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Plz help me: How do i use php script in a html page.


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Hi, I am new to php scripting.


I just learned about this "Generating One-Time URLs with PHP"

Please visit this link for more info http://www.onlamp.com/pub/a/php/2002...time_URLs.html


My question is that How Could I use this code that generates this special link to the file and use it into object player.


I think this may be confusing to many.


This is the code to embedded a MS Media Player.



<embed id="wmplayer" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" src="PUT THE VIDEO LINK HERE" width="419" height="350" type="application/x-mplayer2" volume="0" showtracker="0" showpositioncontrols="0" showgotobar="0" showdisplay="0" showaudiocontrols="1" showcontrols="1" sendplaystatechangeevents="-1" sendmousemoveevents="0" sendmouseclickevents="0" sendkeyboardevents="0" senderrorevents="-1" sendwarningevents="-1" sendopenstatechangeevents="-1" enabletracker="-1" enablefullscreencontrols="1" enablepositioncontrols="-1" enablecontextmenu="0" enabled="-1" displaysize="4" displaymode="0" allowchangedisplaysize="-1" allowscan="-1" autosize="-1" autostart="1" allowfullscreen="true" bgcolor="#000000"><noembed></noembed>

And This PHP code generates Url that can be accessed one single time.





* generate_url.php


* Script for generating URLs that can be accessed one single time.




/* Generate a unique token: */

$token = md5(uniqid(rand(),1));


/* This file is used for storing tokens. One token per line. */

$file = "/tmp/urls.txt";

if( !($fd = fopen($file,"a")) )

die("Could not open $file!");


if( !(flock($fd,LOCK_EX)) )

die("Could not aquire exclusive lock on $file!");


if( !(fwrite($fd,$token."\n")) )

die("Could not write to $file!");


if( !(flock($fd,LOCK_UN)) )

die("Could not release lock on $file!");


if( !(fclose($fd)) )

die("Could not close file pointer for $file!");


/* Parse out the current working directory for this script. */

$cwd = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],0,strrpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],"/"));


/* Report the one-time URL to the user: */

print "Use this URL to download the secret file:<br><br>\n";

print "<a href='http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].


print "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/get_file.php?q=$token</a>\n";



What I am trying to do is that I want to use this code with the embedded Media Player. On the embedded media player where it asked for the source "src="PUT THE VIDEO LINK HERE" I want to use the "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/get_file.php?q=$token" link that is being generated by the script to it.


So This will make it hard for people to leech my video. But how do i use both scripts together and make this happen.


So basically I want the embedded media player source to read this link "http://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."/get_file.php?q=$token" to play. How do i make it work out.


So on the media player it should open the generated link and play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In order to parse PHP in an html file, you have to add a line inside the .htaccess file giving a directive to parse php inside .html files otherwise it will be ignored and output as plain text.



AddType application/x-httpd-php .html


I saw that same article and thought it would be a nice function to have, but could not get it to work for nothing. I gave up on it.


But as for how to use php inside .html file, the answer is above.



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In order to parse PHP in an html file, you have to add a line inside the .htaccess file giving a directive to parse php inside .html files otherwise it will be ignored and output as plain text.



AddType application/x-httpd-php .html


I saw that same article and thought it would be a nice function to have, but could not get it to work for nothing. I gave up on it.


But as for how to use php inside .html file, the answer is above.




Oh? I thought you cant use PHP in an HTML file but you can use HTML in a PHP file?

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Yes, you can use php in any kind of file if you give a directive to the server telling it to parse the file for PHP.


You could even create your own file type and have it parsed as php. It is just a matter of telling the server what type of files to parse for php. On my server, I created a new file type with a .j3a extension. I was able to parse PHP inside it by adding this line to my .htaccess file.


You can look at your webhosts faq to see what they require.


AddType x-mapp-php5 .j3a




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