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Form answer fields show up empty when e-mailed

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Hello, I need help to find the cause of the answer fields not showing up after this clan recruitment form has been submitted.  The only thing that shows up after the form has been filled out is the questions.. Everything else works great .  Been pulling out my hair trying to find the cause.  Hope someone can see what I have not been able to.


<table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" class="tborder" width="100%">
<td class="tcat"><span class="smallfont"><b>$vba_options[portal_blockbullet] Recruitement Form</b></span></td>
<td class="$getbgrow" align="center">

<p align="left"><br />
            <p class="style31" align="left"><b><span class="style37">RECRUITMENT FORM</span></b><br>
              <strong>Welcome soldier! you are intrested in joining our clan then please fill out<br> 
            this application form
            and submit it, we will get back to you as soon as<br>
            possible and in the meantime you can
            check out the forums.<br><font color="#FF0000">This form does not guarentee Recruitment!<br></font><br>
        Thank you. </strong> </p>
            <span class="style31"><left>
        <br><br></left><left></left><left></left><left></left><left></left><left></left><left></left></span><span class="style32"><left></left></span><span class="style33"><left></left><left></left></span><left><form action="http://yourname.com/forums/modules/apply.php" method="post" name="Application" class="style33">
              <div align="left>" class="style34">
      <p align="left">Real Name: 
          <input name="RealName" type="text" value="" size="15"> </p>
      <p align="left">Gaming Name: 
      <input name="GamerName" type="text" size="15"> </p>
      <p align="left">Age:
      <input name="Age" type="text" size="2"> </p>
      <p align="left">Location:
      <input name="Location" type="text" size="15"> </p>
      <p align="left">Email Address:
      <input name="EmailAddress" type="text" size="30"> </p>
      <p align="left">Hours spent online per week:
      <input name="Hours" type="text" size="15">
      If you have been in a clan before, please list all of the<br> 
      ones you were in and the reason why you left them:<br>
      <textarea name="Clans" cols="50" rows="3" textarea="textarea"></textarea>
      Will you be able to attend practices and matches when scheduled?:
          <select name="Practices">
                        <option selected>------------------</option>
                            <option>I'll do my best to be there</option>        
                            <option>Maybe not</option>
    Your favorite weapon?:
    <input name="Weapon" type="text" size="20"><br>
    Please explain a little about yourself, when you are normally online,<br>
    when you can get a microphone (If you dont already have one) and anything<br>
    else you would like to inform us:<br>
    <textarea name="About" cols="50" rows="3" textarea="textarea"></textarea>
      Would you help pay for a server?: 
            <select name="Pay">
              <option selected>------------------</option>
      And finally....<br>
      Where did you hear about our clan?:<br>
      <textarea name="Where" cols="50" rows="3" textarea="textarea"></textarea>
      <input name="Submit" type="submit" value="Submit Recruitment Form">


Thanks for any help


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Here is the apply.php that it calls to on submitt.

/* Recruitment Kit      - Please Read!                                                                                        */
/*                                                                                                                                  */
/* Fill in the appropriate areas to your customisation.                                                 */
/* E.g. You must change your_email_address@email.com to your own one.               */
/* IMPORTANT: DO NOT EDIT THE $App line unless you know what you are doing, o  */
/* you can read the instruction manual included with your ClanKit package.               */
$EmailTo = "recruitment@masterofwar.net";
$Subject = "Recruitment Form Request from $FirstName\n";
$Name = "$FirstName\n";
$App = "RealName: $RealName\n GamerName: $GamerName\n Age: $Age\n Location: $Location\n EmailAddress: $EmailAddress\n Hours spent online per week: $Hours\n Other Clans: $Clans\n Will you be able to attend practices? $Practices\n Your favorite weapon?: $Weapon\n Your favorite vehicle: $Vehicle\n About yourself: $About\n Would you help pay for a server?: $Pay\n Where did you hear about 2ndRB?: $Where\n $WhyJoin\n IP Address: $REMOTE_ADDR";
mail($EmailTo,$Subject,$App,"From: $EmailAddress\n");
<body bgcolor="#000000">
<font face="Arial"><font color="white"><b>Thank you for your time. VooDooChild Should get back with you shortly<br><A href="http://your site.com">Click Here</A> to return<b></font>


Sorry was not sure to include this part or not on the first post :-[

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The problem is this script was written for use with register globals turn on and the server you are using has them turned off.  Turing them on is very dangerous from a security stand point.  You should replace them with the provide post usage. 


Replace all variables that look like this $FirstName with one that look like this $_POST['FirstName']


That should fix it and make it a little more secure.

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I hope that this is what you had in mind,, if not I will go back to the drawing board lol.


$EmailTo = "recruitment@masterofwar.net";
$Subject = "Recruitment Form Request from $_POST['FirstName'] \n";
$Name = "$_POST['FirstName'] \n";
$App = "RealName: $_POST['RealName'] \n GamerName: $_POST['GamerName'] \n 
Age: $_POST['Age'] \n 
Location: $_POST['Location'] \n 
EmailAddress: $_POST['EmailAddress'] \n 
Hours spent online per week: $_POST['Hours'] \n 
Other Clans: $_POST['Clans'] \n 
Will you be able to attend practices? $_POST['practices'] \n 
Your favorite weapon?: $_POST['weapon'] \n 
Your favorite vehicle: $_POST['vehicle'] \n 
About yourself: $_POST['about_you'] \n 
Would you help pay for a server?: $_POST['pay'] \n 
Where did you hear about -=M.O.W=-?: $_POST['where'] \n 
whyjoin -=M.O.W=-: $_POST['whyjoin'] \n 
IP Address: $_POST['REMOTE_ADDR'] mail($EmailTo,$Subject,$App,"From: $_POST['emailaddress'] \n");
<body bgcolor="#000000">
<font face="Arial"><font color="white"><b>Thank you for your time. VooDooChild Should get back with you 

shortly<br><A href="http://masterofwar.net">Click Here</A> to return<b></font>


Thank you for your help. ;)


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