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[SOLVED] Inserting multiple rows with one query


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Hi All,


Im having trouble getting this to work.


The variables; are passed from index.php to insert-records.php, all data goes across fine, however its getting a way of inserting the data from insert-records into the DB that im having trouble with, possibly need to use UNION - however i cannot figure out how this will work as the amount of rows to enter can be anywhere from 1 to 200+.


index.php has a dropdown box, where the user selects the amount of rows to insert.



$num = 1+$_GET["num-mac"];
while ($i < $num) {
echo "<tr><td><div align=\"center\">";
echo "<input name=\"row\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . $i . "\">";
echo "<input name=\"row-total\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . $num . "\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"DPC_TODAY_TEXT\" value=\"today\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"DPC_BUTTON_TITLE\" value=\"Open calendar...\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"DPC_MONTH_NAMES\" value=\"['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"DPC_DAY_NAMES\" value=\"['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']\">
        <input type=\"text\" name=\"" . $i . "date\" id=\"" . $i . "date\" datepicker=\"true\" datepicker_format=\"YYYY-MM-DD\"/>
echo "<td><div align=\"center\"><select name=\"" . $i . "company\" id=\"" . $i . "company\">";
$sql="SELECT id,company FROM users order by company ASC";
$result =mysql_query($sql);
while ($data=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
echo "<option value =\"" . $data['company'] . "\" >" . $data['company'] . "</option>";
echo "</select><div></td>";
echo "<td><div align=\"center\"><select name=\"" . $i . "product\" id=\"" . $i . "product\">";
$sql="SELECT id,model FROM product order by model ASC";
$result =mysql_query($sql);
while ($data=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
echo "<option value =\"" . $data['model'] . "\" >" . $data['model'] . "</option>";
echo "</select></div></td>";
echo "<td><div align=\"center\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"" . $i . "serial\" id=\"" . $i . "serial\"></div></td>";
echo "<td><div align=\"center\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"" . $i . "mac\" id=\"" . $i . "mac\"></div></td>";
echo "<td>$i</td>";
echo "<div></tr>";



$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "ipendpoi_Bifter", "Bollocks");
$i = $_GET[row];
$num = $_GET[row-total];
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
  while ($i < $num) {
  mysql_select_db("ipendpoi_mac", $con);$sql="INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac)
('$i . $_GET[date]','$i . $_GET[company]','$i . $_GET[product]','$i . $_GET[serial]','$i . $_GET[mac]')";if (!mysql_query($sql,$con))
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

echo $num . "record/s added" . "< >< >" . "<a href=\"http://www.ipendpoints.co.uk/mac/\">Back";mysql_close($con)


I hope i have explained everything, however if I have missed something, please let me know.



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INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac)
(values for row1),
(values for row2),
(values for row3),
(values for rown)


Hi Mchl,


Thanks for the reply, but how would I get the INSERT to loop until all rows are inserted? and avoid emtpy rows being inserted



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You have to be smart, when creating a query ;P


mysql_select_db("ipendpoi_mac", $con);
$sql = "INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac)

while ($i < $num) {
  if(/*check if row not empty*/) {
    $sql .= "('$i . $_GET[date]','$i . $_GET[company]','$i . $_GET[product]','$i . $_GET[serial]','$i . $_GET[mac]'),";

$sql = substr($sql,0,-1);  //this will remove last comma

if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) {
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

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Well then... some debugging code needs to be inserted then :P


mysql_select_db("ipendpoi_mac", $con);
$sql = "INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac)
echo $sql;

while ($i < $num) {
  if(/*check if row not empty*/) {
    $sql .= "('$i . $_GET[date]','$i . $_GET[company]','$i . $_GET[product]','$i . $_GET[serial]','$i . $_GET[mac]'),";
echo $sql;

$sql = substr($sql,0,-1);  //this will remove last comma
echo $sql;

if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) {
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

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The following is returned:


INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac) VALUES INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac) VALUES INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac) VALUESError: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 2

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Nope I took the whole If statement out, as I want to get rest working first....the code im using is:


$i = $_GET[row];
$num = $_GET[row-total];
mysql_select_db("ipendpoi_mac", $con);
$sql = "INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac)
echo $sql;
while ($i < $num) {
    $sql .= "('$i . $_GET[date]','$i . $_GET[company]','$i . $_GET[product]','$i . $_GET[serial]','$i . $_GET[mac]'),";
echo $sql;

