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[SOLVED] An unusual quirk regarding concantating a class-func. into a function parameter


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I am working on a category-system class for my site. Everything in the script itself appears to work fine but when I try to use it in my templating-system class, it doesn't work like it should.


Here's how I am doing it (which doesn't work):

if(isset($_POST['action'])) echo $category->set(0);
$mainb = '<form action="foobar.php" method="post">'.$category->show(0, $_SESSION['auth']).'<input type="submit" name="action" value="Action" class="button"></form>'
$layout->output(array('tpl.sideb' => $sideb, 'tpl.mainb' => $mainb));


But if it's done this way, it works just fine. Though, this way, I can't use my templating system.

if(isset($_POST['action'])) echo $category->set(0);
echo '<form action="foobar.php" method="post">';
echo $category->show(0, $_SESSION['auth']);
echo '<input type="submit" name="action" value="Action" class="button"></form>';


I don't suppose there's any other alternative method here, is there?



Here is my template-system class:

class template {
	var $page;

	//page() retrieves the template file given a directory/file-path
	function page($template){
		if(file_exists($template)) $this->page = join('', file($template));
		else die('Template file "'.$template.'" could not be found.');

	function parse($file){
		include $file;
		$buffer = ob_get_contents();
		return $buffer;

	//output() replaces the corresponding tags (array-keys) with their array-values
	function output($tags = array()){
		if(sizeof($tags) > 0){
			foreach($tags as $tag => $data){
				$data = (file_exists($data)) ? $this->parse($data) : $data;
				$tag = preg_quote($tag);
				$this->page = preg_replace('/<!--' . $tag . '-->/i', $data, $this->page);
		else return 'Error: Uncorresponding tags';
		echo $this->page;
$layout = new template;


And here's my category-system class

class categories {
	//check() and rights() simply keep and checked boxes checked upon page-view or form-procession
	function check($category, $code){
		if (($category & $code) != 0) return ' CHECKED ';
		else return '';

	function rights($rights, $r){
		if ($rights & $r) return ' CHECKED ';
		else return '';

	//gen() returns an array of categories corresponding to the $type variable (a number)
	function gen($type, $loop=true){
		//TYPES: 0 = user-permissions,
		if($type==0) $categories = array(1 => 'View Profiles', 2 => 'Edit Profiles', 4 => 'Edit Authorizations', 8 => 'View Users\' History', 16 => 'Site-Maintenance');
			$categorylist = array();
			foreach($categories as $key => $val) $categorylist[] = array($val, $key);
			return $categorylist;
		} else
			return $categories;

	//show() displays the categories in a table (to be used in a form)
	function show($ctype, $dbarray=''){
		$categories = $this->gen($ctype);
		echo '<table border="0" width="500px">';
		for($i = 0; $i < count($categories); ++$i){
			if($ctype==0) $checked = $this->rights($dbarray, $categories[$i][1]);
			else $checked = $this->check($dbarray, $categories[$i][1]);
			if($i%2==0) echo '<tr><td><input type="checkbox" ' . $checked . ' name="c' . $categories[$i][1] . '" id="c' . $categories[$i][1] . '">' . '<label for="c' . $categories[$i][1] . '"> ' . $categories[$i][0] . '</label></td>';
			else echo '<td><input type="checkbox" ' . $checked . ' name="c' . $categories[$i][1] . '" id="c' . $categories[$i][1] . '">' . '<label for="c' . $categories[$i][1] . '"> ' . $categories[$i][0] . '</label></td></tr>';
		if($i%2!=0) echo '</tr>';
		echo '</table>';

	//set() returns all the checked box values in the form of an integer
	function set($ctype){
		$count = count($catlist);
		for($i=0; $i < $count; ++$i){
			if(isset($_POST['c' . $catlist[$i][1]])) $cat|=$catlist[$i][1];
		return $cat;

$category = new categories;

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There is a semi-colon ; missing on the end of the - $mainb = .... line of code that causes a fatal parse error and prevents the first set of code from executing.


Are you developing and debugging php on a system with error_reporting set to E_ALL and display_errors set to ON to get php to help you with problems like this?

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