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I have a small website and I need people to update text on the site. I created text files for them to just type what they need and upload it then a simple PHP include would publish this and everything would work great.


My issues is that some dont know how to use a editor or even an FTP program. So i am thinking of making an interface to log into and just query this file, edit it and then save it. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas. It seems very simple and as I have taken on more role and duties I am not sure how much time I will have to create this. Is there anything I can search for or something out there I can buy for cheap or use.


Thanks for the help.


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Thank you for the update but I would rather stay away from CMS. I would rather find a way to simple edit these 5 files. I have to make sure that these users keep working on that one file not the entire page. I look at our dev site and it's a mess.


I would rather some admin panel that they can login and edit or upload to this text file.


Any thoughts?




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revraz is right, it would be easier to just allow then to do it through a form. If you don't want to build a full out login system, you could allow those users to "share" a password and hard code it in a text doc or something to that effect.


That is really not a good way to do it, but it would work depending on your security needs.



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revraz is right, it would be easier to just allow then to do it through a form. If you don't want to build a full out login system, you could allow those users to "share" a password and hard code it in a text doc or something to that effect.


That is really not a good way to do it, but it would work depending on your security needs.




i would use an .htaccess/.htpasswd file instead of hardcoding a password in

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Sounds like you should read a bit more into php tbh but anyways:

So a user enters some text into a form and their comment/article is stored in the global variable $_POST (or $_GET).


$string = $_POST['article'];



Now your string won't have the unnecessary \s.

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the slashes are probably coming from an OLD feature of PHP called magic_quotes. basically addslashes() is automatically run on all form data (for outdated security reasons). using stripslashes() will undo what PHP is automatically doing, but since magic_quotes is depreciated and won't be in PHP6, you should look into disabling it all together:


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I guess we al start somewhere. I have been reading online and trying to learn this myself.


I did try that but it did not work. I posted my snippet of code below




$filename = "nfl.txt";

$text = $_POST['nfl'];



$fp = fopen ($filename, "w");

if ($fp) {

fwrite ($fp, $text);

fclose ($fp);

echo ("The Update has been Posted");


else {

echo ("The Update has not been  Posted");





Again thank you for the help


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Which is exactly what I said above :)


the slashes are probably coming from an OLD feature of PHP called magic_quotes. basically addslashes() is automatically run on all form data (for outdated security reasons). using stripslashes() will undo what PHP is automatically doing, but since magic_quotes is depreciated and won't be in PHP6, you should look into disabling it all together:


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