$sql = substr($sql,0,-1);  //this will remove last comma
echo $sql;

if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) {
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

echo $num . "record/s added" . "< >< >" . "<a href=\"http://www.ipendpoints.co.uk/mac/\">Back";mysql_close($con)

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Maybe we can go back a couple of steps, I have posted all the relevent code, below - I cant work out where this is going wrong:



$num = 1+$_GET["num-mac"];
while ($i < $num) {
echo "<tr><td><div align=\"center\">";
echo "<input name=\"row\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . $i . "\">";
echo "<input name=\"row-total\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . $num . "\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"DPC_TODAY_TEXT\" value=\"today\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"DPC_BUTTON_TITLE\" value=\"Open calendar...\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"DPC_MONTH_NAMES\" value=\"['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']\">";
echo "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"DPC_DAY_NAMES\" value=\"['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat']\">
        <input type=\"text\" name=\"" . $i . "date\" id=\"" . $i . "date\" datepicker=\"true\" datepicker_format=\"YYYY-MM-DD\"/>
echo "<td><div align=\"center\"><select name=\"" . $i . "company\" id=\"" . $i . "company\">";
$sql="SELECT id,company FROM users order by company ASC";
$result =mysql_query($sql);
while ($data=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
echo "<option value =\"" . $data['company'] . "\" >" . $data['company'] . "</option>";
echo "</select><div></td>";
echo "<td><div align=\"center\"><select name=\"" . $i . "product\" id=\"" . $i . "product\">";
$sql="SELECT id,model FROM product order by model ASC";
$result =mysql_query($sql);
while ($data=mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
echo "<option value =\"" . $data['model'] . "\" >" . $data['model'] . "</option>";
echo "</select></div></td>";
echo "<td><div align=\"center\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"" . $i . "serial\" id=\"" . $i . "serial\"></div></td>";
echo "<td><div align=\"center\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"" . $i . "mac\" id=\"" . $i . "mac\"></div></td>";
echo "<td>$i</td>";
echo "<div></tr>";



$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "", "") or die(mysql_error());
$i = $_GET[row];
$num = $_GET[row-total];
mysql_select_db("ipendpoi_mac", $con);
$sql = "INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac)
echo $sql;
while ($_GET[row] + 1 < $num) {
    $sql .= "('$i . $_GET[date]','$i . $_GET[company]','$i . $_GET[product]','$i . $_GET[serial]','$i . $_GET[mac]'),";
echo $sql;
$sql = substr($sql,0,-1);  //this will remove last comma
if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) {
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo $sql;
echo "record/s added" . "< >< >" . "<a href=\"http://www.ipendpoints.co.uk/mac/\">Back";mysql_close($con)


The varibles get passed as follows:



I really appriaciate you helping me on this,

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$_GET[row] + 1 = 0 + 1 = 1

$num = $_GET[row-total] = 1


which means


($_GET[row] + 1 < $num) == FALSE  (1 < 1)


so the loop doesn't start at all



Oh... and row-total is not the best name for variable. Use row_total perhaps.

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$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "", "") or die(mysql_error());
$i = 0;
$num = $_GET[row-total];
mysql_select_db("ipendpoi_mac", $con);
$sql = "INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac)
//echo $sql;
while ($i < $num) {
    $sql1[] = "('" . $_GET[$i.'date']."','".$_GET[$i.'company']."','".$_GET[$i.'product']."','".$_GET[$i.'serial']."','".$_GET[$i.'mac']."')";
$sgl .= implode(", \n", $sql1);
echo $sql;
//$sql = substr($sql,0,-1);  //this will remove last comma
if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) {
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());
echo $sql;
echo "record/s added" . "< >< >" . "<a href=\"http://www.ipendpoints.co.uk/mac/\">Back";mysql_close($con)

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If i use sasa's code i get the following error:


Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 17 bytes) in /home/ipendpoi/public_html/mac/insert-records.php on line 11


even when I change

$i = 0;


$i = $_GET[row];


If I echo $i and $num using:

echo "row" . $i . "<br />";
echo "rowtotal" . $num . "<br />";


then I get the following result after sending two rows to the script:




If I send just one row then the following will echo:




Could this be the problem????


I have also tried changing

$i = $_GET[row]


$i = $_GET[row] + 1;

but this errors:

Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Invalid arguments passed in insert-records.php on line 13

INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac) VALUES Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 2


Is there any takers....please!!!!

