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[SOLVED] get content from specific tags

julia k

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I am looking for a way of getting some text content from specific tags.


Right now I have a comment submission form that sends data to a database. After the comment was submitted, I need it to be displayed in the comments page under a specific post. I managed to do that and the damn thing works, only that in comments a member can post some code samples too (in code tags) which I'd like to highlight using the Geshi class and this is where I got stuck...So I was wondering how to get the content of these code tags (if one would exists, of course) and then remove the code tags but keep all others.


This is a simple example of how a comment might look like:


< p >Some text - text - text< /p >

< p >Some text - text - text< /p >

< code >

      // this is a sample script

      <? php

              $data = '';

              $example = 'test';


< /code>

< p > This paragraphs should be displayed as paragraphs...< /p>


In the above example there is only a code tag only that there could be more of them so I'll need a method to parse them all...


Anyone has any idea about how to do this?


Thank you in advance for any hints or solutions :)

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I've kept trying different aproaches before you posted that code, and the one that came close to the truth is this one:


        $c_content    = decode($_comment['comment_content']);

        preg_match_all( "/<code>(.*)<\/code>/si", $c_content, $match );
        if (is_array($match[0]) and count($match[0]) >= 1)
            foreach ($match[0] as $m)
                $x = str_replace('<code>', '', $m);
                $y = str_replace('</code>', '', $x);
                $z = str_replace($m, $y, $c_content);
                // SET UP GESHI
                $geshi = new GeSHi($z, $lang, GESHI_LANG_DIR);
                $c_content = str_replace($z, $geshi->parse_code(), $z);
$output .= $start_content .$c_content. $end_container ;


the above code reside in a function (I'm using smarty) and the content of the $output variable will display the comment on the page. The problem with that code is that if I have any other paragraphs between the <code> tags they will also be interpreted by geshi and will be highlighted...I think the problem is inside the str_replace...I don't know...I hate that!


i tried the code you posted too, only that when viewing the comment it will be displayed as pure html (like using htmlentities) and also it gets highlighted by geshi...what am I doing wrong here??


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I've found my answer after a lot of trial and error, and I'll post my solution here just in case someone else would be looking for something like this in the future:



// Objective:

Highlight the code samples posted in a comment using the Geshi class.


// Implementation:

In a function that returns the output instead of printing it right away.



// the function (excerpt)

*    Display comments for a given post
    {list_comments    loop = $comments_to_show }
function smarty_list_comments($params)
    # Arguments:
    $comments     = $params['loop'];

    // all comments will be displayed in a div: [ class = comment_wrapper ]
    $start_container     = '<div class="comment_wrapper">';
    $start_header        = '<div class="comment_wrapper_header">';
    $start_content        = '<div class="comment_wrapper_body">';
    $start_footer        = '<div class="comment_wrapper_footer">';
    $end_container      = '</div>';
    $output               = '';    // leave empty

    // if there are no comments yet
    if (count($comments) < 1)
        $output = '<p class="no_data">There are no comments for this post.</p>';
        return $output;

    foreach ($comments as $_comment)
        //                PREPARE DATA

        $c_id        = $_comment['comment_id'];
        $c_content    = decode($_comment['comment_content']);
        $lang        = $_comment['geshi_alias']; // gets the lang name

        *    If there is a code in the comment, select it for highlighting
        // >> start
        $codes = array();
        $matches = getContentFromTags($c_content);

        while ( $i < count($matches) )
            // strip code tags:
            $tags_to_remove = array('<code>','</code>');
            $matches[$i] = str_replace($tags_to_remove, '', $matches[$i]);

            $codes[] = htmlentities($matches[$i], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
        for ( $i = 0; $i < sizeof($codes); $i++ )
            // SET UP GESHI
            $geshi = new GeSHi(decode($codes[$i]), $lang, GESHI_LANG_DIR);
            $c_content = str_replace(decode($codes[$i]), $geshi->parse_code(), $c_content);
        // >> end

        //                BUILD OUTPUT

        $output .= $start_container . $start_content .$c_content . $s. $end_container . $end_container;
    // end foreach

    return $output;

// caching = false;
$smarty->register_function('list_comments', 'smarty_list_comments', false);



// the getContentFromTags function

* get text from tags
* @return string
function getContentFromTags($string)
    preg_match_all('~<code>(.*?)</code>~s',$string, $matches);
    return $matches[0];



// A comment sample:

<p>a sample comment with code</p> <<--- TEXT
<script type="text-javascript"> <<--- CODE BLOCK
</code>   <p>a line of text</p>   <code>
<script type="text-javascript">



I've attached a screenshot below (it's still a work in progress, but you'll get the idea)


[attachment deleted by admin]

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