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breaking a div box for print


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I have a quoting database set-up for our company, and my boss wants some changes to the viewing/printing layout. There's a signature/fine print section that he wants to print at the bottom of the page, and if the quote is multiple pages, to print at the bottom of all pages.


I have the script working to print the footer section on the bottom of both pages and that part is working. However if the quote needs to flow to multiple pages it flows OVER the footer, how do I get it to break?? ???


I think I need to somehow tell it to insert a page break after so many lines, but I don't know how.  I tried looking for help in the CSS forum, but I think this might need some kind of special scripting beyond what CSS can do.


Here is the code so far:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" />
<title>View Quote</title>
<link href="styles/quote.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<style type="text/css">
.style1 {font-size: 12px;}
#Quote {width:760px;}
#header {width:760px; display:block;}
#footer {width:760px; display:block;}
    <style type="text/css" media="print">
     #footer {position: fixed; bottom: 0;}

<form id="view_quote" name="view_quote" method="post" action="">
<div id="header">
  <p><center><img src="images/delogo.jpg" width="250" height="52" />
  <table width="750" id="custInfo">
    <td width="479" valign="top"><h2>Quote for: </h2>
      <p><strong><?php echo $row_getQuoteCust['name']; ?></strong><br />
          <?php echo $row_getQuoteCust['street']; ?><br />
          <?php echo $row_getQuoteCust['city']; ?>, <?php echo $row_getQuoteCust['state']; ?> <?php echo $row_getQuoteCust['zip']; ?><br />
        Phone: <?php echo $row_getQuoteCust['phone']; ?><br />
        Fax: <?php echo $row_getQuoteCust['fax']; ?><br />
      Attn: <?php echo $row_getQuoteCust['quote_to']; ?></p></td>
    <td width="259" valign="top"><h2 align="right">Quote Number:  <?php echo $row_getQuoteSales['quote_id']; ?></h2>
      <p align="right">Quote For: <?php echo $row_getQuoteCust['title']; ?><br />
        Quoted on: <?php echo $row_getQuoteCust['created']; ?><br />
      Quote is valid for 30 days. </p>      </td>
  <div id="Quote">
      <h2 align="center"><?php echo $row_getQuoteCust['title']; ?></h2>
      <p><?php echo nl2br($row_getQuoteCust['quote']); ?></p>
  <div id="footer">
  <table width="750">
      <td width="376"><p>
	<?php echo "<img src=\"images/".$row_getQuoteSales['sig'].".jpg\">"; ?><br />
	<strong><?php echo $row_getQuoteSales['first_name']; ?> <?php echo $row_getQuoteSales['last_name']; ?><br />
          755 Water Street<br />
          Milwaukee, WI 53202 <br />
          Phone: 414-272-3343 
          <br />
          Fax: 414-272-3344 <br />
          Email: <?php echo $row_getQuoteSales['email']; ?><br />
          <?php echo $row_getQuoteSales['cell']; ?></p>
      <td width="372" valign="bottom"><div align="justify">
        <ul class="style1">
          <li>Any changes made to the project after the final proof, excluding our mistakes, will be
            customer changes and will be chargeable artwork time and require a new proof.</li>
          <li>Layout and any changes to supplied art is billed separately at $60 per hour, if needed.</li>
          <li>Any additional artwork fees will be requoted and submitted to the customer for
            approval before changes will be made. </li>

<p> </p>

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