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Help needed with formatting a DB Query? - Example Shown


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Hey Guys,


I have a sales table as below. Each item will have a ticket number associated with it as shown. The problem is, some items will have the same ticket number assigned to them as they were part of the same sale. I need to group items that have the same ticketnumber.


In the example below, I put in the dark row colors which define each sale and the items in that sale. Ideally I would like to format it like the bottom image but if I cant, I would like to put a dark row color at the end of each ticket number... so when the ticket number changes the system should know that the next row will be a different sale.


Hope this makes sense.




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Sorry..  its probably just hard to explain. Yeah, database is set up, I can retrieve the information etc.


If you look at the top image thats essentially a screenshot of the results from the webpage. That is my database table sales... I just done a select * from sales and printed it.


You can see the ticket numbers on the right that are assigned to each item. Some items have the same ticket number which means they are part of the same sale.


When the result set is being printed to screen I want a way to group or seperate the results so you can clearly see all the items that belong to the same sale ie. ticket number or receipt .. whatever you want to call it.


I drew in the dark row colors to differentiate each sale item in the list... this is what I'm trying to achieve. Is that any clearer?  :)

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Ok, so the above is a screenshot except that you added in some lines? If i understand you correctly, the correct approach is to order by the ticket number (which it looks like you've done). Then use a variable to keep track of the previous ticket number in your loop. Each time the loop runs, check to see if the ticket number in the row is different to the previous ticket number. If it is, output a blank row and update the ticket number variable.


I can't give you any more than that without seeing the code. And if that's still not the problem you've got, you'll have to re-explain again.

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;) Your spot on! Thats the problem alright and your solution is what I had in mind... I was just having some problem figuring out how to implement it. Here's an attempt. Something like this I'm guessing.



    function sales_breakdown()
$query = $this->client->query("SELECT * FROM sales WHERE date = ".$this->yesterday."");

if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
	  $this->display .=
	  " <table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' id='breakdown_table'>
		<tr bgcolor='".$this->bgcolor."'>
		<td width='280'>Item</td>
		<td width='60'>Price</td>
		<td width='70'>Type</td>
		<td width='60'>Till</td>
		<td width='60'>Time</td>
		<td width='110'>Ticket Number</td>

   foreach ($query->result() as $row)
                 $track_num = $row->ticketnumber;
                 if($row->ticketnumber != $track_num)
//print a blank row? This is where I get stuck

	  $this->display .=

$this->display .= "</table>";

return $this->display;


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1.) You need to be ordering by the ticket number to ensure this works.

2.) You should define the variable prior to the loop starting.

3.) You should test the value of $track_num prior to changing it. Otherwise it'd always be true.



    function sales_breakdown()
   $query = $this->client->query("SELECT * FROM sales WHERE date = ".$this->yesterday." ORDER BY ticketnumber");
   if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
        $this->display .=
        " <table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' id='breakdown_table'>
         <tr bgcolor='".$this->bgcolor."'>
         <td width='280'>Item</td>
         <td width='60'>Price</td>
         <td width='70'>Type</td>
         <td width='60'>Till</td>
         <td width='60'>Time</td>
         <td width='110'>Ticket Number</td>
      $track_num = '';//define it before the loop - you shouldn't check against an undefined variable
      foreach ($query->result() as $row)
        if($row->ticketnumber != $track_num && $track_num != ''){ //also check to make sure $track_num has been set. Dont want a blank row as the first row of the table.
            //print a blank row? This is where I get stuck
            $this->display . = '<tr><td colspan="6"> </td></tr>';
            $track_num = $row->ticketnumber;
        $this->display .=
   $this->display .= "</table>";
   return $this->display;



Revraz, you don't want to group by the ticket number. That'd mean you'd only have one row for each ticket number.

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I understand everything you just said. Tried to implement it there... query runs fine but doesnt seem to put gap between the rows. Here's the full function at the moment.



  function sales_breakdown()
$query = $this->client->query("SELECT * FROM sales WHERE date = ".$this->yesterday." ORDER BY ticketnumber");

if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
	  $this->display .=
	  " <table border='0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' id='breakdown_table'>
		<td width='280'>Item</td>
		<td width='60'>Price</td>
		<td width='70'>Type</td>
		<td width='60'>Till</td>
		<td width='60'>Time</td>
		<td width='110'>Ticket Number</td>

   $track_num = '';
   foreach ($query->result() as $row)
        if($row->ticketnumber != $track_num && $track_num != ''){ 
            $this->display .= '<tr><td colspan="6"> </td></tr>';
            $track_num = $row->ticketnumber;
if ($this->bgcolor == "#F4F6F6"){
            $this->bgcolor = "#F0F0F0";
            $this->bgcolor = "#F4F6F6";

	  $this->display .=
	        <tr bgcolor='".$this->bgcolor."'>

$this->display .= "</table>";

return $this->display;


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My fault. The value of $track_num needs to be changed outside the if statement. Otherwise, it's value will never change - the if statement wont run until the value changes.


        if($row->ticketnumber != $track_num && $track_num != ''){ 
            $this->display .= '<tr><td colspan="6"> </td></tr>';
        $track_num = $row->ticketnumber;

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Sorry... there's just one more question I have. See the way its formatting at the min with the blank line printed after the items, is there anyway to change it so the line will print before the items.


The reason I ask is because I'm now using the line to display the ticket number as there's no point in having the ticket number listed for all the items with the same number.


So id like to have it


TICKET NUM 1 (blank line)

item 1

item 2

item 3


TICKET NUM 2 (blank line)

item 1

item 2


instead of...


item 1

item 2

item 3

TICKET NUM 1 (blank line)


item 1

item 2

TICKET NUM 2 (blank line)


I've tried putting another foreach just after the query but obviously this will print all of the numbers before it even prints the items,


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Sure; just change it so the old ticket number is echoed instead of the current one(edit: except the first time through; you'll want the current ticket number then) and remove the check that currently prevents the first line being blank.


Edit again: That didn't make much sense. Just have it echo out the current ticket number on a blank line every time it changes. Remove the check that prevents this happening the first time the loop runs.

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I think I get ya... like this,




if($row->ticketnumber == $track_num){ 

$this->display .= '<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><td colspan="6"><b>'; $this->display .= $row->ticketnumber; $this->display .='</b></td></tr>';
$this->display .= '<tr><td colspan="6"> </td></tr>';

$track_num = $row->ticketnumber;


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