body=str_replace("#".$All_group[$m][2]."#",$variable_link,$body); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////===============================Code for email delievery============================= //======================================================================================= $mail_type_settings=View_Priority_Settings(); $mail->Priority=$mail_type_settings[0]; $setMailSendType=$mail_type_settings[1]; $mail->CharSet=$mail_type_settings[5]; if(isset($setMailSendType) && ($setMailSendType=="smtp")) { $smtp_row=View_Setting_Smtp(); $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->Host=$smtp_row[0]; $mail->Port=$smtp_row[1]; if ($smtp_row[4]=="true") { $mail->SMTPAuth=true; $mail->Username=$smtp_row[2]; $mail->Password=$smtp_row[3]; } else { $mail->SMTPAuth=false; $mail->Username=""; $mail->Password=""; } } elseif(isset($setMailSendType) && ($setMailSendType=="sendmail")) { $mail->Mailer = "sendmail"; $path=View_SendMail_Path(); $mail->Sendmail = $path[0]; } $mail->From=$row_setting[3]; $mail->FromName = $row_setting[2]; $mail->ContentType ="text/html"; $mail->AddAddress($from_email); $mail->Subject= stripslashes($subject); $mail->Body = stripslashes($body); if(!$mail->Send()) { } else { $mail->ClearAddresses(); } }//end of if if($row_setting[14]!="on") }//end of double opt in } //end of if } }//end of "Y" //==================Code for unsubscription================================== if($pop_setings[$x][26]=="Y") { if(($subject_email == $pop_setings[$x][28]) && ($to_email==$pop_setings[$x][27])) { $from_name = $header->fromaddress; $from_email=$array_header['from']['0']['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header['from']['0']['host']; $check1=Check_Email_Existing($pop_setings[$x][1],$from_email); if($check1!=0) { $status=0; $query="update ".SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE." set `status`=".$status." where campid=".$pop_setings[$x][1]." and EMAIL='".$from_email."'"; $q =db_query($query)or die (db_error()); } } } /////===================code for track bounced mail==================================== if($from_email!=$pop_setings[$x][3]) { $pos_matter=$basepath."bounced_mail.php?id="; //$pos_matter = "<img src='$bouncelink'"; if(strpos($body_email,$pos_matter)===false) { //echo "<li>Not found matter"; } else { $pos = strpos($body_email,$pos_matter) + strlen($pos_matter); $str = substr($body_email,$pos); $subscribers_id = substr($str,0,strpos($str,"'")); if(is_int($subscribers_id)) { $bounced_status=5; $query="update ".SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE." set `status`=".$bounced_status." where campid=".$pop_setings[$x][1]." and id=".$subscribers_id; $q =db_query($query)or die (db_error()); } } } } } } } // Add here to delete read email imap_delete($mbox,$y); // Mark As Deletion // Purge email before closing imap_expunge($mbox); // Connection close @imap_close($mbox); /////////////////////////////////// } ?> And here is the error I am getting: <br /> <b>Warning</b>: imap_delete(): supplied argument is not a valid imap resource in <b>/home/claimyou/public_html/ema/cron.pop3.php</b> on line <b>423</b><br /> <br /> <b>Warning</b>: imap_expunge(): supplied argument is not a valid imap resource in <b>/home/claimyou/public_html/ema/cron.pop3.php</b> on line <b>428</b><br /> The hosting account is running php 5.6.2 If anyone can tell me what the issue with this code is -- I would greatly appreciate it. I simply can't afford to hire a coder to correct it -- I would gladly send the person who helps me some money in another month or so -- I just can't afford it right now so I'm looking for help where ever I can get it. Thank you. Elizabeth Martinez Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MadTechie Posted December 4, 2008 Share Posted December 4, 2008 i must stress this is after a very quick review $y was being used inside the foreach block so i changed to to $m and the delete has also been moved up to inside the check to make sure its set.. this should do the trick.. full code below <?php require_once ('commoninclude.php'); require_once ("class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer ( ); $pop_setings = Pop_Account_Settings (); $counter = count ( $pop_setings ); if ($counter !== 0) { for($x = 0; $x < count ( $pop_setings ); $x ++) { $mbox = @imap_open ( $pop_setings [$x] [20], $pop_setings [$x] [21], $pop_setings [$x] [22] ); if ($mbox !== false) { $check = imap_check ( $mbox ); $totalmessages = $check->Nmsgs; for($m = 1; $m <= $totalmessages; $m ++) { $header = imap_header ( $mbox, $m ); if ($header !