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Hi. i am trying to get my PHP file to do this...





and it uses a different header redirect for each one.






I hope this makes sense :D


I am the ultimate novice at PHP, and do not know where to go for help on anything like this. I have had experience with redirecting a iFrame using this method, (file.php?frame=page2) but not changing the output itself.


I will be grateful for any help offered.


Thanks in advance.

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Hi. this work, but not in the way I meant... Here it is in more detail...



This would go to google.com



This would go to yahoo.com



This would go to msn.com


Sorry for my lack of detail. Thanks for your quick reply, nevertheless. I am currently looking through a phpg uide on google, but it does not tell me anything about this :S

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so...you want to make links that pass a name to another page, and based on the name, have that other page use a header to forward them to another page? Why the extra step? Just make the links on the first page point to the target pages in the first place.  Or are you still not being clear enough? 

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Hi. Let me give a full structural overview of my idea...

No, I realize this is by no means the most efficient way of doing things, but they strap in with other, future plans so here goes...


There are 6 of us maintain a website, with me in the lead. What I want to do, is as each of my staff members to change their home-page to the main link, plus their name variable. For instance,


Danny would change his homepage to:



Mark would change his homepage to:



If a user simply typed:


they would come to a stand-still (blank page)

But, when the variable is entered, it then calls a pre-defined "header" statement related to that particular URL-Variable.


And the idea being is that when a problem arises when we are out of contact, I can instantly change their homepage to the area they need to be in.

There is not central page to link from, their browser "is" the centre.


I hope this answer all questions. I am pretty sure there is no other details to add.

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normal way, your way imposable




echo "Member ".$_GET['username']." member page!";




foreach($n as $username){

echo"<br><a href='".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?username=$username'>Memneber $username</a><br>";


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