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so many problems...


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Hey gys i'm back once again and this time I'm seriosuly pulling out my hair. I'm trying to add a very simple little discussion board (like a mini forum) to my webpage. Everytime I find a free php discussion board, it NEVER works when I copy the parts onto my website's pages. I've gone through about 4 now and this time I found one I really like. It works perfect when I install it using it's own files but again, when pasting the php into my already-setup pages, it gets all screwed up.


If I remove my login system php parts from near the top of the page it mostly works but the bottom of the page doesn't load and says "Error processing page". Then if I remove






from near the bottom of my page then the bottom of my page shows fine too. Why is this script fighting my login scripts soo much and how do I fix all this!? Can I  maybe talk somebody into trying to fix some of it if I give you some ftp access? I'll backup everything then maybe somebody can try to rearrange/fix stuff? I know php/html somewhat but this is just totally confusing me.


I'm attaching the main page i'm working with but not sure how much any of you can fix without seeing the other files. Any obvious messups on this page that can be pointed out would still be helpful.


ty ty ty to whomever volunteers to help or at least helps with this page. My hair is thinning fast. :/



EDIT: by the way I keep getting those annoying header error messages. I read online that putting @ before them makes them fail silently so thats what I've been doing. Please let me know if doing that could be effecting stuff.


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Well you can go to PDO.NewPPG.com/MBoard.php to see the file I posted in action. It almost doesn't load at all except a blue bar at the top and a bunch of mumbo jumbo...


I'm attaching my old MBoard.php file and updating it on my server. It's the version where I first copied over the discussion board script. The fine in the first post is after I tried rearranging things to make it all work, which never really did.


EDIT: also removed all @s for now


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easiest way would be to include the forum inside an iframe.... :-P but thats lazy and unattractive...



if the forum doesnt work when your trying to make it fit to your page....why not make your page fit to the forum...


what i mean by that is why not make a template for the forum that matches your site, with the corresponding links going back to your page...if you make the forum template, the same as your site the transition would be seamless...



although this doesnt fix the issues your having...

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I already made the entire site, added the login system...ect so starting over just to build around the discussion board would be alot of work. I just gotta find out why the discussion login system is interfering with the discussion board so much.


When people are making free php scripts why don't they design them in a way that they can be easily added to a website? Seems like they all come setup like somebody will build their site around it instead. Like they all have their own index.php file for some reason.  ::)

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I already made the entire site, added the login system...ect so starting over just to build around the discussion board would be alot of work. I just gotta find out why the discussion login system is interfering with the discussion board so much.


When people are making free php scripts why don't they design them in a way that they can be easily added to a website? Seems like they all come setup like somebody will build their site around it instead. Like they all have their own index.php file for some reason.  ::)


I know, cheeky, aren't they? ;-)


I think the best thing to do is to submit some of your php code here so we can see what we're debugging. Sounds like a structural issue, as in, the order of code is messed up.





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