== false) { $subject_email = $header->Subject; $body_email = imap_body ( $mbox, $m ); $body_length = strlen ( $body ); $array_header = object_to_array ( $header ); $to_email = $array_header ['to'] ['0'] ['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header ['to'] ['0'] ['host']; if ($pop_setings [$x] [23] == "Y") { if (($subject_email == $pop_setings [$x] [25]) && ($to_email == $pop_setings [$x] [24])) { $full_name = $header->fromaddress; $name_array = explode ( " ", trim ( $full_name ) ); if ($name_array [0] != "" && $name_array [1] != "" && $name_array [0] != " " && $name_array [1] != " ") { $from_name = $name_array [0]; $last_name = $name_array [1]; } else { $from_name = $full_name; $last_name = ""; } $from_email = $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['host']; $check1 = Check_Email_Existing ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $from_email ); $row_setting = View_Setting ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $tracking_links = GetAllTracking_links ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $cnt = count ( $tracking_links ); $All_group = GetAllGroupName ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $campaign_list = Show_Selected_Campaign ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); /////////////////////////////////////////// if ($check1 == 0) { if ($row_setting [10] == "Single") { $subs_type = "Email"; $ip_address = $_SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; $sign_up_url = $_SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']; $data1 = "insert into " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " (campid,name,email,date_of_join,status,subs_type,ip_address,sign_url) values(" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . ",'" . $from_name . "','" . $from_email . "','" . offset_date () . "',1,'" . $subs_type . "','" . $ip_address . "','" . $sign_up_url . "')"; $result1 = db_query ( $data1 ); $getid = "select max(id) from " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . ""; $q = db_query ( $getid ); $rsgetid = db_fetch_row ( $q ); $subs_id = $rsgetid [0]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==coding for remove same mail id if exist in other campaign $existing_camp_id = Check_Email_Existing_In_All_Subscribers ( $from_email ); for($z = 0; $z < count ( $existing_camp_id ); $z ++) { $rowsetting_new_camp = View_Setting ( $existing_camp_id [$z] [1] ); if ($rowsetting_new_camp [18] != "") { $camp_name_list = $rowsetting_new_camp [18]; $camp_array = explode ( ",", $camp_name_list ); for($y = 0; $y < count ( $camp_array ); $y ++) { $new_campid = Show_Campaign_Id ( $camp_array [$y] ); if ($new_campid == $pop_setings [$x] [1]) { $new_status = 0; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set status=" . $new_status . " where id = " . $existing_camp_id [$z] [0]; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } } //=====================from here code for zero delay mail to these subscribers $content = Show_Confirm_Message_Campain_Queue ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); if (($content != "") && ($row_setting [14] != "on")) { $msgid = $content [0]; $subject = $content [2]; $body = $content [3]; //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////==modified code for links personalisation==//////// $read_online = explode ( "#OnlineReadLink(", $body ); $read_online = explode ( ")#", $read_online [1] ); $online_text = $read_online [0]; $link_unsub = explode ( "#UnsubscribeLink[", $body ); $link_unsub = explode ( "]#", $link_unsub [1] ); $unsub_text = $link_unsub [0]; //////================end here================// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// $date = offset_date (); $current_date = offset_date (); $subject = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $subject ); $body = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_name, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#CurrentDate#", $current_date, $body ); for($i = 0; $i <= $cnt - 1; $i ++) { $var = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$tracking_links[$i][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $var_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $var ); $var_link = "<a href='$var_new'>$var_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $tracking_links [$i] [5] . "#", $var_link, $body ); } for($m = 0; $m < count ( $All_group ); $m ++) //this loop is for group { $random_link_in_group = Select_Random_Link ( $All_group [$m] [0] ); $total_link = count ( $random_link_in_group ); $random_link = rand ( 1, $total_link ); $new_random_link = ($random_link - 1); $variable = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$random_link_in_group[$new_random_link][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $variable_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $variable ); $variable_link = "<a href='$variable_new'>$variable_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $All_group [$m] [2] . "#", $variable_link, $body ); } for($p = 0; $p < count ( $campaign_list ); $p ++) { $upgrade = $basepath . "upgrade.