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How can I get a total of the values with this


while (list ($name,$val) = @each ($_POST['package_'])) {  	

	$raw = "$val"; 
	$price = explode(",", $raw);
	$total += $price[0];


Can anybody tell me why the value is 0 when the 2 values are 89.99 and 30.00?


Thanks in advance


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From this code

<input name="package_[<?=$a[name]; ?>]" type="radio" value="<?=$price;?>,<?=$expDate;?>"><?=$a[name];?>

$name = packag_name;
$val = price, expDate;
$total += $price[0];


Then I'm exploding the $val, so that the expDate carries with every package checked.


Then, I need to add to add all the $price[0] (since it's the first variable) to give me a total price.

Even if there is only one package selected, $total should still echo the total price


So you can see where that field is coming from

$sql = "SELECT * FROM nba WHERE active = '1' ORDER BY id";
$q = mysql_query($sql);			
while($a = mysql_fetch_assoc($q)){ 
if($a['price'] == "n/a") {
	$price = "N/A";
else {
	$price1 = number_format ($a['price'], 2); 
	$price = "$".$price1;
$packID = $a['id'];
<td align="left" valign="top">

		if($packID === "1"){ 
		$expDate = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59");
		   elseif($packID === "2"){ 
			$expDate = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime('+1 week'));
		   elseif($packID === "3"){
			$expDate = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime('+30 days'));
		   elseif($packID === "4"){ 
			$expDate = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($stopDate4));
		   elseif($packID === "5"){ 			   
			$expDate = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($stopDate5));
		   elseif($packID === "6"){ 
		   $expDate = date("Y-m-d 23:59:59", strtotime($stopDate6));

<input name="package_[<?=$a[name]; ?>]" type="radio" value="<?=$price;?>,<?=$expDate;?>"><?=$a[name];?>

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I don't think you see what I'm seeing, let's look at your original code you posted...

while (list ($name,$val) = @each ($_POST['package_'])) {     

      $raw = "$val";
      $price = explode(",", $raw);
      $total += $price[0];


You've set a while() loop starting there then second line down you're accessing $raw (exploding it) but there's nowhere I can see inside that loop that you're assigning $raw a value.

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I guess I'm confused on what your asking.


If I have a form field name "test" and a value of "testing"

On the next page, after clicking on submit


while (list ($name,$val) = @each ($_POST['package_'])) {  
echo $name $val;

Would be the same as this

while (list (test,testing) = @each ($_POST['test])) {  
echo $test $testing;


Does that make sense?



while (list (name_of_field,value_of_field) = @each ($_POST['field]))

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Everything echos fine, except for trying to add the values, that's where I'm stumped.


Everything worked for before I put the explode on there.

Now that I exploded the values because I put 2 values on the field, it don't add, but when I echo



It shows with no problem

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How about this?

while (list ($name,$val) = @each ($_POST['package_'])) {     

      $price = explode(",", $val);
      $total += $tmp;


Might seem a waste of time but seeing as you're echo'ing the value you want but it won't add - it's worth a shot!

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I think you've not grouped your radio buttons properly - this might have something to do with your options not coming up properly but as for adding them together still doesn't really explain it.




I can select nearly all the radio buttons and some in one section cancel out those in another section!

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The logic seems OK - i did this as a test and the total works fine.  Are you sure $_POST['package_'] is right?



while (list ($name,$val) = @each ($package)) {     
      $raw = "$val";
      $price = explode(",", $raw);
      $total += $price[0];
echo $total;

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I think you're using the radio buttons wrong - each group (in your case tables, 4 of them) should have the same name and you've got them having different names.


Now I'm presuming you want the user to be able to select only one option from each box? If not then checkboxes might be more appropriate.


If you do want only one option selectable from each box then you need to name each box differently but each option within each box named the same.














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