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Using HTTP_USER_AGENT to get info on the clients OS but i need more details for the higher OS's


For example win98 is shown as win98 or windows98 in the HTTP_USER_AGENT, and where winNT 5.0 means windows 2000 its getting confusing even more so for XP and Vista


anyone have a list of which is what OS or a script that detects and displays the OS and version ie Windows XP etc.



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For a fun idea, why don't you build a script to capture the user agent, parse it for the operating system, and check it against your database. In one table you have the user agent and its 'general' category (windows2000 for instance). In another table, you have a list of every user agent operating system parse.

If it is found in the second table, check the first and save the info. If it is NOT in the second table, save it in the second table with a flag column set to 1. Then, once a week, process the flagged agents and categorize them manually. You'll be collecting them and generating the list as you go. Kinda sounds like fun (but I'm twisted).

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They have, in the middle column, two boxes... one on the left, one on the right. The one on the left tells lots of computer info including your OS. The one on the right is a download link for that computer info box. Try looking there.

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