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I am trying to upload file from my computer to local server using php and failed.

I am working with three pages : form.php, upload.php and download.php


form.php is as follows:


// this starts the session 
  <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" leftmargin="100" topmargin="100" marginwidth="100" marginheight="100">
<form method="post" action="upload.php" enctype="multipart/form-data"> 
<input type="text" name="form_description" size="40"> 
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="1000"> 
<br>File to upload:<br> 
<input type="file" name="form_data" size="40"> 
<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"> 


upload.php is as follows:

// this starts the session 
  <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">
  <title>form Process</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" leftmargin="100" topmargin="100" marginwidth="100" marginheight="100">

echo "Uploaded";
$data = addslashes(fread(fopen($form_data, "r"), filesize($form_data))); 
$result=MYSQL_QUERY("INSERT INTO uploads (description, data,filename,filesize,filetype) ". "VALUES ('$form_description','$data','$form_data_name','$form_data_size','$form_data_type')");
$id= mysql_insert_id(); 
print "<p>File ID: <b>$id</b><br>"; 
print "<p>File Name: <b>$form_data_name</b><br>"; 
print "<p>File Size: <b>$form_data_size</b><br>"; 
print "<p>File Type: <b>$form_data_type</b><p>"; 
print "To upload another file <a href=form.php> Click Here</a>";



download.php is as follows:

// this starts the session 
  <meta http-equiv="Expires" content="0">
  <title>Downloading file</title>
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" leftmargin="100" topmargin="100" marginwidth="100" marginheight="100">
$query = "SELECT data,filetype FROM uploads where id=$id"; 
$result = MYSQL_QUERY($query); 
$data = MYSQL_RESULT($result,0,"data"); 
$type = MYSQL_RESULT($result,0,"filetype"); 
Header( "Content-type: $type"); 
print $data;



Now the problem is whenever I try to upload a file (whether it's an image or text) the output is like below :



Notice: Undefined variable: form_data in C:\wamp\www\php_project-1\upload\upload.php on line 16


Notice: Undefined variable: form_data in C:\wamp\www\php_project-1\upload\upload.php on line 16


Warning: fread(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in C:\wamp\www\php_project-1\upload\upload.php on line 16


Notice: Undefined variable: form_description in C:\wamp\www\php_project-1\upload\upload.php on line 17


Notice: Undefined variable: form_data_name in C:\wamp\www\php_project-1\upload\upload.php on line 17


Notice: Undefined variable: form_data_size in C:\wamp\www\php_project-1\upload\upload.php on line 17


Notice: Undefined variable: form_data_type in C:\wamp\www\php_project-1\upload\upload.php on line 17

File ID: 0


Notice: Undefined variable: form_data_name in C:\wamp\www\php_project-1\upload\upload.php on line 20

File Name:


Notice: Undefined variable: form_data_size in C:\wamp\www\php_project-1\upload\upload.php on line 21

File Size:


Notice: Undefined variable: form_data_type in C:\wamp\www\php_project-1\upload\upload.php on line 22

File Type:


To upload another file Click Here // here is the end.


Where is the problem in the script? Or is it because I am trying it locally?

Have a nice year everybody.





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I think you will find you need to read from the $_FILES['form_data']['tmp_name'] varibale rather than the $form_data variable.


fopen($form_data, "r")


Would you kindly explain a little bit? The thing is, script does not work into the remote server also. I just tried and almost the same error message came out.

undefined variable means you are trying to access variables that are not variable





echo $teng;


should be


$teng= 'yo';

echo $tent;//yo


can you paste here your code where this line is C:\wamp\www\upload.php on line 6


here is the code in line 6

$data = addslashes(fread($_FILES['form_data']['tmp_name'], "r")), filesize($form_data));


$data = addslashes(fread($_FILES['form_data']['tmp_name'], "r")), filesize($form_data));


addslashes has only one parameter  , and review the bold lines


Neither way it's not working. Is it not possible to upload files to mysql database? There must be some ways. Anyway...I'll try and thanks for your concern.

Do you mean physically upload the file into the database? ? ermmmmmmm If so thats not how you go about things.


use the form to upload the file to a folder on your server, then insert the link to the file into mysql, then when downloading , just grab the link from the db. Easy as pie.



It is possible to store the contents of the file in the database, but what you need to do is


Upload the file to the server

Read the contents of the file from $_FILES['form_data']['tmp_name']

Store the contents of the file in a variable and use this in your sql insert statement.


I would also change this line:


$data = addslashes(fread($_FILES['form_data']['tmp_name'], "r")), filesize($form_data));


to something like this:


$data = base64_encode(file_get_contents($_FILES['form_data']['tmp_name']));


Just remember to use base64_decode when pulling the file data from the database.






It is possible to store the contents of the file in the database, but what you need to do is


Upload the file to the server

Read the contents of the file from $_FILES['form_data']['tmp_name']

Store the contents of the file in a variable and use this in your sql insert statement.


I would also change this line:


$data = addslashes(fread($_FILES['form_data']['tmp_name'], "r")), filesize($form_data));


to something like this:


$data = base64_encode(file_get_contents($_FILES['form_data']['tmp_name']));


Just remember to use base64_decode when pulling the file data from the database.




Thanks. I'll try this out. But The question is how could I define those variables? Should I do that or it's not needed?

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