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retreiving a screenshot of a site and storign it as a thumbnail image

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I am building a simple little app that will allow its users to add links to the database.  each link can have a title, url, description and image associated with it.


I was thinking it woudl be really slick if when a user adds a link, i could have a scrip to go take a screenshot of that site, and resize it to a thumbnail size and store it to the file system and insert the path to that stored image in the database record for that link.


is that possible?  could it be done with php?


any advice on how to get started on this would be appreciated.



it is possible on windows I think, to open a com connection with internet explorer.. navigate the browser to the location, and then grab the screenshot which then would return an image resource then you save the picture to your website and PRESTO


(going off of what I just found on php.net I run linux on my webhosts >.>)



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