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Tutorial On Classes in a Web PHP/MySQL App


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  Can somebody recommend a tutorial that shows how classes are used in a web app say with PHP/MySQL.


  The part that gets confusing is the interaction between classes.


    For example - pretend it's a web site/app that maintains a database of cars for sale.

There might be:

  • abstract db classes to push/pull data
  • a vehicle class or auto class
  • class(es) that manage or interact with the interface (makes the html)


but how do these different classes work together or interact ? Can somebody recommend a good tutorial that explains this in clear easy to understand terms.... maybe with a simple example like this auto web site


PLEASE - don't recommend a beginner tutorial on what a class is, or how to build a single class. I know this



Classless in Columbus

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There are several things you can do.


1. Read about OOP Design Patterns (there are some tutorials on PHPferaks

2. Take a look at Zend Framework to see how it implements MVC (model-view-controller) pattern (there's an example of app there)

3. Get some open source application and see how it's built.

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