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using php to update mysql string


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why would this show if the function name is not the same....


very strange i say.


yes that is part of the account edit page which allows members to edit their account info. all of that stuff works perfectly which uses the same basic functions. I just showed it to show everything from there on works so when I made the updateAvatar function, I just used the same basic setup from that page. Thats why i'm confused at why it's not working the same way.



Oh by the way using that database echo edit you guys recommended, when updating my account info, it shows this instead now...

Query was: UPDATE users SET email = 'OutlawCecil@gmail.com' WHERE username = 'General_Leo'
Query was: UPDATE users SET class = 'Paladin' WHERE username = 'General_Leo'
Query was: UPDATE users SET major = 'Earth' WHERE username = 'General_Leo'
Query was: UPDATE users SET minor = 'Wood' WHERE username = 'General_Leo'

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /hsphere/local/home/newppg/pdo.newppg.com/include/database.php:158) in /hsphere/local/home/newppg/pdo.newppg.com/process.php on line 186

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There's a zip with all the relevant files inside... i really hope somebody can get it solved for me cause it's a little important. Not to mention i'm dieing to know what i'm doing wrong.


EDIT: ive included the useredit.php file which works 100% but shows it's using the same functions and setup, just without the use of a form.

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