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[SOLVED] match everything between = and \x22>

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I have a list with html urls

<a href="http://www.website.tld/home.php?search=1&results=20&query=cool+website">cool website</a>, 


I can match <a href="http://www.website.tld/home.php?search=1&results=20&query= by using

<a href=\x22http://www.website.tld/home.php?search=1&results=20&query=


But I have a problem with the part between 'query=' and '">'. This can be everything: letters, digits, quotes, /,...


How do I tell php to match all possible characters and length?


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Do I undrestand you corrcetly when I propose this?

$str = '<a href="http://www.website.tld/home.php?search=1&results=20&query=cool+website">cool website</a>';
preg_match('#<a href="([^"]*)"#', $str, $match);
echo $match[1];






EDIT: Admittedly, your post is not very descriptive, in that you are not showing on a line by itself a sample of what exactly you are trying to match (based on your initial a tag). If I am off base on what I am proposing, then I am misunderstanding what it is exactly you are looking for. Give me a sample match portion from your initial example string (in otherwords, show me exactly what part you want to match from your string). Beacuse this thread is called match everything between = and \x22>, but yet in the example, you have: <a href=\x22http://www.website.tld/home.php?search=1&results=20&query=


well, the = and \x22 is right beside each other.. so its confusing.


If I did nail it, then it's all good.

My post was indeed not very clear as it's the first time I'm working with regex. I made a mistake by using str_replace and not preg_replace :-[


The code you gave me (I added a dot after ") helped me, but I still didn't get the output right.

#<a href="([^"]*)".#


This is wat I want to get as output;


1. I have a list with urls

<a href="http://www.website.tld/home.php?search=1&results=20&query=cool+website">cool website</a>, 
<a href="http://www.website.tld/home.php?search=1&results=20&query=best+forum">best forum</a>, 
<a href="http://www.website.tld/home.php?search=1&results=20&query=tryme">tryme</a>, 


2. I just want to show the part between '>' and '</a>, ' with a '<br>' at the end

cool website<br>
best forum<br>

Ah, well that explains things much more clearly... try this:


$str = '<a href="http://www.website.tld/home.php?search=1&results=20&query=tryme">tryme</a>';
preg_match('#<a[^>]*>(.+?)</a>#', $str, $match);
echo $match[1];




your code works with the string. thank you :D Now I'm trying to run this for the complete list. I made a code (on the base of some other codes), but I only get a few words ???


$file = file_get_contents('urls.php');
$expl = explode("\n",$file);
$new = implode("\n",$expl);
preg_match('#<a[^>]*>(.+?)</a>#', $new, $match);
echo $match[1];


Ah, you are getting these links in a file.

I suppose one way would be to use preg_match_all instead of just preg_match, and apply that to $file:


$file = file_get_contents('urls.php');
preg_match_all('#<a[^>]*>(.+?)</a>#s', $file, $matches);
echo '<pre>'.print_r($matches[1], true);


Would this work out?



lol not at all.. sorry about that...its because of how I presented the end results with this last line:


echo '<pre>'.print_r($matches[1], true);


You don't have to use that if you don't want to.. you could just use a foreach function to tap into $matches[1] and go that way instead:


foreach($matches[1] as $val){
   echo $val . '<br />';

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