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . $campaign_list [$p] [0] . "&em=" . urlencode ( $from_email ); $upgrade_new = "<a href='$upgrade'>$upgrade</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $campaign_list [$p] [1] . "#", $upgrade_new, $body ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==This code is for message display according to type==// $contenttype = $content [7]; $total_msg_read = $basepath . "total_message_read.php?id=" . $msgid . "&msg_methode=queue&email_id=" . $from_email . "&campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1]; $total_read = "<img src='$total_msg_read' width'0' height='0'>"; $line_break = "<br>"; if ($contenttype == "text") { $unsubscribe_url = $unsub_text . "::" . $basepath . "unsubscribe.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . md5 ( $from_email . $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $server_message = $online_text . "::" . $basepath . "server.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . "&msgmtd=queue&msgid=" . $msgid; $body = str_replace ( "#UnsubscribeLink[" . $unsub_text . "]#", $unsubscribe_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#OnlineReadLink(" . $online_text . ")#", $server_message, $body ); $confirm_message = url2link ( $body ) . " " . $line_break . " " . $total_read; } elseif ($contenttype == "html") { $var = $basepath . "unsubscribe.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . md5 ( $from_email . $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $var_msg = $basepath . "server.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . "&msgmtd=queue&msgid=" . $msgid; $unsubscribe_url = "<a href='$var' title='Click Here To unsubscribe us'>" . $unsub_text . "</a>"; $server_message = "<a href='$var_msg' title='If You are not able to read this email properly then click here to read this email online'>" . $online_text . "</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#UnsubscribeLink[" . $unsub_text . "]#", $unsubscribe_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#OnlineReadLink(" . $online_text . ")#", $server_message, $body ); $confirm_message = $body . " " . $line_break . " " . $total_read; } /////////===End code==////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////===============================Code for email delievery============================= //======================================================================================= $mail_type_settings = View_Priority_Settings (); $mail->Priority = $mail_type_settings [0]; $setMailSendType = $mail_type_settings [1]; $mail->CharSet = $mail_type_settings [5]; if (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "smtp")) { $smtp_row = View_Setting_Smtp (); $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->Host = $smtp_row [0]; $mail->Port = $smtp_row [1]; if ($smtp_row [4] == "true") { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $smtp_row [2]; $mail->Password = $smtp_row [3]; } else { $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->Username = ""; $mail->Password = ""; } } elseif (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "sendmail")) { $mail->Mailer = "sendmail"; $path = View_SendMail_Path (); $mail->Sendmail = $path [0]; } $dir = "uploadedimages/"; $attfile = $dir . $content [4]; $mail->From = $row_setting [3]; $mail->FromName = $row_setting [2]; //fromname means sender Email Id $mail->ContentType = "text/html"; $mail->AddAddress ( $from_email ); // Reciepients Id $mail->Subject = stripslashes ( $subject ); $mail->Body = stripslashes ( $confirm_message ); $mail->AddAttachment ( $attfile ); if ($mail->Send ()) { $sending_way = "queue"; Save_Sent_Message ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $subs_id, $msgid, $from_email, $sending_way ); $mail->ClearAddresses (); } //=====================Admin report======================= if ($row_setting [7] == "on") { Confirmation_Mail_to_Admin ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $from_name, $last_name, $from_email, $ip_address, $sign_up_url, $row_setting [3], $row_setting [2], $row_setting [8] ); } } } else //end of if of single opt_in if loop //start of double opt in type { $subs_type = "Email"; $ip_address = $_SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; $sign_up_url = $_SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']; $data1 = "insert into " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " (campid,name,email,date_of_join,status,subs_type,ip_address,sign_url,last_name) values(" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . ",'" . $from_name . "','" . $from_email . "','" . offset_date () . "',0,'" . $subs_type . "','" . $ip_address . "','" . $sign_up_url . "','" . $last_name . "')"; $result1 = db_query ( $data1 ); $subs_id = db_insert_id (); $date = offset_date (); // $subs_details=View_Subscribers_details_By_mail_campid($from_email,$pop_setings[$x][1]); // $subs_id=$subs_details[0][0]; // $date=$subs_details[0][4]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==coding for remove same mail id if exist in other campaign $existing_camp_id = Check_Email_Existing_In_All_Subscribers ( $from_email ); for($z = 0; $z < count ( $existing_camp_id ); $z ++) { $rowsetting_new_camp = View_Setting ( $existing_camp_id [$z] [1] ); if ($rowsetting_new_camp [18] != "") { $camp_name_list = $rowsetting_new_camp [18]; $camp_array = explode ( ",", $camp_name_list ); for($y = 0; $y < count ( $camp_array ); $y ++) { $new_campid = Show_Campaign_Id ( $camp_array [$y] ); if ($new_campid == $pop_setings [$x] [1]) { $new_status = 0; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set status=" . $new_status . " where id = " . $existing_camp_id [$z] [0]; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($row_setting [14] != "on") { $verify_lk = $basepath . "confirm.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . "&em=" . urlencode ( $from_email ); $verifylink = "<a href='$verify_lk'>$verify_lk</a>"; $subject = $row_setting [12]; $body = $row_setting [13]; $subject = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#VerifyLink#", $verifylink, $subject ); $body = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_email, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#VerifyLink#", $verifylink, $body ); for($i = 0; $i <= $cnt - 1; $i ++) { $var = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$tracking_links[$i][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $var_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $var ); $var_link = "<a href='$var_new'>$var_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $tracking_links [$i] [5] . "#", $var_link, $body ); } for($m = 0; $m < count ( $All_group ); $m ++) //this loop is for group { $random_link_in_group = Select_Random_Link ( $All_group [$m] [0] ); $total_link = count ( $random_link_in_group ); $random_link = rand ( 1, $total_link ); $new_random_link = ($random_link - 1); $variable = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$random_link_in_group[$new_random_link][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $variable_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $variable ); $variable_link = "<a href='$variable_new'>$variable_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $All_group [$m] [2] . "#", $variable_link, $body ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////===============================Code for email delievery============================= //======================================================================================= $mail_type_settings = View_Priority_Settings (); $mail->Priority = $mail_type_settings [0]; $setMailSendType = $mail_type_settings [1]; $mail->CharSet = $mail_type_settings [5]; if (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "smtp")) { $smtp_row = View_Setting_Smtp (); $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->Host = $smtp_row [0]; $mail->Port = $smtp_row [1]; if ($smtp_row [4] == "true") { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $smtp_row [2]; $mail->Password = $smtp_row [3]; } else { $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->Username = ""; $mail->Password = ""; } } elseif (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "sendmail")) { $mail->Mailer = "sendmail"; $path = View_SendMail_Path (); $mail->Sendmail = $path [0]; } $mail->From = $row_setting [3]; $mail->FromName = $row_setting [2]; $mail->ContentType = "text/html"; $mail->AddAddress ( $from_email ); $mail->Subject = stripslashes ( $subject ); $mail->Body = stripslashes ( $body ); if (! $mail->Send ()) { } else { $mail->ClearAddresses (); } } //end of if if($row_setting[14]!="on") } //end of double opt in } //end of if } } //end of "Y" //==================Code for unsubscription================================== if ($pop_setings [$x] [26] == "Y") { if (($subject_email == $pop_setings [$x] [28]) && ($to_email == $pop_setings [$x] [27])) { $from_name = $header->fromaddress; $from_email = $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['host']; $check1 = Check_Email_Existing ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $from_email ); if ($check1 != 0) { $status = 0; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set `status`=" . $status . " where campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . " and EMAIL='" . $from_email . "'"; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } /////===================code for track bounced mail==================================== if ($from_email != $pop_setings [$x] [3]) { $pos_matter = $basepath . "bounced_mail.php?id="; //$pos_matter = "<img src='$bouncelink'"; if (strpos ( $body_email, $pos_matter ) === false) { //echo "<li>Not found matter"; } else { $pos = strpos ( $body_email, $pos_matter ) + strlen ( $pos_matter ); $str = substr ( $body_email, $pos ); $subscribers_id = substr ( $str, 0, strpos ( $str, "'" ) ); if (is_int ( $subscribers_id )) { $bounced_status = 5; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set `status`=" . $bounced_status . " where campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . " and id=" . $subscribers_id; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } } } if($mbox) { // Add here to delete read email imap_delete ( $mbox, $m ); // Mark As Deletion // Purge email before closing imap_expunge ( $mbox ); // Connection close @imap_close ( $mbox ); } } } /////////////////////////////////// } ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lizmcreations Posted December 4, 2008 Author Share Posted December 4, 2008 Please forgive me for not posting my code correctly - I should have read more of the forum before I posted - I know better. Thank you so much for your quick response. That change got rid of the error message -- but the e-mails aren't being deleted. Any ideas on how to get all the messages in the inbox deleted when cron.pop3.php is run? The imap_delete... imap_expunge was supposed to do that - at least that is what I thought. I do appreciate your time and assistance. Elizabeth Martinez Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MadTechie Posted December 4, 2008 Share Posted December 4, 2008 Okay i have updated the code Heres a snippet i move the delet to the correct place BUT as your clearing all tagging all of them and then deleting its a little slower that i you would like to i updated it to purge all at once.. } /*this should be here*/ // Add here to delete read email #imap_delete ( $mbox, $m ); //Removed // Mark As Deletion } /*But this will work better*/ //clear out an entire mailbox. imap_delete($mbox,'1:*'); //Added to do a full purge! // Purge email before closing imap_expunge ( $mbox ); // Connection close @imap_close ( $mbox ); } EDIT: and and your welcome and welcome to phpfreaks Full code below <?php require_once ('commoninclude.php'); require_once ("class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer ( ); $pop_setings = Pop_Account_Settings (); $counter = count ( $pop_setings ); if ($counter !== 0) { for($x = 0; $x < count ( $pop_setings ); $x ++) { $mbox = @imap_open ( $pop_setings [$x] [20], $pop_setings [$x] [21], $pop_setings [$x] [22] ); if ($mbox !== false) { $check = imap_check ( $mbox ); $totalmessages = $check->Nmsgs; for($m = 1; $m <= $totalmessages; $m ++) { $header = imap_header ( $mbox, $m ); if ($header !== false) { $subject_email = $header->Subject; $body_email = imap_body ( $mbox, $m ); $body_length = strlen ( $body ); $array_header = object_to_array ( $header ); $to_email = $array_header ['to'] ['0'] ['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header ['to'] ['0'] ['host']; if ($pop_setings [$x] [23] == "Y") { if (($subject_email == $pop_setings [$x] [25]) && ($to_email == $pop_setings [$x] [24])) { $full_name = $header->fromaddress; $name_array = explode ( " ", trim ( $full_name ) ); if ($name_array [0] != "" && $name_array [1] != "" && $name_array [0] != " " && $name_array [1] != " ") { $from_name = $name_array [0]; $last_name = $name_array [1]; } else { $from_name = $full_name; $last_name = ""; } $from_email = $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['host']; $check1 = Check_Email_Existing ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $from_email ); $row_setting = View_Setting ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $tracking_links = GetAllTracking_links ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $cnt = count ( $tracking_links ); $All_group = GetAllGroupName ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $campaign_list = Show_Selected_Campaign ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); /////////////////////////////////////////// if ($check1 == 0) { if ($row_setting [10] == "Single") { $subs_type = "Email"; $ip_address = $_SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; $sign_up_url = $_SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']; $data1 = "insert into " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " (campid,name,email,date_of_join,status,subs_type,ip_address,sign_url) values(" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . ",'" . $from_name . "','" . $from_email . "','" . offset_date () . "',1,'" . $subs_type . "','" . $ip_address . "','" . $sign_up_url . "')"; $result1 = db_query ( $data1 ); $getid = "select max(id) from " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . ""; $q = db_query ( $getid ); $rsgetid = db_fetch_row ( $q ); $subs_id = $rsgetid [0]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==coding for remove same mail id if exist in other campaign $existing_camp_id = Check_Email_Existing_In_All_Subscribers ( $from_email ); for($z = 0; $z < count ( $existing_camp_id ); $z ++) { $rowsetting_new_camp = View_Setting ( $existing_camp_id [$z] [1] ); if ($rowsetting_new_camp [18] != "") { $camp_name_list = $rowsetting_new_camp [18]; $camp_array = explode ( ",", $camp_name_list ); for($y = 0; $y < count ( $camp_array ); $y ++) { $new_campid = Show_Campaign_Id ( $camp_array [$y] ); if ($new_campid == $pop_setings [$x] [1]) { $new_status = 0; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set status=" . $new_status . " where id = " . $existing_camp_id [$z] [0]; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } } //=====================from here code for zero delay mail to these subscribers $content = Show_Confirm_Message_Campain_Queue ( $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); if (($content != "") && ($row_setting [14] != "on")) { $msgid = $content [0]; $subject = $content [2]; $body = $content [3]; //////////////////////////////////////////////// /////==modified code for links personalisation==//////// $read_online = explode ( "#OnlineReadLink(", $body ); $read_online = explode ( ")#", $read_online [1] ); $online_text = $read_online [0]; $link_unsub = explode ( "#UnsubscribeLink[", $body ); $link_unsub = explode ( "]#", $link_unsub [1] ); $unsub_text = $link_unsub [0]; //////================end here================// ///////////////////////////////////////////////// $date = offset_date (); $current_date = offset_date (); $subject = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $subject ); $body = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_name, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#CurrentDate#", $current_date, $body ); for($i = 0; $i <= $cnt - 1; $i ++) { $var = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$tracking_links[$i][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $var_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $var ); $var_link = "<a href='$var_new'>$var_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $tracking_links [$i] [5] . "#", $var_link, $body ); } for($m = 0; $m < count ( $All_group ); $m ++) //this loop is for group { $random_link_in_group = Select_Random_Link ( $All_group [$m] [0] ); $total_link = count ( $random_link_in_group ); $random_link = rand ( 1, $total_link ); $new_random_link = ($random_link - 1); $variable = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$random_link_in_group[$new_random_link][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $variable_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $variable ); $variable_link = "<a href='$variable_new'>$variable_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $All_group [$m] [2] . "#", $variable_link, $body ); } for($p = 0; $p < count ( $campaign_list ); $p ++) { $upgrade = $basepath . "upgrade.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . $campaign_list [$p] [0] . "&em=" . urlencode ( $from_email ); $upgrade_new = "<a href='$upgrade'>$upgrade</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $campaign_list [$p] [1] . "#", $upgrade_new, $body ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==This code is for message display according to type==// $contenttype = $content [7]; $total_msg_read = $basepath . "total_message_read.php?id=" . $msgid . "&msg_methode=queue&email_id=" . $from_email . "&campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1]; $total_read = "<img src='$total_msg_read' width'0' height='0'>"; $line_break = "<br>"; if ($contenttype == "text") { $unsubscribe_url = $unsub_text . "::" . $basepath . "unsubscribe.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . md5 ( $from_email . $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $server_message = $online_text . "::" . $basepath . "server.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . "&msgmtd=queue&msgid=" . $msgid; $body = str_replace ( "#UnsubscribeLink[" . $unsub_text . "]#", $unsubscribe_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#OnlineReadLink(" . $online_text . ")#", $server_message, $body ); $confirm_message = url2link ( $body ) . " " . $line_break . " " . $total_read; } elseif ($contenttype == "html") { $var = $basepath . "unsubscribe.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . md5 ( $from_email . $pop_setings [$x] [1] ); $var_msg = $basepath . "server.