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[SOLVED] Trying to Delete dupe rows but keep 1


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Kinda stuck on how to approach this.


Table Layout:


id    cid    start        duration

1    123    123123    1000

2    123    123123    800

3    123    123123    500

4    123    125125    1000

5    234    333444    500

6    234    333444    800


So what I need to do is build a query that will delete duplicate rows.  Duplicate rows is defined as having the same cid and start values, and I need to keep the row with the highest duration.  So in the above example, I need to delete ID 2, 3, 5.


Can I do this with just SQL or do I need to use code?

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Does this look like it would be it (minus changing the select to delete).  I am not 100% sure on what to use as the Group By


select bad_rows.*

from log as bad_rows

  inner join (

      select cid, start, MAX(duration) as max_id

      from log

      group by start

      having count(*) > 1

  ) as good_rows on good_rows.start = bad_rows.start

      and good_rows.max_id <> bad_rows.duration;

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Actually I think I need to add a cid compare as well.


select bad_rows.*

from log as bad_rows

  inner join (

      select cid, start, MAX(duration) as max_id

      from log

      group by start

      having count(*) > 1

  ) as good_rows on good_rows.start = bad_rows.start

      and good_rows.cid = bad_rows.cid

      and good_rows.max_id <> bad_rows.duration;

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The following worked for me on your example data -


$query = "
select bad_rows.*
from log as bad_rows
   inner join (
      select cid, start, MAX(duration) as max_dur
      from log
      group by cid,start
      having count(*) > 1
   ) as good_rows on good_rows.cid = bad_rows.cid AND good_rows.start = bad_rows.start
      and good_rows.max_dur <> bad_rows.duration";


If you have the same duration values (cid,start, and duration all match) the query won't find them and delete them due to the <> comparison in the above. You would need to use a second query that just forms groups and deletes one of the rows when count(*) > 1

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