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MySQL odd results


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Hey there,

I made a request lately, which seemed good, but after some testing I got some really odd results. Obviously, there's something I misunderstand about that kind of request and I wanted to know if anyone could help me with it.


Here's the request :

SELECT DISTINCT sp.No_Sequence_Production, ste.No_Type_Extrusion, np.Numero, ste.OuiNon, ste.A_Produire, sp.Status_Produit
FROM sequence_production_piece AS spp
INNER JOIN sequence_production AS sp ON spp.No_Sequence_Production = sp.No_Sequence_Production
INNER JOIN sequence AS s ON sp.No_Sequence = s.No_Sequence
INNER JOIN client AS c ON s.No_Client = c.No_Client
INNER JOIN sequence_type_extrusion AS ste ON s.No_Sequence = ste.No_Sequence
INNER JOIN pince AS p ON spp.No_Sequence_Production_Piece = p.No_Sequence_Production_Piece
INNER JOIN numero_pince AS np ON p.No_Numero_Pince = np.No_Numero_Pince
INNER JOIN type_extrusion AS te ON spp.No_Type_Extrusion = te.No_Type_Extrusion
INNER JOIN extrusion AS e ON spp.No_Extrusion = e.No_Extrusion
WHERE sp.Status_Produit = 7 AND ste.OuiNon = 1 AND ste.A_Produire = 1
GROUP BY ste.No_Type_Extrusion
ORDER BY np.Numero ASC


It gives me four results. Let's call 'em a, b, c and d.


My program shows all these results in a list and I have the possibility to pick one and add it to another list. When I do so, I want the item I picked to disappear from the original list, so for each one I specify a condition to exclude the item, basing on it's id. Just like this :


AND NOT (spp.No_Sequence_Production = 7297 AND ste.No_Type_Extrusion = 4)


It works well to some point, as let's say "b" isn't in the results anymore, just as it's supposed to be. However, I get a new result, "e", which simply come out of nowhere. After some checking, it appears it has the right criterias. And if I take "a" from my initial list, a "f" will take it place and so on ...


Now why hasn't it shown in the first results and how could my simple condition make it suddenly appear ? If anyone could help, I'm really struck here. I'd say there's something I missed in how to structure my query ...

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NOT (spp.No_Sequence_Production = 7297 AND ste.No_Type_Extrusion = 4)


is equal to


(spp.No_Sequence_Production != 7297 OR ste.No_Type_Extrusion != 4)


(de Morgan's law)


Check if this is what you actually want.


Perhaps you want


(spp.No_Sequence_Production != 7297 AND ste.No_Type_Extrusion != 4)

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You're sure about that ? 'Cause initially I made my condition like this :


AND (spp.No_Sequence_Production != 7297 AND ste.No_Type_Extrusion != 4)


But it actually got me rid of every 7297 and every 4 (in their respective columns) of the recordset. While of course I only want to get rid of 7297 when the other column is at 4. If what you say is right ... my actual criteria should've done the same I think ... ?


In any case, thanks for trying to help ^^

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