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What's a good starting point to learn PHP?


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I ask this question because I'm curious where people get started. There are no 'physical' classes around here to learn PHP. I have a few books. I've looked at several online tutorials but I seem to be spinning in circles. Is it a question of just learn the basics and go off on your own or is there a sequence of steps to be taken?

Any suggested links?

Thank you

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I'm in the same boat, I bought Wrox Press Beginning PHP 5, did all the book then got Wrox PHP and MySQL, create, modify, reuse 2008. I got apache installed and MySQL but php 5 never went right and still never got it to work.

I have been trying to do what I thought was a simple thing by emailing a form back to me in html table format but still no joy and asked loads so I will join you on this boat of learning.

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Depends on the type of person you are, if you are more of a doer, then thinking of a project and using the likes of Google, Yahoo (or of course this forum) etc. to find website that will help you do what you want to do.


Or if you learn more through books, then getting a good book and reading that will be the best way for you.


There is no set way of learning a language, it's the way you are that defines the method.

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My experiences with PHP started with Torrent Trackers, At first I had used a precompiled tracker and it was nice to start as a tracker but severely limited as to what u can do with it. I was than introduced to TBDev.net A torrent tracker that was written in php. So I started modifying the script to do whut I wanted, small modifications at first. which grew into bigger and more complex modifications. It was great to take an existing project, go in and start making modifications to what u wanted (As original script code is a very basic tracker community script). The TBDev community helped along the way when I had questions, or needed a fresh set of eyes to look at code. Or if they had questions, i could throw my two cents in.

Been over 3 years, and i still participate in that community, even tho i do not run a tracker anymore....


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