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I can't figure out, why I can't figure this out ... seems to be simple.


I get this from data base using while loop (each row is one loop/result)






eg. 1_2 = type_quantity

Both, type and qty change dynamically, as dbase changes (being written to), so I can have eg.:1_3,3_2,5_3 etc.

I always know how many types I have [types() function gets that data - see code]


I'm trying to get an array holding total quantities for each type, where key is a type and total qty is a value, eg:

array(1=>2, 2=>3, 3=>0, 4=>3)


I tried many approaches, eg:


while($call = $call_query)
	//eg.: $call['data'] = 1_2,2_0

	//split 1_2,2_0 into $getdata1_array = array(0=>1_2, 1=>2_0)
	$getdata1_array = explode(',',$call['data']);

	//init. array
	$array = array();

	//loop through types - which qty (how many different types) I always know (types() function)
	for ($i=1; $i<=types(); $i++)
			//initiate total qty for each type container

			//walk getdata1_array
			foreach ($getdata1_array as $chunk)
				  //split eg. 1_2 into a 2-element array array(1,2)
				  $getdata2_array = explode('_',$chunk);
				  //if 1st array element (type: $chunk[0]) equals type from for loop ($i) - add second element to $val_count
				  if ($chunk[0] == $i) $val_count+=$getdata2_array[1];
			//add sum to array - continue for all type-element adding sums to array
			$array[$i] = $val_count;



array(1=>2, 2=>3, 3=>0, 4=>3)


I get:

array (1=>0, 2=>0, 3=>0, 4=>3)


Could you show me where do I go wrong?

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May I ask why you get such a strange value?

Can you show us your db layout?


Ideally, a table would have 2 fields (type and quantity) then you can easily get the values without having to go through explode and implode troubles...

This thread is more than a year old. Please don't revive it unless you have something important to add.

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