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//Find Rows

$Result2= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID='$ID'");

$Rows2= mysql_fetch_array($Result2);


//Define User Variables

$Pokémon= $Rows2['VolcanoValley'];

$Pokémon2= $Rows2['VolcanoValley2'];

//If Action Is Not Null



  //If Form Is Not Submitted




    //Define Random Variables

    $PokémonRand= rand(1, 100);


    //If Pokémon Is Charmander

    if($PokémonRand >= 1 && $PokémonRand <= 25)


      //Define Pokémon Variables

      $PokémonNumber= 1;





    //If Pokémon Is Magby

    elseif($PokémonRand >= 26 && $PokémonRand <= 50)


      //Define Pokémon Variables

      $PokémonNumber= 2;





    //If Pokémon Is Numel

    elseif($PokémonRand >= 51 && $PokémonRand <= 75)


      //Define Pokémon Variables

      $PokémonNumber= 3;





    //If Pokémon Is Nothing

    elseif($PokémonRand >= 76 && $PokémonRand <= 99)


      //Define Pokémon Variables

      $PokémonNumber= 0;





    //If Pokémon Is Entei



      //Define Pokémon Variables

      $PokémonNumber= 4;





    //If Pokémon Is Nothing



      //Display Message

      echo "You have found nothing when searching for Pokémon.<br /><br />


      <a href='map1.php?action=catch'><img border='0' src='http://i13.tinypic.com/8104aqe.jpg'></a>";



    //If Pokémon Is Not Nothing



      //Define Random Variables

      $PokémonRand2= rand(1, 49);


      //If Gender Is Male

      if($PokémonRand2 >= 1 && $PokémonRand2  <= 24)


        //Define Gender Variables





      //If Gender Is Female

      elseif($PokémonRand2 >= 25 && $PokémonRand2  <= 48)


        //Define Gender Variables





      //If Gender Is Ungendered

      elseif($PokémonRand2== 49)


        //Define Gender Variables





      //If Gender Is Unknown



        //Define Gender Variables





      //Update Information

      mysql_query("UPDATE users SET VolcanoValley='$PokémonNumber', VolcanoValley2='$PokémonGSign' WHERE ID='$ID'");

      //Define User Variables


      //Display Form

      echo "


      <form action='?action=catch' method='POST'>

      <input type='hidden' name='Submit' value=1'>

      <img src='$PokémonImage' alt='$PokémonName' title='$PokémonName'><br />

      <b>$PokémonName</b><br /><br />


      You have encountered a wild $PokémonName <b>$PokémonGSign</b>!<br /><br />


      <input type='submit' value='Catch $PokémonName' onclick=\"this.disabled='true'; this.value='Please Wait...'; this.form.submit();\"><br /><br />



      echo "<a href='map1.php?action=catch'><img border='0' src='http://i13.tinypic.com/8104aqe.jpg'></a>";





Okay, so basically this is a snipit of the script, and where I believe everything is going wrong. When I click on the map, let's say I get a female Numel, it should make Volcano Valley='3' int he database and Volcano Valley 2='(F)' but about 50-75% of the time it randomizes it. Why is this?

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in code:

<?php //Find Rows
$Result2= mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE ID='$ID'");
$Rows2= mysql_fetch_array($Result2);

//Define User Variables
$Pokémon= $Rows2['VolcanoValley'];
$Pokémon2= $Rows2['VolcanoValley2'];
//If Action Is Not Null
  //If Form Is Not Submitted

    //Define Random Variables
    $PokémonRand= rand(1, 100);

    //If Pokémon Is Charmander
    if($PokémonRand >= 1 && $PokémonRand <= 25)
      //Define Pokémon Variables
      $PokémonNumber= 1;

    //If Pokémon Is Magby
    elseif($PokémonRand >= 26 && $PokémonRand <= 50)
      //Define Pokémon Variables
      $PokémonNumber= 2;

    //If Pokémon Is Numel
    elseif($PokémonRand >= 51 && $PokémonRand <= 75)
      //Define Pokémon Variables
      $PokémonNumber= 3;

    //If Pokémon Is Nothing
    elseif($PokémonRand >= 76 && $PokémonRand <= 99)
      //Define Pokémon Variables
      $PokémonNumber= 0;

    //If Pokémon Is Entei
      //Define Pokémon Variables
      $PokémonNumber= 4;

    //If Pokémon Is Nothing
      //Display Message
      echo "You have found nothing when searching for Pokémon.<br /><br />

      <a href='map1.php?action=catch'><img border='0' src='http://i13.tinypic.com/8104aqe.jpg'></a>";

    //If Pokémon Is Not Nothing
      //Define Random Variables
      $PokémonRand2= rand(1, 49);

      //If Gender Is Male
      if($PokémonRand2 >= 1 && $PokémonRand2  <= 24)
        //Define Gender Variables

      //If Gender Is Female
      elseif($PokémonRand2 >= 25 && $PokémonRand2  <= 48)
        //Define Gender Variables

      //If Gender Is Ungendered
      elseif($PokémonRand2== 49)
        //Define Gender Variables

      //If Gender Is Unknown
        //Define Gender Variables

      //Update Information
      mysql_query("UPDATE users SET VolcanoValley='$PokémonNumber', VolcanoValley2='$PokémonGSign' WHERE ID='$ID'");
      //Define User Variables

      //Display Form
      echo "

      <form action='?action=catch' method='POST'>
      <input type='hidden' name='Submit' value=1'>
      <img src='$PokémonImage' alt='$PokémonName' title='$PokémonName'><br />
      <b>$PokémonName</b><br /><br />

      You have encountered a wild $PokémonName <b>$PokémonGSign</b>!<br /><br />

      <input type='submit' value='Catch $PokémonName' onclick=\"this.disabled='true'; this.value='Please Wait...'; this.form.submit();\"><br /><br />

      echo "<a href='map1.php?action=catch'><img border='0' src='http://i13.tinypic.com/8104aqe.jpg'></a>";

just to help me...

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actually, those questions may sound stupid. so, when you go to the page and action=catch you are supposed to get one of 3 or 4 pokemon or non at all. right?

if you did catch a pokemon it changes the the user to have that pokemon for that location or whatever. right?

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Okay, when the pokemon pops up it asks if you want to catch it. So, it displays the pokemon and adds information to the database so the database knows what pokemon it is before you catch it (because it would re-rand after making a new page, so instead I use the database to pick it up) but for some reason it displays the right pokemon, but adds the WRONG pokemon to the database about 50% of the time.

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