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[SOLVED] Kinda HTML, but also PHP


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Hey, I'm having a bit of a problem. I'm trying to get a check box to work 2 ways. When the user registers, I'm trying to get the checkbox to work as a DEFAULT as 0 or if it is checked, it will be set to 1.


Objective: Check box is not working correctly. I want it to equal 0 if its not checked, but I want it to set to 1 when its checked.


Issue: It doesn't want to set to the default (which in the database is set to 0 for the default). It either works as "1" or it just says it can't work.


<?php session_start(); error_reporting(E_ALL); include("config.php"); ?>
<title>FBLA | Allumni Registration</title>
<link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
border: solid #FFFFFF;
<div class="body">
<form method="POST" action="">
	<tr><td> Name: </td><td> <input type="text" name="name" maxlength="30" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td> Password:</td><td> <input type="password" name="pass" maxlength="25" /> </td></tr>
	<tr><td> Verify Password: </td><td> <input type="password" name="pass2" maxlength="25" />
	<tr><td> Age: </td><td> <input type="text" name="age" maxlength="2" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td> E-mail: </td><td> <input type="text" name="email" maxlength="35" /><td></tr>
	<tr><td> Verify E-mail: </td><td> <input type="text" name="vemail" maxlength="35" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td> Sex: </td><td> <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Male" />Male <input type="radio" name="sex" value="Female" />Female</td></tr>
	<tr><td> Year Graduated: </td><td> <input type="text" name="date" maxlength="4" /></td></tr>
	<tr><td id="box"><input type="checkbox" name="activities" /></td><td> Yes, I would like updates on future FBLA activities.</td></tr>
	<tr><td> <input type=submit name=submit value="Register" /> </td></tr>
$name = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']);
$pass = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pass']);
$pass2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['pass2']);
$password = hash('sha512' , $pass);
$age = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['age']);
$sex = $_POST['sex'];
$email = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']);
$email2 = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['vemail']);
$date = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['date']);
$activities = $_POST['activities'];
$ip =  $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];  // users ip is stored in the variable ip

/*$sel = 'SELECT * FROM `allumni` WHERE `name`="' . $_POST['name'] . '"';

$result = mysql_query($sel) or die(mysql_error());
$data = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);

if(mysql_num_rows($result) >0){
	echo "The username currently exists. Please select another username.";
if($name == ""){
	echo "You did not enter a username. Please re-enter your username.";
elseif($password == ""){
	echo "You did not enter a password. Please re-enter your password.";
elseif($pass != $pass2){
	echo "Your passwords do not match! Please check your passwords.";
elseif($age == ""){
	echo "You did not enter your age. Please re-enter your age.";
elseif($email == ""){
	echo "You did not enter your E-mail. Please re-enter your E-mail.";
elseif($email2  != $email){
	echo "Your E-mails do not match. Please check your E-mails.";
elseif($date == ""){
	echo "You did not enter your graduation year. Please re-enter your graduation year.";
elseif($sex == ""){
	echo "You need to enter your gender.";

	$sql = ('INSERT INTO `allumni` (name, password_sha512, age, sex, email, date_registered, year_grad, get_updates, ip) VALUES '.
           '("'.$name.'", "'.$password.'", "'.$age.'", "'.$sex.'", "'.$email.'", NOW(), "'.$date.'", "'.$activities.'", "'.$ip.'"  )');

	$result = mysql_query($sql);

	echo "Your account was created successfully!";
	echo "Your account was NOT created due to an error. Please report this to the Mrs. Dochety or Mr. King " . mysql_error();



Any help, hints, tips, reading, posting, etc would be helpful!


Thanks =)

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	<tr><td id="box"><input type="checkbox" name="activities" value="1" /></td><td> Yes, I would like updates on future FBLA activities.</td></tr>
$activities = (int)$_POST['activities'];


Using (int) casts the value to the integer type. (It forces it to be a number). If the checkbox is selected, the value passed will be '1'. If the checkbox is not selected, the value is not passed at all (ie, isset($_POST['activities']) == false)


(int) '1' == 1


(int) null == 0





@timmah1 You missed an equals sign in your IF statement.


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