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<title>Smiley Replacement</title>
<script type="text/javascript">

var ImgArray = [
// Images above available on webdeveloper.com forum

function ConvertSmileys() {
  var match = '';
  var tarr = new Array();
  var str = document.getElementById('TArea').value;
  for (i=0; i<ImgArray.length; i++) {
    tarr = ImgArray[i].split('|');
    match = new RegExp(tarr[0],"g");	// How to use variable in RegExp ???
    str = str.replace(match,tarr[1]);
  document.getElementById('DivArea').innerHTML = str;

function SmileyConvert() {
  var text = document.getElementById('TArea').value;
  text = text.replace(/\:\)/g, '<img src="smile.gif" border="0">');
  text = text.replace(/\:\(/g, '<img src="mad.gif" border="0">');
  text = text.replace(/\:\D/g, '<img src="biggrin.gif" border="0">');
  text = text.replace("\n", '<br>');  // How to globally replace this character ???
  document.getElementById('DivArea').innerHTML = text;
<h1>Smiley Replacements</h1>
<textarea id="TArea" rows="5" cols="40">
Are you having a bad day 
or a great day ?
<button onclick="ConvertSmileys()">Convert to Smileys : NOGO</button>
<button onclick="SmileyConvert()">Convert to Smileys : Good</button>
<div id="DivArea" style="border:1px solid blue;height:100px;width:500px"></div>


How do i make this global so i dont have to use a textarea ?, basically put the <script> at the top of the page and any smiley prefixes e.g :D will be converted automatically ?

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didnt work heres the page i need it working in


<?php session_start(); 

require("../db/db.php"); //include database file
require("../db/config.php"); //include configuration file


$id = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['id']);
$username = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['username']);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE `id`='$id' OR `username`='$username' LIMIT 1";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
if(mysql_num_rows($query) > 0){

//display content
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$id = $row['id'];
$photo = $row['photo'];
$gender = $row['gender'];
$email = $row['email'];
$firstn = $row['firstname'];
$lastn = $row['lastname'];
$dobd = $row['dobDay'];
$dobm = $row['dobMonth'];
$doby = $row['dobYear'];
$username = $row['username'];
$music = $row['music'];
$movies = $row ['movies'];
$scaredof = $row['scaredof'];
$field1 = $row['field1'];
$field2 = $row['field2'];
$field3 = $row['field3'];
$field4 = $row['field4'];
$field5 = $row['field5'];
$fieldb1 = $row['fieldb1'];
$fieldb2 = $row['fieldb2'];
$tagline = $row['tagline'];

header('Location: ../main/profileerror.php');

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title><?php print $title ?> - <?php print $firstn ?> <?php print $lastn ?>'s Profile</title>
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<script type="text/javascript" src="../main/inc/ajax_framework.js"></script>

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html .jqueryslidemenu{height: 1%;} /*Holly Hack for IE7 and below*/

<script type="text/javascript" src="../main/inc/jquery.min.js"></script>
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<script type="text/javascript">

var ImgArray = [
// Images above available on webdeveloper.com forum

function ConvertSmileys() {
var match = '';
var tarr = new Array();
var str = document.getElementById('TArea').value;
for (i=0; i<ImgArray.length; i++) {
tarr = ImgArray[i].split('|');

match = new RegExp(tarr[0],"g"); // How to use variable in RegExp ???
str = str.replace(match,tarr[1]);
document.getElementById('DivArea').innerHTML = str;

function SmileyConvert() {
var text = document.getElementById('TArea').value;
text = text.replace(/\:\)/g, '<img src="smile.gif" border="0">');
text = text.replace(/\:\(/g, '<img src="mad.gif" border="0">');
text = text.replace(/\:\D/g, '<img src="biggrin.gif" border="0">');

text = text.replace(/\n/g, "<br>");
document.getElementById('DivArea').innerHTML = text;

<li><a href="../main/index.php">Home</a></li>
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	$sql = mysql_query ("SELECT pm_count FROM users WHERE username = '{$_SESSION['username']}'");
$row = mysql_fetch_array ($sql);
$pm_count = $row['pm_count'];
  ?>(<?php print "$pm_count" ?>)</a></li>
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<li><?php print ("<img src='../main/images/$photo' width='28' height='30'>"); ?></li>
<br style="clear: left" />
<div id="Granny">
	<div id="HeaderCont"><div id="HeaderInn">
		<div class="Clearer"></div>

		<div id="HeaderTitle">
		<center><?php print $tagline ?><center>
		<div class="Clearer"></div>
	<div id="MainAndSides">
	<!-- ==================== Main Column ==================== -->
	<div id="MainCol">
		<div id="MainColInner">

			<div class="OnePost">
				<a name=""></a>
				<div class="TopPost"><div class="FullWidth">
					<div class="DateHeaderPost">

					<div class="TitleHeaderPost">
					<div class="Clearer"></div>
				<div class="MidPost"><div class="FullWidth">
					<div class="PostTextBody">

print("<P ALIGN=CENTER><strong>$field1</strong><br>$music<br><strong>$field2</strong><br>$movies<br><strong>$field3</strong><br>$scaredof<br><strong>$field4</strong><br>$fieldb1<br><strong>$field5</strong><br>$fieldb2</p>"); ?>

				<div class="BotPost"><div class="FullWidth">

					<div class="PermFooterPost">

<strong>Profile Comments:</strong>

					<div class="CmntFooterPost">
					<!-- Insert your external commenting service scripts here and remove the line below -->

					<div class="Clearer"></div>
				<div id="commentInline">
						<div class="commentHead"></div>									
<div id="insert_response" align=center></div>
<form action="javascript:insert()" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="comto" value="<? echo $username ?>" id="comto">
<input type="hidden" name="comfrom" value="<? echo($_SESSION['username']); ?>" id="$comfrom">
<br><textarea name="commen" cols="45" rows="5" wrap="VIRTUAL" id="$commen"></textarea>
         <input type="submit" name="submit" value="Send">
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `comments` WHERE comto = '$username'";
$query = mysql_query($sql);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query)) {
$from = $row['comfrom'];
$message = $row['commen'];
$too = $row['comto'];
$comid = $row['id'];
echo "<br/>\n";
print("<P ALIGN=CENTER><strong>$from</strong><br>$message</P>");
if($_SESSION['username'] == $too) {
print("<br><P ALIGN=RIGHT><a href='../main/DeleteComment.php?id=$comid'>Delete Comment</a></P>");


			<div class="PostSep"><div class="PostSepS"></div></div>


	<!-- =================== Side L Column =================== -->
	<div id="SideLCol" class="SideBar">
		<div class="SideBarInner">
			<div class="Box">

				<div class="Inner">
				<div class="Title">Profile Image</div>
<?php print ("<img src='../main/images/$photo' width='150'>"); ?>

<br /> 
<a href='../main/editprofile.php'>Edit Profile</a> | <a href='../main/profilephotoupload.php'>Profile Photo</a>

			<div class="Clearer"></div>

	<div class="Clearer"></div>
<div class="Clearer"></div>

		<div class="SideBarInner">
			<div class="Box">

				<div class="Inner">
				<div class="Title">Contact <?php print $firstn ?></div>
<a href="../messages/compose.php?username=<?php print $username ?>" class="lbOn">Send Message</a> || <a href="../friends/add.php">Add As Firend</a><br>
                              <a href="../main/blockfriend.php">Block User</a> || <a href="../main/reportusr.php">Report User</a>

<br /> 



	<div id="ColClose"></div>
	<div id="CopyRight">

<br />

	<br />

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