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Trouble moving DB to new host


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I am running a PHPBB3 based web forum, and I am trying to setup a duplicate site for testing.  The original site is running SQL 4.  The new site is running SQL 5.  What is happening is the original DB is about 105 MB, and after I do a full DB dump and upload it into the new host, I only get about 80MB of the data.  I have tried data only, structure only, both data and structure, various export types (sql, csv, etc...), specific tables only, etc... and nothing I do moves all the data over.  I don't get any SQL errors in the process, but my PHPBB3 site does kick back a "thread is not available" type message.  Another thing to note is that it appears as of a certain post date is when all the data goes missing.  It's almost like it gets to a certain point in dumping the phpbb3_posts table, then ignores the rest.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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1. See if there are no data you can drop before moving database (like error logs etc)

2. Try to export to split your export into several parts. Export large tables separately as single files. You might even have to split your largest tables into several files.


Last time I was moving my forums, I had to split my export into 6 parts. And it was only about 30MB :P

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Thanks for the quick reply.  Currently I was trying chunks about 40MB (50MB limit per the new host).  I will break them down into mush smaller files to see if it changes.  I'll try it tonight once I can gain access back to the site backend. 


I might actually try pulling specific entries and impoting them, then seeing if the php software can locate them.  The phpbb_posts table is by far the largest one @ about 75MB itself.  The other tables seem to have moved fine, but are all pretty tiny in comparision.

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I looked over my export from the original site and compared it to the current posted information on the forum.  What I found is that the export is only running about 18000 of the post entries then moving on to the next table.  If I specify a higher starting entry, I get data that was previously not exported.  I just need to go thru and see how much data I get per each export, and figure out what my increments are for trying to pull the chunks out using the "starting at record #" feature.

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