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Checking a mailbox of bounce addresses


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Hi there,


My hosting company is giving me an ear bashing after sending out a huge amount of emails from the server (a newsletter) because of the amount of bounce backs the server is getting.


I tried a few desktop applications which were supposed to check valid email addresses by using DNS/MX however some ISPs block such testing (BT / Hotmail etc..) therefore it filtered out all hotmail email addresses which is obviously incorrect.


I'm currently sending out another newsletter as I type... but this time set up a bounce mailbox.


Is there any way of a script to check this mailbox and strip out the "To: [email@address.com]" so I can then remove all the bounce email addresses from my database?


Any help would be appreciated.


Many thanks

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Take the domain name and ping it eg afte rthe @ and then ping that, if it exists then you have atleast 1 good sign, also check the email is well formed, this should eliminate alot of bounces, as for an address im surer you can set up a bounce back address on your server admin client web page, as you can see im developing a similar app

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cool, exactly what i was looking for, my prob now is that my imap error comming back from imap-open() is that it says it needs a certificate, are imap functions teh base of pop3 etc ? and what about this certificate buisness


here is the err from imap open


can't connect: Certificate failure for server.canttellu.com: self signed certificate: /C=US/ST=NY/L=New York/O=Courier Mail Server/OU=Automatically-generated IMAP SSL key/CN=localhost/emailAddress=postmaster@example.com


plz help

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