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Joomla or Drupal for a PHP application?


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I am brand new to PHP development and so far my only experience with any CMS has been WordPress. I did figure out how I could get WordPress pages to execute my PHP code but it wasn't ideal and I'm sure that would only be suitable for the simplest of applications.


My intention is to build a subscription based website featuring various tools developed in PHP. In addition to the tools themselves I want to add functionality to the site such as a blog, forum, helpdesk, videos etc so another CMS that makes that stuff easy would be great.


After some initial investigation it seems as though both Joomla and Drupal will do what I want, both are supported by my web host, both are integrated into the membership system I want to use and both seem popular. So, any idea which might be better for my application? If neither offers any particular benefit is either one easier or quicker to learn than the other?


Right now I'm leaning slightly towards Joomla but only because their website seems nicer :-) so any suggestions would be most welcome.



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Well, for *real* php applications you are down to three choices - CakePHP, Zend or Symfony. imho, both Zend and Symfony over complicate things to the point were they just plain are annoying to work with.


I have worked on numerous "enterprise level" applications using RoR, Python (via django and turbo gears), Java (spring) and networking applications using python's twisted framework. With that said, I have never worked on a larger project like that  which was based in php. If I were going to do it I would most likely use Cake over the others.


I have also worked on one large durpal based project - http://www.drummerconnection.com/ with the owner of this site(phpfreak aka Eric Rosebrock). I can tell you now that I hated every second that I was forced to use it.



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