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Memory limit issues when downloading a large file to host.


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Hi :)

i am trying to download a large file to my host [100+MB]

but it is always stuck when it reaches my hosts memory limit [40MB]


my host doesn't permit changing the memory limit...

any way around it maybe ?!


I just can't seem to understand why can't i just write the data into a file and go on.... why do i have to stack the entire data into the memory ?!?



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should i maybe use:


while (!feof($Socket)){
$fs = @fopen($saveToFile, "a");
@flock($fs, LOCK_EX);
$bytesSaved = fwrite($fs, $dopdata);
@flock($fs, LOCK_UN);

To open/Write/Close inside my loop?!?
How do i clean the memory after writing the data to file ?!?

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i just need to know how to i get a 'fsockopen' then i 'fgets' and write it a file... after i've written it to a file i need to FREE the memory holding that data i've just wrote to the file.... that's alll



i have already put this:

@ini_set("memory_limit", "1024M");


it has no effect.... also tried putting my own php.ini / htaccess.... it doesn't work.... the host doesn't allow changing the memory_limit!


>> i need to know how can i download a huge file [over 100MB] without having to keep the entire size of it in the memory!

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For download the big files (more than 8MB), you must used ob_flush()

because the function flush empty the Apache memory and not PHP memory.

And the max size of PHP memory is 8MB, but ob_flush is able to empty the

PHP memory.


header('Content-Type: application/force-download');

header ("Content-Length: " . filesize($file));

header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$theFileName");


  $fd = fopen($file, "r");



      echo fread($fd, 4096);






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i will try that thanks...

meanwhile here is my code snippet:

function geturl($host, $port, $url, $referer = 0, $cookie = 0, $post = 0, $saveToFile = 0, $proxy = 0, $pauth = 0, $scheme = "http") {
global $nn, $lastError, $PHP_SELF, $AUTH, $HTTPcode, $progressbar_via_time, $agent, $sleep_time, $sleep_count, $max_speed, $title_update, $ResumeMode;
global $is_header;

if (($post !== 0) && (($scheme == "http") || ($scheme == "https")))
	$method = "POST";
	$postdata = formpostdata($post);
	$length = strlen($postdata);
	$content_tl = "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded".$nn."Content-Length: ".$length.$nn;
	$method = "GET";
	$postdata = "";
	$content_tl = "";

if ($cookie)
	if (is_array($cookie))
			for( $h=0; $h<count($cookie); $h++)
					$cookies.="Cookie: ".trim($cookie[$h]).$nn;
			$cookies = "Cookie: ".trim($cookie).$nn;

$referer = $referer ? "Referer: ".$referer.$nn : "";

	list($proxyHost, $proxyPort) = explode(":", $proxy);
	$url = $scheme."://".$host.":".$port.$url;

$auth = ($AUTH["use"] === TRUE) ? "Authorization: Basic ".$AUTH["str"].$nn : "";
$proxyauth = ($pauth) ? "Proxy-Authorization: Basic $pauth".$nn : "";

$Range = "";
if ($ResumeMode and file_exists($saveToFile)){
	$FileSize = filesize($saveToFile);
	$Range = "Range: bytes=".$FileSize."-".$nn;

$method." ".str_replace(" ", "%20", $url)." HTTP/1.1".$nn.
"Host: ".$host.$nn.
"User-Agent: $agent".$nn.
"Accept: */*".$nn.
"Accept-Language: en-us;q=0.7,en;q=0.3".$nn.
"Accept-Charset: windows-1251,utf-8;q=0.7,*;q=0.7".$nn.
"Connection: Close".$nn.

//echo "<pre>$zapros</pre>\n";

$fp = @fsockopen($proxyHost ? $proxyHost : ((($scheme == "https") && !$proxy) ? "ssl://" : "").$host, $proxyPort ? $proxyPort : $port, &$errno, &$errstr, 15);

if (!$fp)
	html_error("Error open socket [".($proxyHost ? $proxyHost : $host).':'.($proxyPort ? $proxyPort : $port)."]<br>$errstr");

stream_set_timeout($fp, 300);

if($errno || $errstr)
	$lastError = $errstr;

	return false;

$timeStart = getmicrotime();


		if ($data === false) {break;}

 	if (($sleep_count !== false) && ($sleep_time !== false) && is_numeric($sleep_time) && is_numeric($sleep_count) && ($sleep_count > 0) && ($sleep_time > 0))
 			if ($local_sleep == 0)

