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hi i am trying to make a new discussion forum by means of these two services,(php and mysql).


i browsed through net and i was able to get the following information which is not working for me as it is saying that it works fine only in php version but not in the latest one. i am pasting the code so that you can have a glance at it and let me know what modifications are needed.


i created a table like this with the name forum...


Field Name Data Type

code AutoNumber

parentcode Number

title Text

description Text

uname Text

email Text


Here's the code for first PHP file (forum.php):

Here's the code for the second PHP file (node.php) file:

Field Name Data Type

code AutoNumber

parentcode Number

title Text

description Text

uname Text

email Text


// This is the DSN we have create for our database

$connect = odbc_connect("forum", "root", "");




Discussion Forum using PHP/Access under IIS<BR>


<A HREF='node.php?node=0'>Post New Message</A>


shownode(0); // display all the main threads

// This function is a recursive function which shall display all the branches

// and sub branches of the threads

function shownode($nodecode)


global $connect; // using the global variable for connection

// Get a list of all the sub nodes which specific parentcode

$noderesult = odbc_exec($connect,"select * from forum where parentcode = $nodecode");

echo "<UL type='disc'>";

while(odbc_fetch_row($noderesult)) // get all the rows


$code = odbc_result($noderesult,"code");

$title = odbc_result($noderesult,"title");

$uname = odbc_result($noderesult,"uname");

$email = odbc_result($noderesult,"email");

echo "<LI>";

echo "<A HREF='node.php?node=$code'> $title </A>";

echo "-- by ($uname) $email<BR>";



echo "</UL>";






Here's the code for the second PHP file (node.php) file:



$connect = odbc_connect("forum", "root", "");

if(isset($submit)) // check if submitted button is clicked


// insert the record in the database

$resultupdate=odbc_exec($connect,"insert into forum

(parentcode,title,description,uname,email) VALUES



header("location:forum.php"); // open forum.php file to display the thread




<CENTER>Post to Discussion Forum using PHP/Access under IIS</CENTER>


if ( $node != 0 )


// Displaying the details of the thread

echo "<HR>";

$noderesult = odbc_exec($connect,"select * from forum where code = $node");


$title = odbc_result($noderesult,"title");

$description = odbc_result($noderesult,"description");

$uname = odbc_result($noderesult,"uname");

$email = odbc_result($noderesult,"email");

echo "$title by ($uname) $email<BR>";

echo "$description <BR><HR>";



<!-- Form to enter the message -->

<FORM method='post'>

Name : <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=postname> <BR>

E-Mail : <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=email> <BR>

Title : <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=title VALUE = '' size=50> <BR>

Description : <BR> <TEXTAREA name=description rows=10 cols=45></TEXTAREA>

<!-- we need a hidden field to store the node -->

<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=node value='<? echo $node;?>'> <BR>

<INPUT type=submit name=submit value='Post Message'>



i was able to see everything but when i am clicking on post message then the message is neither getting added to the table or it is getting displayed in the page. can anyone explain me how can i get done better...



i did not get what you are asking me to do


i posted the same code which i am using for making the posting into the discussion forum


can you explain me in details what might be the error


Code tags, when you post code on these forums it's polite to encase them within [code][/code] to preserve proper code formatting and/or code highlighting.




  function myFunction($str)


      return $str;



  echo myFunction("Hello world!");





  function myFunction($str)
      return $str;
  echo myFunction("Hello world!");

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