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AJAX HELP - Working with multiple results: maybe wrong forum - but desperate!


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Hi i cant get my Ajax to do what i want!


I am working on a uni project which is a basic social networking site. I am designing the friends system in AJAX/PHP. The part i am stuck on is accepting friend requests.


Here's my code for the displaying of requests awaiting authorisation.


// $awaitingresult is the query to return friend requests and is working.




  echo "<h2>Awaiting Confirmation...</h2><br />You currently have no requests to action.";




  $awaitingtotal = mysql_num_rows($awaitingresult);

  echo "<h2>Awaiting Confirmation...</h2><br />You currently have $awaitingtotal confirmation(s) awaiting your attention!<hr/>" ;

  while($awaitingrow = mysql_fetch_array($awaitingresult))


$birthdate = "$awaitingrow[birthday]";

    echo "<br /><img src='images/nia.jpg' align='right' alt='No Image Available' width=\75' height='75'>

Name: $awaitingrow[names]<br/>

    Username: $awaitingrow[username] <br/> 

Age: " . GetAge($birthdate);




echo "<form method='post' name='accept' action='javascript:acceptfriend()'><input type='hidden' id='authid' name='id' value='$awaitingrow[authid]'><div id='insert_response'><input name='image' type='image' onMouseOver=\"this.src='images/accept1.png'\" onMouseOut=\"this.src='images/accept.png'\" src='images/accept.png' align=middle width=80 height=18> <a href='ignore.php'><img src='images/decline1.png' align=middle alt='Add to ignore list!'></a></form></div>" ;


// the form above initiates the AJAX. The ajax returns the results to the div insert_response.  !! PROBLEM !! when multiple results are returned by the ajax/php. When i click the accept rollover, it doesn't know what input i want to take the results from.




AJAX:  ** the ajax doesn't know which input id=authid that it should be taking the value from, so always takes the first one regardless of how many results there are. **

var nocache = 0;

function acceptfriend() {

// Optional: Show a waiting message in the layer with ID login_response

document.getElementById('insert_response').innerHTML = "Just a second..."

// Required: verify that all fileds is not empty. Use encodeURI() to solve some issues about character encoding.

var id = encodeURI(document.getElementById('authid').value);

// Set te random number to add to URL request

nocache = Math.random();

// Pass the login variables like URL variable

http.open('get', 'confirm.php?authid='+id+'&nocache = '+nocache);

http.onreadystatechange = acceptfriendReply;



function acceptfriendReply() {

if(http.readyState == 4){

var response = http.responseText;

// else if login is ok show a message: "Site added+ site URL".

document.getElementById('insert_response').innerHTML = ''+response;




PHP: ** the php is working, but when you click on "accept" it updates using the authid value of the first result, and the code is displayed in the div=insert_response of the first result!. **


$id = $_GET['authid'];

$awaitingresult = mysql_query ("SELECT `names`, `username` , `birthday` , `useroneid` , `usertwoid`, `authid`

FROM `users` , `auths`

WHERE users.userid = auths.useroneid

AND auths.authid='$id'");

$row = mysql_fetch_array($awaitingresult);

mysql_query ("UPDATE auths SET status = 1 where authid='$id'");

$names = $row['names'];

echo "<img src=\"images/tick.png\" align=\"left\" alt=\"Green Tick\" width=\15\" height=\"15\"/> You have successfully confirmed" . first_name($names);

echo "as your friend!";



PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE KNOWS THE ANSWER TO MY PROBS. I know the ajax i am using is to basic to carry out this task, but i am at a loss. I cant find any examples on net of how to fix this (probably because i dont know what im looking for) and im getting desperate now!


Forever indebted to anyone that can help. All the best.

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You can have acceptfriend() take an argument.  The argument could be an identifier for the current friend, or it could be a the object itself that you want to manipulate.


BTW, "id" is supposed to be unique within a page.  You could use id='insert_response1', id='insert_response2', etc etc.  Then you could pass that unique identifier into acceptfriend(), which could use it to find the appropriate element.

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