					$fs = @fopen($saveToFile, "a");
					@flock($fs, LOCK_EX);
					$bytesSaved = fwrite($fs, $data);
					if($bytesSaved > -1)
							$bytesReceived += $bytesSaved;

							if ($bytesTotal && ($bytesReceived > $bytesTotal))


							echo "It is not possible to carry out a record in File".basename($saveToFile);
							return false;
						@flock($fs, LOCK_UN);
					$time = getmicrotime() - $timeStart;
					$chunkTime = $time - $lastChunkTime;
					$chunkTime = $chunkTime ? $chunkTime : 1;
					$lastChunkTime = $time;
					$speed = round(($bytesReceived-$last) / 1024 / $chunkTime, 2);
					$last = $bytesReceived;

					if ((is_numeric($progressbar_via_time)  && (time() - $lastsent > $progressbar_via_time)) || (!is_numeric($progressbar_via_time) && ($bytesReceived > $lastReceive + $chunkSize)))
							$time2 = getmicrotime() - $timeStart;
							$chunkTime2 = $time2 - $lastChunkTime2;
							$chunkTime2 = $chunkTime2 ? $chunkTime2 : 1;
							$mspeed=round(($bytesReceived-$lastReceive) / 1024 / $chunkTime2, 2);
							$mspeed = $mspeed ? $mspeed : 1;
							$lastChunkTime2 = $time2;


							$received = bytesToKbOrMb($bytesReceived);

	              			if (!$bytesTotal || ($bytesReceived >= $bytesTotal))
									$percent = "100%";
									$percent =round($bytesReceived / $bytesTotal * 100, 2);

									$out=($bytesTotal-$bytesReceived) / ($mspeed * 1024);

							echo "<script>pr('".$percent."', '".$received."', '".$mspeed."','".$out."')</script>\r\n";

					$tmp .= $data;
					if (strstr($tmp, "\n\n")) {$det = "\n\n";}
					elseif (strstr($tmp, $nn.$nn)) {$det = $nn.$nn;}


							list($header,$dopdata) = explode($det, $tmp);
							$headersReceived = true;

							$headers=explode( (($det == "\n\n") ? "\n" : $nn), $header);
							list($prototype,$HTTPcode,$httpres)=explode(' ',$headers[0]);

							switch ($HTTPcode)
									case 200:
									case 201:
									case 202:
									case 203:
									case 204:
									case 205:
									case 206:
									break; //Resuming!

									case 300:
									case 301:
									case 302:
									case 303:
									case 304:
									case 305:
									case 307:
										$redirect = cut_str($header, "Location:", "\n");

										if ($redirect)
												$lastError = "$HTTPcode Info!! it is redirected to [".$redirect."] On the course of events, the reference became obsolete. So start from the beginning...<br><br><a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."\" style=\"color: #0000FF;\">Main</a>";
												$lastError = "$HTTPcode Error!! it is redirected. On the course of events, the reference became obsolete. So start from the beginning...<br><br><a href=\"".$PHP_SELF."\" style=\"color: #0000FF;\">Main</a>";
										return $header;

									case 401:
										$lastError = "401 Error!! This site requires authorization. For the indication of login and password of access it is necessary to use similar url:<br>http://<b>login:password@</b>www.site.com/file.exe";
										return FALSE;

									case 403:
										$lastError = "403 Error!! Access denied";
										return FALSE;

									case 407:
										$lastError = "407 Error!! Proxy Authentication Required';";
										return FALSE;

									case 404:
										$lastError = "404 Error!! Necessary file not discovered on server";
										return FALSE;

									case 400:
									case 401:
									case 402:
									case 405:
									case 406:
									case 407:
									case 408:
									case 409:
									case 410:
									case 411:
									case 412:
									case 413:
									case 414:
									case 415:
									case 416:
									case 417:
									case 422:
									case 423:
									case 424:
									case 426:
									case 500:
									case 501:
									case 502:
									case 503:
									case 504:
									case 505:
									case 506:
									case 507:
									case 510:
										$lastError="Error!! ".HTTPStatus($HTTPcode);
										return FALSE;

										$lastError="Error!! Unknown HTTP Status: ".pre($header);
										return FALSE;

							$bytesTotal = trim(cut_str($header, "Content-Length: ", "\n"));
							$bytesTotal = $bytesTotal ? $bytesTotal : 0;

							// Make sure we don't over-write the file.
							if ($FileSize == $bytesTotal and $bytesTotal > 0 and $FileSize > 0){
								$lastError="File download is done!".pre($header);
								return FALSE;}

							$fileSize = bytesToKbOrMb($bytesTotal);


							#echo "<div align=lefy><pre>";
							#echo "</div>";

							if ($bname == "attachment")
									if ($ContentDisposition && strstr($ContentDisposition,"filename="))
											$saveToFile=$saveToFile_tmp ? $dname.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$saveToFile_tmp : $saveToFile=$dname.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.time().'_by_RapidKill';
									if ($ContentDisposition && strstr($ContentDisposition,"filename="))
											$saveToFile = $saveToFile_tmp ? $dname.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$saveToFile_tmp : $saveToFile;


							#echo "<b>$saveToFile</b><br>\n";


							if (!$ResumeMode){
								$saveToFile = file_exists($saveToFile) ? dirname($saveToFile).DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.time()."_".basename($saveToFile) : $saveToFile;
							$fs = @fopen($saveToFile, "a");