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i don't change variable $i in while loop

change while loop to

while ($i < $num) {

    $sql1[] = "('" . $_GET[$i.'date']."','".$_GET[$i.'company']."','".$_GET[$i.'product']."','".$_GET[$i.'serial']."','".$_GET[$i.'mac']."')";



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I get this with the last change:


INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac) VALUES Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 2

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Can i add my 2p,


i faguly remember I wanted to upload multiple rows and for some reason that escapes me, it's denied by some reason, so i came on the work around or just uploadin an insert at a time


function q($query,$assoc=1) {
$r = @mysql_query($query);
if( mysql_errno() ) {
  $error = 'MYSQL ERROR #'.mysql_errno().' : ' . mysql_error(). '< / small>< br>< VAR>$query< /VAR>';
  echo($error); return FALSE;
}  if( strtolower(substr($query,0,6)) != 'select' ) return array(mysql_affected_rows(),mysql_insert_id());
$count = @mysql_num_rows($r);
if( !$count ) return 0;
if( $count == 1 ) {
  if( $assoc ) $f = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
  else $f = mysql_fetch_row($r);
  if( count($f) == 1 ) {
   list($key) = array_keys($f); 
   return $f[$key];
  } else {
   $all = array();
   $all[] = $f;
   return $all;
} else {
  $all = array();
  for( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
   if( $assoc ) $f = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
   else $f = mysql_fetch_row($r);
   $all[] = $f;
  return $all;


The Syntax for q is quite simple

eg: q(SQL QUERY);

eg :: < ?= q("SELECT * FROM `tbl_whoever` WHERE `id` = '$return_result[userid]' LIMIT 1;"); ?>

eg :: < ?= q("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `tbl_whoever` WHERE `id` = '$return_result[userid]' LIMIT 1;"); ?>


$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "", "") or die(mysql_error());
$i = 0;
$num = $_GET[row-total];
mysql_select_db("ipendpoi_mac", $con);
$sql = "INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac)
//echo $sql;
while ($i < $num) {
    $sql1[] = "('" . $_GET[$i.'date']."','".$_GET[$i.'company']."','".$_GET[$i.'product']."','".$_GET[$i.'serial']."','".$_GET[$i.'mac']."')";
foreach($sql1 as $k){q($k);}


Hope this is usefull, hey who knows lol

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this should do you, i havnt tested but looks ok 2 the eye, id run a small upload b4 i did the main job :)

$con = mysql_connect("localhost", "ipendpoi_Bifter", "Bollocks");
function q($query,$assoc=1) {
$r = @mysql_query($query);
if( mysql_errno() ) {
  $error = 'MYSQL ERROR #'.mysql_errno().' : ' . mysql_error(). '< / small>< br>< VAR>$query< /VAR>';
  echo($error); return FALSE;
}  if( strtolower(substr($query,0,6)) != 'select' ) return array(mysql_affected_rows(),mysql_insert_id());
$count = @mysql_num_rows($r);
if( !$count ) return 0;
if( $count == 1 ) {
  if( $assoc ) $f = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
  else $f = mysql_fetch_row($r);
  if( count($f) == 1 ) {
   list($key) = array_keys($f); 
   return $f[$key];
  } else {
   $all = array();
   $all[] = $f;
   return $all;
} else {
  $all = array();
  for( $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++ ) {
   if( $assoc ) $f = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
   else $f = mysql_fetch_row($r);
   $all[] = $f;
  return $all;

mysql_select_db("ipendpoi_mac", $con);
$i = $_GET[row];
$num = $_GET[row-total];
if (!$con)
  die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
$sql = "INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac)
//echo $sql;
while ($i < $num) {
    $sql1[] = "('" . $_GET[$i.'date']."','".$_GET[$i.'company']."','".$_GET[$i.'product']."','".$_GET[$i.'serial']."','".$_GET[$i.'mac']."')";
foreach($sql1 as $k){q($k);}

echo $num . "record/s added" . "< >< >" . "<a href=\"http://www.ipendpoints.co.uk/mac/\">Back";mysql_close($con)

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This was solved using the following:


$ia = 0;
$i = $_GET['row'];
$num = $_GET['rowtotal'];
mysql_select_db("", $con);
$sql = "INSERT INTO details (date, company, product, serial, mac)
while ($ia < $num) {
if ($num - $ia <= 1) {
$comma = "";
else {$comma = ",";
$sql .= "('".$_GET[$ia.'date']."','".$_GET[$ia.'company']."','".$_GET[$ia.'product']."','".$_GET[$ia.'serial']."','".$_GET[$ia.'mac']."')" . $comma;
if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) {
  die('Error: ' . mysql_error());

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