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[SOLVED] Timescale advice


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hi guys


bit of a different one here.


Have been asking a few questions lately, all around the same build :) So as you can guess am working solo on a large project. My problems been that i've always been the solo person working on web design. First as a junior in a design agency that didnt have a web designer...exactly, who was i junior to? myself! So i have notihgn to compare how quickly i work.


I've got a new job now, working again as sole web designer for a magazine. I've been asked my the magazine to build an extension to the website i run, to allow people to share music they have made. This involves, profile, uploading images, uploading mp3s, listing the mp3s in genres and top tens, and then editng your tracks and profile infomation. Bearing in mind that i can not use PHP to not a large degree. So far in my career i've built one simple news system, wehre they could login and enter news stories and then it'd display them as hyper links etc etc and another very simple site.


How long would be reasonable time estimation? Bearing in mind that i am the only one working on it, and i have to graphical (and conceptualy) design the whole thing too.


Any thoughts on this would be great!



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Well ill say with no exp 4 days, but with little exp 2 days, with complete php knowledge 2 hours all done.

hope that helps.


the best way is to plan the project out on paper no what you rely need to do,

then create the database structure then php html css programming.


my quote is a stab in the dark who no you might be such a quick learner 20 mins.


By the way around £30 cost at £15 per hour. <<< rough guess.

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If it's done properly, it will be a fair bit of coding. I'm quite confident in PHP - I couldn't write the php manual, but I can code most anything, and code it well - and it would take me a hell of a lot longer than 2 hours. More like a week just for the coding with no design.


You are going to need a log in system, profile pages, scripts for each of the listing types etc. This is a relatively big project.


Without specifics it would be hard to give a specific price, but I'd say at least 800 pounds, if not more, just for the code and no design.



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share music

This involves,


uploading images

, uploading mp3s

, listing the mp3s in genres

  and top tens,

  and then editng your tracks

    and profile infomation


how can that take a week lol


2 hours work

£800 my god your rich it a simple web site not a god creation.


writing the database now 15 mins wait there.

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don't see nothing else you need for the database mate.


alll you need to understand basic ftp in php and your done.


user info.


user_id int not null auto_increment primary key

username varchar(100) not null

email varchar(100) not null

password varchar(50) not null

confirm_account varchar(50) not null

date_added int not null





picture_id int not null auto_increment primary key

users_id int not null

picture_name varchar not null

date_added int not null





music_id int not null auto_increment primary key

users_id int not null

music_name varchar(50) not null

music_title varchar(50) not null

genra varchar(50) not null

date_added int not null




music_stat_id int not null auto_increnet primary key

music_stat int not null

music_id int not null

date_added int not null


shere music


shere_id int not null auto_increment primary key

users_id int not null

music_id int not null

shered_with_users_id int not null

date_shered int not null




will not cost you £800 no way.. dont even need to no much ftp, you can do it all vai the web site it self, to shere the music.

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yes  i no i forgot user profile for the database but i don't see the problem here,


am i missing something for it to cost £800 please.



a professorial script clonned like facebook cost only £20 these days.


yes i agree 2 hours was wrong but a day give it then wrapped done.

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WOW redarrow 2 hours.. I would spend most of that time on the Proof Of Concept...

its strange how a good programmer can take the same amount of time as a bad programmer but but you can always tell form the results... rush the job and your end up re-doing the same job.. rush it again.. yeah you know what i'm saying..


In truth most of my client, i get from an existing client recommendating me, most of which i have had very badly designed system built (and i'm not taking about the interface). and from the info spikypunker has supplied you can't build a full system.. a POC yes but even then your need to make it look good!


a professorial script clonned like facebook cost only £20 these days.

Link please!

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For the login system:


- registration page

* validation on all fields

* check for injection attacks

* send registration mail to user

* activation script for validation mail

* script to resend activation mail for users that didn't receive it

- login page

* check for injection attacks

- password retrieval page for users who have lost their password



This alone is going to take many hours, and we have only gotten to the user logging in, nothing to do with the actual uploading of scripts etc.


I could make the database in 15 minutes as well. Databases are easy to build. Building the scripts that interact with the database is what takes time.


I'm sure *something* could be made in 2 hours. It just wouldn't be any good.


Just like MadTechie, most of my business also comes from people who have had crap before. I charge a lot, but I produce quality. I wouldn't do anything for less than 50 pounds an hour. 800 pounds is only 16 hours.

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Not to be rude, but if you kept a copy off all the programming you have done, and a backup off all the codes/projects from the past then i am sure you got everything hanging around.


but i am amazed you get 50 per hour my god there all mad lol,

sorry but that amazing price.


do i get a free cup of tea with that mate.


anyway i am only saying you charge a lot but if they pay, good luck why not.



just shocked.


I need to increase my price lol.. but will i get any customers ((credit crunch you no))

your a hard business man mate.

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<?php echo $haku;?>


UserProfile XXS, do you want to use BBcode,

allowing the user to manually enter genres good idea.. could cause problem with finds later !

we could go on but thats why we get a full brief!


as for HTML yeah easy to code but you need to know what you what it to look like...!!!

PHP code easy if you have a design!

Javascript easy if you know what your using it for

then.. Oh the one we all start to hate.. browser compatability!

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We aren't talking about what I have lying around, we are talking about what he needs to do. The guy has said straight out he is new, and he described the one script he had built. Did you see anything about a log in system in there? He is obviously going to have to build one. Should he just do that for free? Does that not take any time?


As for my own stuff, I don't give people scripts for free, even if I have created them in the past. I will give them a lower rate, as the amount of time it takes to put it together is less, but I also don't charge for the full time when I make something the first time if I know I will be using it again in the future.


And even if I had previously made all the parts necessary to make the system described in the first post, it would still take me more than two hours to string it all together into the system they want.


There's a phrase I'm very fond of. "You get what you pay for".


You charge 15 pounds an hour, because that's all you can get. I charge 50, because that's what I'm worth.

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I no this is not a part off this but,

i must say, have you all noticed that inline css is better then css dynamically to all pages.


in conjunction with seo.


my god since i have used inline css my page Poisson gone to the roof.


trie it your self next time you do a seo test.


1. create a normal website 5 pages.

2. title the page to the correct theme.

3. as you create the pages  add inline css


add the seo from competition pages make more links,ect ect ect try it unreal inline css always win.



arrrrrrrr don't need to be nasty to me,i charge what a person can afford.

and sometimes it free.



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haha i thought i would find this thread had exploded when i checked it in the morning!


But yeah everybody thanks for disagreeing with the 'php wizz' i thought his estimation was slightly exageratted.


To let you know how long it's taken me so far, i spent about a day actually designing the concept, all i got was the simple idea so had to layout exactly what it was gonna do. Then i had to spend another day, maybe more, thinking up the branding for it and doing the graphics for the layout. I've spent about 7 days on the coding so far, and am about 70% there.


But yes i will be honest, i have limited knowledge of php and hadnt actually used it for over a year so a lot of time has been refreshing my memory and figuring out how to do things! But i think i'm on a good track!


But thanks for putting my mind at rest slightly, i was half expecting everyone to say the same as RedArrow but not so extreme as 2 hours!


Dude if you can plan, design and code that in 2 hours, have it work professionally and look really good then you're amazing, but i think you may be slightly exageratting! Thanks for the help anyway, will prob be asking another question soon so you can prove how amazing you are and help me out when i do!  ;)  Peace!!!



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