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Form Submission stopped working..


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Hey there, This is probably a really simple fix and something I'm overlooking but it seems ever since I switched to PHP5, my contact form doesn't work anymore.


I'll post the code for both and maybe someone here can help me figure out what's going on.



  <form id="form1" name="form1" method="$_GET" action="_includes/post/contact.php">
      <table width="294" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
          <td><table width="210" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="7">
              <td width="196"><span class="style1">What is your name?</span></td>
              <td height="20"><input name="name" type="”text”" class="txtfield" id="name" /></td>
          <td><table width="210" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="7">
              <td width="196"><span class="style1">Your e-mail address?</span></td>
              <td height="20"><input name="email" type="”text”" class="txtfield" id="email" /></td>
          <td><table width="210" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="7">
              <td width="196"><span class="style1">Phone <span class="style4">(Optional)</span></span></td>
              <td height="20"><input name="phone" type="”text”" class="txtfield" id="phone" /></td>
          <td><table width="268" border="0" align="left" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="7">
              <td width="254"><span class="style1">What would you like to say?</span></td>
              <td height="20"><textarea name="message" id="txtarea" class="txtarea" cols="23" rows="8"></textarea></td>
              <td height="20"><input type="image" name="submit" border="0" src="_includes/images/send_message.jpg" alt="Send us a Message!" /></td>




$to_email = "xxx@email.com"; // please change this to your email address 
$email_subject = "Send us a message!";
$thankyou_url = "http://www.xxx.com?page=success";
$pos = strrpos($email, "@");
if ($pos === false)
  echo ("You must enter an e-mail address for us to contact you at.");

$a = urldecode($QUERY_STRING);$a = str_replace("&","\n\n",$a);$a = str_replace("=",": ",$a);mail($to_email,$email_subject,$a,"From: $email");
header ("Location: $thankyou_url");



Any help is greatly appreciated in advance!

**The e-mail and web address have been removed purposely.**



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Your problem is to do with register_globals.


In older versions of PHP 4, this was still turned on. It meant that all $_GET, $_POST etc variables were automatically extracted from their arrays and had local scope. It is/was a security issue, however.


You should fix this by doing the extraction yourself. E.g.:


$email = $_GET['emal']

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Your problem is to do with register_globals.


In older versions of PHP 4, this was still turned on. It meant that all $_GET, $_POST etc variables were automatically extracted from their arrays and had local scope. It is/was a security issue, however.


You should fix this by doing the extraction yourself. E.g.:


$email = $_GET['emal']


I understand the concept of what you're saying, as I thought it had to do with globals, though I'm not sure what extraction to pull. - The form isn't connected to any sort of database or anything like that.

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After re-reading my original post, I felt I should clarify what exactly is happening.


When a user enters their Name, E-mail address, Phone Number & Message and clicks the SEND button, it pops up the error message from the contact.php file about needing to enter an e-mail address.


That's as far is it gets. - The form doesn't send the information.

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Ok, well take a look at this line:


$pos = strrpos($email, "@");


At present, $email is undefined. When register_globals was turned on, it wasn't. Why? Because PHP was automatically extracting it from the $_GET array. You need to do the same manually. Prior to the line above, you need to insert a line:


$email = $_GET['email'];


You'll need to do the same for any other variables coming from your form too. Make sense?

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Ok, well take a look at this line:


$pos = strrpos($email, "@");


At present, $email is undefined. When register_globals was turned on, it wasn't. Why? Because PHP was automatically extracting it from the $_GET array. You need to do the same manually. Prior to the line above, you need to insert a line:


$email = $_GET['email'];


You'll need to do the same for any other variables coming from your form too. Make sense?


That makes a lot of sense. - I tried it out and the form submitted successfully, only missing all the information!


I assume that I need to add the variables for the message to make them follow through?

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Here is a post of the most recent code in my attempts to try and get the other data to come through


$to_email = "xxx@email.com"; // please change this to your email address 
$email_subject = "Send us a message!";
$thankyou_url = "http://www.xxx.com/?page=success";
$email = $_GET['email'];
$message = $_GET['message'];
$pos = strrpos($email, $message, "@");
if ($pos === false)
  echo ("Typical Error Message");

$a = urldecode($QUERY_STRING);$a = str_replace("&","\n\n",$a);$a = str_replace("=",": ",$a);mail($to_email,$email_subject,$a,"From: $email");
header ("Location: $thankyou_url");



which is return the error:

Warning: strrpos() expects parameter 3 to be long, string given in /home/xxx/public_html/xxx/_includes/post/contact.php on line 8

Typical Error Message



I apologize for my being a bit slow on this, I haven't really touched PHP in a while.



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Did you try looking at the manual page for the function you're getting an error on? If you type the function after http://www.php.net/ then you'll get taken straight to the relevant page. E.g. http://www.php.net/strrpos


If you look though there i'm sure you'll see where you're going wrong.


Also, i would recommend you start programming with all errors turned on. Add this line:




To the top of your script. You'll then easily be able to see the variables which are undefined (and probably just need extracting from the relevant superglobal array).

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