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Brian W

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We have a kick ass in house server running MySQL and suddenly just recently one of the sites running on it started having delays when running Update and/or Insert statements. SELECT statements don't seem to have any delay and are flying like they should.

When you post date (as in click "Submit") the status bar gets like a quarter of the way loaded, then pauses for 2-15 seconds, and then finally finishes.

I find this odd since I haven't had any problems before hand and like I said, the Select statements run just fine.

Any ideas?

also, can't seem to get --log-slow-queries[=file_name] to work.

i've tried:





and a few other combinations and variations but can't figure out that command prompt thing. I'm a total noob.


Thanks guys


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never mind, after some testing I've narrowed the slowness down to the mail() function which happens to be on all the pages that INSERT and/or UPDATE. trouble shooting that problem now though.

Thanks Mchl anyways, appreciate the speedy help.

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