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Piculiar behavior of Innerhtml


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I have 13 buttons and I have used innerhtml to write different thing inside a div depending on which button I click.

      <!-- Begin
      function secAdetails(q){
            document.getElementById('secA').innerHTML = ''; //SecA is the DIV ID
            document.getElementById('secA').innerHTML = myArray[q];
      // End -->


The javascript array myArray[q] has all the strings stored (so, array lenghth is 13). Now its behaving piculiarly. For example, if I click on Button 7 (which has the largest string to display), it is showing partial text. Also, if I 1st select Button 1 and then Button 7, it always shows first 4 lines, if I choose Button 2  and then Button 7, it always shows first 7 lines etc. Anybody has any idea why this is happening? Btw, I put an alert and in the alert dialog box, it shows wwhole string, just it can't write that completely using innerhtml!

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this works fine for me:

      <!-- Begin
      myArray = [
        '<b><u>Roberto</u> : </b><br>questions should be more practical.<br><br><b><u>This is another name</u> : </b><br>Here is another text.<br><br><b><u>',
        'Here is another string'
      function secAdetails(q){
            document.getElementById('secA').innerHTML = ''; //SecA is the DIV ID
            document.getElementById('secA').innerHTML = myArray[q];
      // End -->
<input type="button" value="Button 1" onclick="secAdetails(0);" />
<input type="button" value="Button 2" onclick="secAdetails(1);" />
<div id="secA"></div>


can you post a snippet of code that doesn't work for you...that way i can see what you see

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I was wondering if I have some problem in my coding, why would it act pseudo-random way. Like, the amount of text its displaying depends on what I click before clicking this button. If I click button A and then the concern button, it always shows certain amount of text, if I click button B and then the concern button, it always shows another amount of text. But this amount is constant. I mean if my sequence is ButtonA, then concern button, it always shows same amount of text, though its partial.


Anyway, here is my code.


      echo "<HTML><HEAD> <TITLE></TITLE>";
      var myArray = new Array();
            echo "</HEAD><BODY>";
                  echo "<a style=\"cursor: hand;\" onclick=\"javascript: secAdetails(".$m.");\">Q".($m+1)."</a><BR>";
            echo "<div id=\"secA\" style=\"text-align:left; overflow: auto; width: 98%;\">";
            echo "</div>";
                  $myquery="Select username, q".$x."_comm as com from plan_survey";
                  $result=mysql_query($myquery) or die(mysql_error());
                              if(!get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
                        	      $name = addslashes($row['name']);
                        	      $com = addslashes($row['com']);
                                    $name = $row['name'];
                                    $com = $row['com'];
                              $temp = "<b><u>".$name."</u> : </b><br>".$com."<br><br>";
                              //echo $temp;
                              echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">myArray[".$x."]='".$temp."';</SCRIPT>";
      <!-- Begin
      function secAdetails(q){
            document.getElementById('secA').innerHTML += myArray[q];
      // End -->
            echo "</BODY></HTML>";

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i looked it over again, and there was some stuff i found...try this out:

  $links = array();
  $data = array();
  for($x=0;$x < 13;$x++){
    $query = "SELECT username, q".$x."_comm AS COM FROM plan_survey";
    $result = mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
    if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){
        $data[] = sprintf('<b><u>%s</u> : </b><br>%s<br><br>',htmlspecialchars($row['name']),htmlspecialchars($row['com']));
    $links[] = sprintf('<a style="cursor:hand;" onclick="secAdetails(%s);">Q%s</a><br />',$x,$x+1);
    <script type="text/javascript">
      <!-- Begin
      var myArray = <?php echo json_encode($data); ?>;
      function secAdetails(q){
            document.getElementById('secA').innerHTML += myArray[q];
      // End -->
<?php echo implode("\n",$links); ?>
    <div id="secA" style="text-align:left;overflow:auto;width:98%;"></div>

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hey rhodesa, sorry i was out of the town so i m late in reply. anyway, it'll be better if you say exactly where in the code you are suspecting the problem. then i'll change there. I can't exactly copy ur code because the code i post is just a portion of my full code. coz, otherwise it would be so large that you might fill disgusted. And I will paste the table with some data at the earliest possible time. Thanks for ur help.

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