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Unique CSS Tags


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Hi guys.

Is it possible to add a prefix/suffix to all CSS Data in one go?



HTML File = <div id="name"></div>

CSS File = #name { style }


Is there a way to change EVERY ID, CSS, and CLASS tags to make them unique?



I have a phpBB3 Style I wana integrate into my Joomla Template, and it has hundreds, maybe thousands of CSS Tags. I have tried going through them by hand (took me all day) but I am not too experienced and it was a disaster. I wanna avoid all conflicts and clashes from the two seperate templates.



Is there a way to prevent clashes of CSS Styles, or mass-edit all CSS Data.


Thanks for any informatuion available. I am on the verge of giving up.

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agreed, tacohtml on the mac has a good find-all and replace-all, If you are using joomla, there are probably only a few dozen (ok maybe a few dozen dozen) files to modify, or you could download a joomla skin and change all the phpbb class names to the joomla ones, that would get a lot done fast.


then you have to work on layout, which you will have to do either way

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I don't think what you are trying to do can be done.


I have done a few phpbb3-drupal link-ups, and I ended up using the phpbb theme, and re-coding it for drupal. What this does is uses the phpbb theme on phpbb pages, and the drupal theme on drupal pages. Since they look alike it works fine.

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Hi guys. I am certain this can be done, as I know of a website (jfusion.org) that has the exact setup to what I want. (and by utter coincidence, the same Joomla Template, too)


I tried containing the whole phpbb body within a div tag with the ID: phpbb.

Then I added "#phpbb" to the beginning of EVERY style tag in all CSS files.


I am trying to keep both systems totally independant, without merging the CSS into the actual files from Joomla Skin.


Naturally, this was a disaster. I used Dreamweaver to its full extent (find and replace) as I have done on countless occasions, the only difference being that instead of solving my problem, it confused it. I think I am onto something here, I think I know what I am doing wrong... Please help me with an example code here...


This was my code AFTER I added "#phpbb" tags to all styles...


/* proSilver Link Styles
---------------------------------------- */

#phpbb a:link	{ color: #898989; text-decoration: none; }
#phpbb a:visited	{ color: #898989; text-decoration: none; }
#phpbb a:hover	{ color: #d3d3d3; text-decoration: underline; }
#phpbb a:active	{ color: #d2d2d2; text-decoration: none; }

/* Coloured usernames */
#phpbb .username-coloured {
font-weight: bold;
display: inline !important;

/* Links on gradient backgrounds */
#phpbb #search-box a:link, #phpbb .navbg a:link, #phpbb .forumbg .header a:link, #phpbb .forabg .header a:link, #phpbb th a:link {
color: #FFFFFF;
text-decoration: none;


I think I did something wrong. If you could correct this script to give me an example, I could learn from this script where to use the "#phpbb" tag and what to leave alone.


My basic intention is t to ONLY apply style to the content of <div id="phpbb">


You understand what I am saying?

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