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lightbox/gallery miscounts photos in directory


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Hi everyone,


A friend of mine has a photo gallery on his site, which is built with PHP (and I imagine the gallery also uses javascript). The gallery uses thumbnails, which are auto generated when you upload photos to specific locations (four total), then when you click on one, a lightbox popups up with a larger version. There are also 'back' and 'next' arrows along with a nav of sorts that says what photo you're on (5/6, 1/8, etc) If the photo folder on the server has more than four, the CMS prints a link that says "+5 more" or however many more in the thumbnail area. When you click that link, the lightbox appears, starting on the next photo in line.


There are three problems. First, the thumbnail area always shows one less photo than what we actually uploaded. Second, the '+X more' link also miscounts the remaining photos after four (one less to be exact - same as the thumbnail display). Third, if I click on the 'more' link, the lightbox correctly counts the total number of photos, but the very last one generates a message - "'/var/www/html/PROJECTS/RESIDENTIAL/James Residence' is not a file".


Here is some of the code. Line 112 is where it starts to print the thumbnail div area; line 141 prints the actual thumb; line 150 prints the 'more' link; line 155 looks like it does something important, not sure what it is.


#    # Only grab directories - Leave files alone
#     #------------------------------------------ 
# $s=1;
# $anchor=1;
# if (is_dir($npart)) {
# $display_name = str_replace("_"," ",$npart);
# $display_name = str_replace("DOT",".",$display_name);
# $display_name = str_replace("APO","'",$display_name);
#         print "     <div id='project_title'>".strtoupper($display_name)."</a></div><div id='project_thumbs'>";
# $d = dir("$npart/");
# $tb = 0;
# while (false !== ($file = $d->read())) {
# while (false !== ($file = $d->read())) {
# if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".DS_Store") { $tb++; }
# if ($s < 5) {
#     if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != ".DS_Store") {
# $size = getimagesize("$npart/$file");
# $width = $size[0] + 75;
# $height = $size[1] + 132;
# print "<a  rel=\"gb_imageset[$display_name]\" title=\"$display_name\"  href='phpThumb.php?src=PROJECTS/$which_project/$npart/$file&w=800' rel='$npart'><img src=\"phpThumb.php?src=PROJECTS/$which_project/$npart/$file&w=78&h=48\" width=\"78\" height=\"48\"></a>";
# $s++;       }
# $anchor++;
#     }
# elseif ($s == 5) {
# $more_link = "<BR><div style='position:relative; top:-68px; left:270px; display:inline; float:none; margin-bottom:-10px;'><a class='morelink' href='phpThumb.php?src=PROJECTS/$which_project/". $npart. "/" .$file. "&w=800' rel=\"gb_imageset[$display_name]\">";
# $tb_links = "";
# $s++;      
# }      
# elseif ($s > 5) { $tb_links = $tb_links . "<a style='display:none;' href='phpThumb.php?src=PROJECTS/$which_project/$npart/$file&w=800' rel=\"gb_imageset[$display_name]\" ></a>"; $s++; }
#         $z++;  
#     }
#     }
# $tb = $tb - 4;
# if ($tb < 0) { $tb = 0; }
# if ($tb > 0) { print $more_link."+ " . $tb . " more photos</a></div>"; print $tb_links;}
# print "</div>";
# }


Here is the site in question - http://www.newcastlepllc.com/projects.php


Thanks much. I hope it's a simple bug. I'm a web developer but not a PHP programmer :)






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