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directory tree structure


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I am helping to make a php app for some vets. basically, when the vet sees an animal they create an encounter by inputting the information into a form.  Each encouter is unique for a given date.  Of course the form from the encounter gets stored in a MySQL database. easy enough. The vets now want a directory tree of each encounter for a given animal.

so for example, the vet clicks an animal, SPOT ==> a directory tree (I am calling this a directory tree but really it is an encouter tree) pops up with the animal's name as a heading and each encounter form date as a branch.  I mean I think that I can pull each date from the MySQL database stick it in a table format-- but how do you make the lines that we see with a directory tree.  Is there some prepackaged script somewhere.  Thanks in advace for taking the time to read this. technotool.




      |_12/12/2007 New Animal Encounter

      |_12/20/2007 Followup Encounter

      |_12/30/2007 Followup Hit by baseball








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