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Forum Logic Problem


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Hi all,


I am writing a custom forum as I need it to fit inside my website.  Anyway, to cut a long story short, I can't seem to crack the logic behind a system within every other forum:


How do I show the new posts that have been updated since the last visit EFFICIENTLY??


I can think of lots of really inefficient ways to do it, but I can't seem to crack the logic behind it.  If anyone could point me in the right direction, as plain answers never help anyone learn, i would greatly appreciate it.


Kind Regards,



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Hi Goose87,


Posts in a forum are saved in rows that have a column of a date time stamp. When you log into a forum the time you last logged in is saved in your user table and that date/time is saved to your session. When you go to the list of posts in a forum, the date time stamp in your session (which was the last time you logged in) is compared with the post date time stamp. That should do it.

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Thanks for the reply hobeau.


I understand what you've written, but i came to that conclusion beforen and hit a snag:


How do I know which posts they've seen and which ones they haven't? 


i.e. you log in at X


A post is made at Y


You see that post, Y > X, therefore display it's new.


But, what about the following:


you log in at X.


Post Y is made.  Post Z is made shortly after.


You view post Y.  Do i update the timestamp for the user then?  If I don't, then the post will keep showing as NEW.  If I DO update it, then Z won't show up as new.  That's what's really got me :(

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maybe try adding and extra session or cookie variable that stores the id's of the post that have been read already ? eg.



you log in at X

post is made at Y

you view Y, the script creates a new Y variable....saying it has been read....


short there after post Z is made....and looks new, because there no new  Z variable.....


inefficient ? :-(




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