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how to make a basic paging of text files(no mysql used) in php?


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how to make a basic paging of text files(no mysql used) in php?

for instance: i have this code here and a page will only display 5 text files only per page and there will be a  "next>>" button where in  , you can go to the other remaining text files and also there is the link "<<previous" where in, you can go back to the first five page you had started please help.


class news{
var $newsDir = 'news';
var $newsList;
var $newsCount = -1;
function getNewsList(){
//Open the actual directory
	//Read all file form the actual directory
	while ($file=readdir($handle)){
return $this->newsList;
/*Well, I will not use the function getNewsCount(){} anymore because i had a better idea of counting the number of news*/
/*function getNewsCount(){}<-trapped in a comment hahahahahaha ^.^*/

function displayNews(){
$list = $this->getNewsList();
echo "<table class='newsList'>";
foreach($list as $value){
	$i= 0;
	foreach($newsData as $value){
                       echo "<tr><th align='left'>$newsTitle</th>";
	       echo "<tr><td colspan='2'>".$newsContent."<br></td></tr>";
	       echo "<th class='right'>$submitDate</th></tr>";
                         echo "<tr><th align='left'>$newsTitle</th>";
	         echo "<tr><td colspan='2'>".$newsContent."<br></td></tr>";
	         echo "<th class='right'>$submitDate</th></tr>";
         if($numOfNews>0 && $numOfNews<=5){
         $stringMsgNews="<b>The total number of news for today is:</b> ".$numOfNews." <b>News.</b><br>";
         echo $stringMsgNews;
         echo"</table> ";
           else if($numOfNews>5){
                   $stringMsgNews="<b>The total number of news for today is:</b> ".$numOfNews." <b>News.</b><br>";
                   echo $stringMsgNews;
                   echo "The page exeeded to 5 news. click next>> to see more news"; 
                   echo"</table> ";
                   echo "<a href='http://localhost/xampp/cardano/cardano3/Project_News/index.php'><center><p><b>next>></b></p></center>";
                  echo "";
                  echo"</table> ";
//echo"</table> ";
   if(sizeOf($list) ==0){
   echo "<hr color='dodgerblue' size='10%'>";
   echo "<center><p><b> No News At The Moment.</b></p><p>&nbsp</p></center> ";
   echo "<hr color='dodgerblue' size='10%'>";
function displayAddForm(){
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/tiny_mce.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
tinyMCE.init ({
mode  : "textareas",
theme : "advanced",
theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",
theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "center",
theme_advanced_toolbar_location: "top",
<form class="iform" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post">
News title:<br/>
<input type="text" name="title" size="40"/><br/><br/>
<textarea name="newstext" rows="15" cols="67"></textarea><br>
<center><input type="submit" name="submit" value="save">
function insertNews(){
$newsTitle = isset($_POST['title']) ? $_POST['title']:'Untitled';
$submitDate = date('Y-m-d g:i:s A');
$newsContent = isset($_POST['newstext']) ? $_POST['newstext']:'No Content';
$filename = date('YmdHis');
$f = fopen($this->newsDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filename.".txt","w+");

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I'll give you a quick example...



// news.php

/* beautified with active perl php cleaner 1.04 */

class news
var $newsList = array ();

function getNewsList ( $directory, $sort )
	$this->newsList = array ();

	/* load the files from the directory */

	$files = glob ( $directory . '/*' );

	foreach ( $files AS $file )
		if ( ! is_dir ( $file ) )
			$this->newsList[] = $file;

	$sort ( $this->newsList );

function displayNews ( $url, $directory, $maximum = 0, $sort = 'asort' )
	$this->getNewsList ( $directory, $sort );

	$start     = 0;

	$nav       = false;

	$statisics = '';

	if ( $maximum > 0 )
		$total = sizeof ( $this->newsList );

		if ( $total > 0 )
			if ( $total > $maximum )
				$nav = true;

				if ( ! empty ( $_GET['s'] ) )
					$temp = intval ( $_GET['s'] );

					if ( $temp > 0  && $temp <= $total )
						$start = $temp;

		$math = ( ( $start - 1 ) / $maximum ) + 1;

		$root = $maximum * $math;

		$next = $total < $root ? $total : $root;

		$this->newsList = array_slice ( $this->newsList, $start, $maximum, true );

		$statisics = 'Viewing news items: ' .  ( $start + 1 ) . ( $next != $total ? ' - ' . ( $next + 1 ) : '' ) . ' of ' . $total;

	$out = "		<table class='newsList'>";

	if ( empty ( $this->newsList ) )
		$out .= "			<tr>
				<hr color='dodgerblue' size='10%'>
							<b>No News At The Moment.</b>
				<hr color='dodgerblue' size='10%'>
		if ( $nav )
		$out .= "			<tr>
			<th align='right'>
				" . $statisics . "

		foreach ( $this->newsList as $value )
			$newsData = file ( $value );