									$lastError = "It is not possible to open the file ".basename($saveToFile)." in folder ".dirname($saveToFile)."<br>".
												"Wrong Installation, that the way for the retention is assigned correctly and in the script".
												"File couldn't be stored into this folder (try chmod the folder to 777).<br>".
												"<a href=javascript:location.reload(); style=\"color: #0000FF;\">Repeat</a>";
									return FALSE;

							@flock($fs, LOCK_EX);

							$bytesSaved = fwrite($fs, $dopdata);

							if($bytesSaved > -1)
									$bytesReceived += $bytesSaved;
									echo "It is not possible to carry out a record in File".basename($saveToFile)."<br>";
									if (file_exists($saveToFile)) {unlink($saveToFile); }
									return FALSE;
							@flock($fs, LOCK_UN);

							$chunkSize = GetChunkSize($bytesTotal);
							echo "File <b>".basename($saveToFile)."</b>, size <b>".$fileSize."</b>...<br>";
<table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 style="FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma; FONT-SIZE: 11px;">
<td width=100> </td>
<td width=300 nowrap>
	<div style='border:#BBBBBB 1px solid; width:300px; height:10px;'>
    		<div id=progress style='background-color:#000099; margin:1px; width:0%; height:8px;'>
<td width=100> </td>
<td align=right id=received width=100 nowrap>0 KB</td>
<td align=center id=percent width=300>0%</td>
<td align=left id=speed width=100 nowrap>0 KB/s</td>
function pr(percent, received, speed, out)
document.getElementById("received").innerHTML = '<b>' + received + '</b>';
if ($title_update)
document.title='Downloading ' + percent + '% ['+orlink+']';
if (out)
		document.getElementById("percent").innerHTML = '<b>' + percent +'%, '+out+'</b>';
		document.getElementById("percent").innerHTML = '<b>' + percent +'%</b>';
if(percent > 90){percent = percent - 1;}
document.getElementById("progress").style.width = percent + '%';

document.getElementById("speed").innerHTML = '<b>' + speed + ' KB/s</b>';
return true;

function minfo(str, field)
document.getElementById("mailPart." + field).innerHTML = str;
return true;
			$page .= $data;

if ($fp) {fclose($fp); }

	if ($fs)
			flock($fs, LOCK_UN);

	if($bytesReceived <= 0)
			$lastError = "Wrong Link? Error Downloading File..<br><a href=\"javascript:history.back(-1);\">Go Back</a>";
			if (file_exists($saveToFile)) {unlink($saveToFile); }
			return FALSE;

	if ($bytesTotal)
			if ($bytesReceived < $bytesTotal)
					$lastError = "Received <b>$bytesReceived</b> from <b>$bytesTotal</b><br>Connection Lost :-(<br>Incomplete file is removed<br><a href=\"javascript:history.back(-1);\">Go Back</a>";
					if (file_exists($saveToFile)) {unlink($saveToFile); }
					return FALSE;

	$fileSize = (!$bytesTotal) ? bytesToKbOrMb($bytesReceived) : bytesToKbOrMb($bytesTotal);

	return array("time"				=> sec2time(round($time)),
				"speed"				=> round($bytesTotal / 1024 / (getmicrotime() - $timeStart), 2),
				"received"			=> true,
				"size"				=> $fileSize,
				"bytesReceived"		=> $bytesReceived,
				"bytesTotal"		=> $bytesTotal,
				"file"				=> $saveToFile);
    	return chunked($page);

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For download the big files (more than 8MB), you must used ob_flush()

because the function flush empty the Apache memory and not PHP memory.

And the max size of PHP memory is 8MB, but ob_flush is able to empty the

PHP memory.


header('Content-Type: application/force-download');

header ("Content-Length: " . filesize($file));

header ("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$theFileName");


  $fd = fopen($file, "r");



      echo fread($fd, 4096);




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-. Direct downloading [from my comp] works perfectly! (if that's what you meant)

-. I am not using proxy on host....

-. Cookies can time-out in a middle of a file download ?!?


I am trying to download a 200MB file by my host from rapidshare.... but it fails at 40MB [approx] which is my memory limit [on host] however... as i've already told you - it never shows anything bigger than 2.9MB on this echo:

if ($bytesReceived>150000){echo "MemoryUsage: ".memory_get_usage()."<br />\r\n";}


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If you can give me a link of a large file i'll take a look, i don't have an account so it could be a pain..

in anycase try a simple script like this

echo download("http://file_to_download.zip", "localstorage.zip");

function download($filename, $write)
$chunksize = 1*(1024*1024); // how many bytes per chunk
$buffer = '';
$handle = fopen($filename, 'rb');
$writer = fopen($write, 'w');
if ($handle === false) return false;
while (!feof($handle))
	fwrite($writer, fread($handle, $chunksize));
$status = fclose($handle);
return $status;


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seems like the issue is in the php time limit in php.ini file or file size limit.


how can i make sure this is not the issue &/Or fix this issue if it's actually the issue ?!?



Why do you say thats the problem ?



is this topic hidden or something ?

Your not helping yourself by not giving ant useful infomation back,


nothing works :(

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