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Displays incorrectly in IE but not firefox


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Can someone tell me why this link:



the date (left hand column) does not match up in Internet Explorer but it correctly matches up in firefox??  How on earth am I supposed to debug that if it works perfectly in firefox?  Any help would be appreciated (the css isin the same htm, so the code is a bit long I apologize for that).  I'm not sure if this is a css issue, as I know IE is pretty bad when it comes to CSS.

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I just started to break your HTML down to more readable sense and found you've made LOADS of HTML errors with your table.


In places you're starting to define a table without closing the previous table first.


Even when using <th></th> you still need to surround your TH cells with <tr>

<tr><th>Cell 1</th><th>Cell 2</th><th>Cell 3</th></tr>


Same goes for your <td></td> - surround each row with <tr> and </tr>


Before you start defining a new table you need to close the previous one first. I counted 11 or 12 <table> definitions and only 9 or 10 </table> tags.


Note also that if one line spills over to another line this can throw the lot out of line (eg. "El-Sayed" line breaks on IE but not on FF) so make sure your cells are wide enough or you use CSS to turn off word wrap.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Use the W3 HTML Validation to hunt down some HTML errors you may have made.




Switch from applying styles directly to each line of a table and just use css. :S  Makes for easier reading of the code and will save you time in the future if you want to change the look of it.  Change it from one place?? or 2..3..4..50.

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