			$newsTitle = $newsData[0];

			$submitDate = $newsData[1];

			$out .= "			<tr>
			<th align='left'>
				" . $newsTitle . "
			<td align='left'>
				" . implode ( '', array_slice ( $newsData, 2 ) ) . "
				<br />
			<th class='right'>
				" . $submitDate . "

		if ( $nav )
		$out .= "			<tr>
			<th align='left'>
				" . $this->makeLinks ( $url, $start, $total, $maximum ) . "

	echo $out . "

function makeLinks ( $url, $start, $total, $maximum )
	$links = 1;

	$nav = '';

	for ( $x = 0; $x < $total; $x += $maximum )
		if ( $links != 1 )
			$nav .= ' | ';

		if ( $start != 0 && $start == $x || $start == 0 && $x == 0  )
			$nav .= $links;
			$nav .= "<a class='' href='" . $url . "?s=" . $x . "' title='Go to page: " . $links . "'>" . $links . "</a>";


	return $nav;

/* test it... */

// the url to this script
$url = 'http://localhost/news.php';

// the news directory to read
$directory = './news';

// number of news items to show per page
$maximum = 4;

// sort news items
$sort = 'rsort';

// load the class
$news = new news ();

// display the results
$news->displayNews ( $url, $directory, $maximum, $sort );


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  • 4 weeks later...

the owner of all the codes that i posted here is not me,the owner is our professor, ms. cabrera, of our class, trend1s-2ndsemester.



how to make a basic paging of text files(no mysql used) in php?

for instance: i have this code here and a page will only display 5 text files only per page and there will be a  "next>>" button where in  , you can go to the other remaining text files and also there is the link "<<previous" where in, you can go back to the first five page you had started please help.


class news{
var $newsDir = 'news';
var $newsList;
var $newsCount = -1;
function getNewsList(){
//Open the actual directory
	//Read all file form the actual directory
	while ($file=readdir($handle)){
return $this->newsList;
/*Well, I will not use the function getNewsCount(){} anymore because i had a better idea of counting the number of news*/
/*function getNewsCount(){}<-trapped in a comment hahahahahaha ^.^*/

function displayNews(){
$list = $this->getNewsList();
echo "<table class='newsList'>";
foreach($list as $value){
	$i= 0;
	foreach($newsData as $value){
                       echo "<tr><th align='left'>$newsTitle</th>";
	       echo "<tr><td colspan='2'>".$newsContent."<br></td></tr>";
	       echo "<th class='right'>$submitDate</th></tr>";
                         echo "<tr><th align='left'>$newsTitle</th>";
	         echo "<tr><td colspan='2'>".$newsContent."<br></td></tr>";
	         echo "<th class='right'>$submitDate</th></tr>";
         if($numOfNews>0 && $numOfNews<=5){
         $stringMsgNews="<b>The total number of news for today is:</b> ".$numOfNews." <b>News.</b><br>";
         echo $stringMsgNews;
         echo"</table> ";
           else if($numOfNews>5){
                   $stringMsgNews="<b>The total number of news for today is:</b> ".$numOfNews." <b>News.</b><br>";
                   echo $stringMsgNews;
                   echo "The page exeeded to 5 news. click next>> to see more news"; 
                   echo"</table> ";
                   echo "<a href='http://localhost/xampp/cardano/cardano3/Project_News/index.php'><center><p><b>next>></b></p></center>";
                  echo "";
                  echo"</table> ";
//echo"</table> ";
   if(sizeOf($list) ==0){
   echo "<hr color='dodgerblue' size='10%'>";
   echo "<center><p><b> No News At The Moment.</b></p><p>&nbsp</p></center> ";
   echo "<hr color='dodgerblue' size='10%'>";
function displayAddForm(){
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="js/tiny_mce.js"></script>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
tinyMCE.init ({
mode  : "textareas",
theme : "advanced",
theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",
theme_advanced_toolbar_align : "center",
theme_advanced_toolbar_location: "top",
<form class="iform" action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post">
News title:<br/>
<input type="text" name="title" size="40"/><br/><br/>
<textarea name="newstext" rows="15" cols="67"></textarea><br>
<center><input type="submit" name="submit" value="save">
function insertNews(){
$newsTitle = isset($_POST['title']) ? $_POST['title']:'Untitled';
$submitDate = date('Y-m-d g:i:s A');
$newsContent = isset($_POST['newstext']) ? $_POST['newstext']:'No Content';
$filename = date('YmdHis');
$f = fopen($this->newsDir.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.$filename.".txt","w+");

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