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . "&msgmtd=queue&msgid=" . $msgid; $unsubscribe_url = "<a href='$var' title='Click Here To unsubscribe us'>" . $unsub_text . "</a>"; $server_message = "<a href='$var_msg' title='If You are not able to read this email properly then click here to read this email online'>" . $online_text . "</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#UnsubscribeLink[" . $unsub_text . "]#", $unsubscribe_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#OnlineReadLink(" . $online_text . ")#", $server_message, $body ); $confirm_message = $body . " " . $line_break . " " . $total_read; } /////////===End code==////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////===============================Code for email delievery============================= //======================================================================================= $mail_type_settings = View_Priority_Settings (); $mail->Priority = $mail_type_settings [0]; $setMailSendType = $mail_type_settings [1]; $mail->CharSet = $mail_type_settings [5]; if (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "smtp")) { $smtp_row = View_Setting_Smtp (); $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->Host = $smtp_row [0]; $mail->Port = $smtp_row [1]; if ($smtp_row [4] == "true") { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $smtp_row [2]; $mail->Password = $smtp_row [3]; } else { $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->Username = ""; $mail->Password = ""; } } elseif (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "sendmail")) { $mail->Mailer = "sendmail"; $path = View_SendMail_Path (); $mail->Sendmail = $path [0]; } $dir = "uploadedimages/"; $attfile = $dir . $content [4]; $mail->From = $row_setting [3]; $mail->FromName = $row_setting [2]; //fromname means sender Email Id $mail->ContentType = "text/html"; $mail->AddAddress ( $from_email ); // Reciepients Id $mail->Subject = stripslashes ( $subject ); $mail->Body = stripslashes ( $confirm_message ); $mail->AddAttachment ( $attfile ); if ($mail->Send ()) { $sending_way = "queue"; Save_Sent_Message ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $subs_id, $msgid, $from_email, $sending_way ); $mail->ClearAddresses (); } //=====================Admin report======================= if ($row_setting [7] == "on") { Confirmation_Mail_to_Admin ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $from_name, $last_name, $from_email, $ip_address, $sign_up_url, $row_setting [3], $row_setting [2], $row_setting [8] ); } } } else //end of if of single opt_in if loop //start of double opt in type { $subs_type = "Email"; $ip_address = $_SERVER ['REMOTE_ADDR']; $sign_up_url = $_SERVER ['HTTP_REFERER']; $data1 = "insert into " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " (campid,name,email,date_of_join,status,subs_type,ip_address,sign_url,last_name) values(" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . ",'" . $from_name . "','" . $from_email . "','" . offset_date () . "',0,'" . $subs_type . "','" . $ip_address . "','" . $sign_up_url . "','" . $last_name . "')"; $result1 = db_query ( $data1 ); $subs_id = db_insert_id (); $date = offset_date (); // $subs_details=View_Subscribers_details_By_mail_campid($from_email,$pop_setings[$x][1]); // $subs_id=$subs_details[0][0]; // $date=$subs_details[0][4]; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //==coding for remove same mail id if exist in other campaign $existing_camp_id = Check_Email_Existing_In_All_Subscribers ( $from_email ); for($z = 0; $z < count ( $existing_camp_id ); $z ++) { $rowsetting_new_camp = View_Setting ( $existing_camp_id [$z] [1] ); if ($rowsetting_new_camp [18] != "") { $camp_name_list = $rowsetting_new_camp [18]; $camp_array = explode ( ",", $camp_name_list ); for($y = 0; $y < count ( $camp_array ); $y ++) { $new_campid = Show_Campaign_Id ( $camp_array [$y] ); if ($new_campid == $pop_setings [$x] [1]) { $new_status = 0; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set status=" . $new_status . " where id = " . $existing_camp_id [$z] [0]; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ($row_setting [14] != "on") { $verify_lk = $basepath . "confirm.php?id=" . $subs_id . "&cid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . "&em=" . urlencode ( $from_email ); $verifylink = "<a href='$verify_lk'>$verify_lk</a>"; $subject = $row_setting [12]; $body = $row_setting [13]; $subject = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $subject ); $subject = str_replace ( "#VerifyLink#", $verifylink, $subject ); $body = str_replace ( "#Name#", $from_email, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#LastName#", $last_name, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", $from_email, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#IPAddress#", $ip_address, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#JoinDate#", $date, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#SignupUrl#", $sign_up_url, $body ); $body = str_replace ( "#VerifyLink#", $verifylink, $body ); for($i = 0; $i <= $cnt - 1; $i ++) { $var = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$tracking_links[$i][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $var_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $var ); $var_link = "<a href='$var_new'>$var_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $tracking_links [$i] [5] . "#", $var_link, $body ); } for($m = 0; $m < count ( $All_group ); $m ++) //this loop is for group { $random_link_in_group = Select_Random_Link ( $All_group [$m] [0] ); $total_link = count ( $random_link_in_group ); $random_link = rand ( 1, $total_link ); $new_random_link = ($random_link - 1); $variable = $basepath . "getcode.php?id={$random_link_in_group[$new_random_link][3]}&email=#EmailId#"; $variable_new = str_replace ( "#EmailId#", urlencode ( $from_email ), $variable ); $variable_link = "<a href='$variable_new'>$variable_new</a>"; $body = str_replace ( "#" . $All_group [$m] [2] . "#", $variable_link, $body ); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////===============================Code for email delievery============================= //======================================================================================= $mail_type_settings = View_Priority_Settings (); $mail->Priority = $mail_type_settings [0]; $setMailSendType = $mail_type_settings [1]; $mail->CharSet = $mail_type_settings [5]; if (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "smtp")) { $smtp_row = View_Setting_Smtp (); $mail->Mailer = "smtp"; $mail->Host = $smtp_row [0]; $mail->Port = $smtp_row [1]; if ($smtp_row [4] == "true") { $mail->SMTPAuth = true; $mail->Username = $smtp_row [2]; $mail->Password = $smtp_row [3]; } else { $mail->SMTPAuth = false; $mail->Username = ""; $mail->Password = ""; } } elseif (isset ( $setMailSendType ) && ($setMailSendType == "sendmail")) { $mail->Mailer = "sendmail"; $path = View_SendMail_Path (); $mail->Sendmail = $path [0]; } $mail->From = $row_setting [3]; $mail->FromName = $row_setting [2]; $mail->ContentType = "text/html"; $mail->AddAddress ( $from_email ); $mail->Subject = stripslashes ( $subject ); $mail->Body = stripslashes ( $body ); if (! $mail->Send ()) { } else { $mail->ClearAddresses (); } } //end of if if($row_setting[14]!="on") } //end of double opt in } //end of if } } //end of "Y" //==================Code for unsubscription================================== if ($pop_setings [$x] [26] == "Y") { if (($subject_email == $pop_setings [$x] [28]) && ($to_email == $pop_setings [$x] [27])) { $from_name = $header->fromaddress; $from_email = $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['mailbox'] . "@" . $array_header ['from'] ['0'] ['host']; $check1 = Check_Email_Existing ( $pop_setings [$x] [1], $from_email ); if ($check1 != 0) { $status = 0; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set `status`=" . $status . " where campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . " and EMAIL='" . $from_email . "'"; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } /////===================code for track bounced mail==================================== if ($from_email != $pop_setings [$x] [3]) { $pos_matter = $basepath . "bounced_mail.php?id="; //$pos_matter = "<img src='$bouncelink'"; if (strpos ( $body_email, $pos_matter ) === false) { //echo "<li>Not found matter"; } else { $pos = strpos ( $body_email, $pos_matter ) + strlen ( $pos_matter ); $str = substr ( $body_email, $pos ); $subscribers_id = substr ( $str, 0, strpos ( $str, "'" ) ); if (is_int ( $subscribers_id )) { $bounced_status = 5; $query = "update " . SUBSCRIBERS_TABLE . " set `status`=" . $bounced_status . " where campid=" . $pop_setings [$x] [1] . " and id=" . $subscribers_id; $q = db_query ( $query ) or die ( db_error () ); } } } } /*this should be here*/ // Add here to delete read email #imap_delete ( $mbox, $m ); //Removed // Mark As Deletion } /*But this will work better*/ //clear out an entire mailbox. imap_delete($mbox,'1:*'); //Added to do a full purge! // Purge email before closing imap_expunge ( $mbox ); // Connection close @imap_close ( $mbox ); } } /////////////////////////////////// } ?> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lizmcreations Posted December 4, 2008 Author Share Posted December 4, 2008 thank you so much -- but the code is still not deleting all the e-mails -- Any other suggestions? Thank you. Elizabeth Martinez Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lizmcreations Posted December 5, 2008 Author Share Posted December 5, 2008 Ok, I'm marking the topic solved because the error is gone adn I've now realized there is some other issue with a setting in the autoresponder because the cron job file isn't even checking the e-mail account. Thank you very much for the help, I really appreciate it. Elizabeth Martinez Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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